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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. I had switched to lacquer paints for air brushing. Enamel paints are too thick and messy. Model master has started switching slowly over to a lacquer system, but I haven't tried them out yet. If they release more colors I will have to try them out in my airbrush and if they're good I would have a much easier time getting those than mr color.

  2. Depending on which scene or even which box art, most Macross stuff is inconsistent. Sometimes the glaug has a red eye sometimes it's yellow. Sometimes Hikaru's 1j has white goggles sometimes it's grey. Sometimes the regult has grey lower body and other times it's white. I'm not even sure if these are the final colors on the m and m Valkyries, but either way no one will be completely satisfied.

    As far as what's shown I don't mind them, and I will probably not have the will power to turn them down.

  3. So far if they release both m and ms that will be 6 vf-1 variants 2wnemy units and only 1 little destroid.

    Hopefully after those we can get at least a couple of non Valkyrie releases.

  4. The joints are there for articulation, but the wings look like they may be in the way. I'm not sure if it would be too difficult to mod the upper body to lean forward far enough for clearance like the revoltech battroid figure.

  5. I was checking to see if preorders popped up for some of the new kits and was surprised by gginfinite. The releases are listed for a month later, but pricing was lower than I thought. The Hyakushiki revive was $11.69.

    I remember the last time I checked on their pricing they were almost $10more than other sites, now they seem closer to over seas prices. I may have to check them out more often.

    I haven't seen preorders for the new items anywhere else yet.

  6. I think most collectors of japanes toys and action figures are probably at least late teens and up due to the cost and as far as Macross specific are probably older due to relevancy and changing trends away from mecha anime.

    Things like gundam will always be more popular due to the fact that more people know about it now, with kits being sold here and there in the U.S. And with the IBO series coming to Cartoon Network.

    As far as Macross goes it's not on tv none of the newer stuff past plus can be released here and the toys that do exist here are just crap from toynami.

  7. I'm gonna be 38 soon and have been watching anime since I can remember, mostly Gatchaman, MazingerZ, and of course Macross. When I was a kid all we had were the americanized versions, but around my late teens I was able to finally see the real versions of most of the classics.

    Now because of me my daughter also loves anime and she's really into the whole cosplay thing. She just turned 18 and she has her own favorites, but I have passed by her room a few times while she was watching my Macross DVDs and she likes the original the best, but she also likes frontier as well. I don't think she's seen the new delta stuff yet.

  8. I really don't think doing a poll is going to give us an accurate result. I do know many of the younger ones would have probably been introduced to macross by their parents, but I think most under 20 people don't have macross on their radar. Most anime fans here in the U.S. Seem to be more interested in non mecha shows like Tokyo Ghoul, Kill la Kill, One Punch Man, or maybe slightly older stuff like DBZ.

  9. I have that old nichimo kit and the right and left arms are bent the wrong way. Also if you move the joint at the shoulder straight out the arms on that one would be sticking up.

  10. It's at 59 percent on rotten tomatoes which is still above my pay to see it ranking, so I'm still gonna check it out. Unlike bvs I'm already invested in these films, with dc films I didn't like man of steel and bvs was far below my pay to see it ranking so I don't feel I missed anything on the screen side.

    With these xmen films having interconnecting storylines I feel I might miss something skipping it.

  11. I mainly want old school macross, but macross2 or plus items would be great. I'm not the biggest fan of the newer stuff, although there are some items I wouldn't mind.

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