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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. The only thing I remember well from the obi show was obi hiding behind civilians and Vader’s batteries giving out before he could do anything useful
  2. Even with the last episode being a dud, it’s still better than most Disney movies and shows lately
  3. That’s basically what I was thinking of doing, but with the extra thin, it worries me. I’m actually thinking of trying it with thicker glue as well since I have some spare plastic to work with and see if that makes a difference. Luckily there’s enough extra plastic here to try a few different methods as experiments
  4. Yeah, this episode kinda sucked. For a planet that knows nothing but combat Overall a really lame episode, but one stinker out of four isn’t too bad for D+. Just hopefully the rest of the series doesn’t take a dip.
  5. Actually the sprue does have a bunch of extra plastic creating a safety box around the clear parts for protection That’s definitely a worry that I have, but I think I’ll experiment a little with the clear plastic and clear cement to see if it kinda melts the pieces together. I’ve never done it and can’t find an example of it, but I figured it’s worth a try before ruining the actual bubble. I personally wouldn’t try basic putties, but maybe melted sprue for the imperfections if they’re wide and maybe some clear gloss into smaller holes and of course doing some sanding as polishing. If none of that works in practice, then I’ll go with plan B, which would be making a frame to go around it to at least make things look better and if that all goes to hell, then as Pengbuzz mentioned, there’s always cheap clear ornaments
  6. I’m not so sure. It seems like a gamble to me. The show is kinda dragging a bit, but has a decent viewership, but it’s more of a Netflix crowd. So I’m not sure if they’ll be excited enough to go to the theater for a side story or not. People may just wait on it expecting it to come to Netflix in a short amount of time after its theater run. At least it doesn’t seem like a high budget project and a little money could go a long way. It doesn’t star any A list actors and doesn’t appear to be burning cash in special effects, so this could go either way
  7. Is it the nipples and Batcrack, or the mask that defy’s gravity. Personally, I never liked those two Batman movies, there’s just too many things wrong with them design wise, story wise and dialogue wise. They’re so cringy, they make Adam West era stuff seem like Shakespeare
  8. For me , I always love seeing the led thing when people put the time and work to add them in, but I guess it’s one of those things that for macross, I don’t remember the eyes ever lighting up. I do however remember things like landing and signal lights being very bright. I know Gundam likes having the eyes light up when things power on and such though, so I think that’s the main reason for me not to care if the sensors on the regult light up. Although, don’t let my opinion ever stop your personal creativity in your builds. If you think it looks cool artistically, then keep up the good work and have fun doing things your way. And as far as the kits versus toys thing, it’s fairly easy to compare the two, but as I stated earlier it’s a different perspective for a builder and a collector, and there’s nothing at all wrong with that. To me the comparison is because both are basically the same subject in the same scale. But I think the Hasegawa kit, just looks better since it has a few details that are more in line with the anime. Both have very similar articulation and seem to be able to do similar poses, but I do understand that some people don’t want to go through the process of building it. I think the only thing that truly sets the toy apart though are the gimmicks and the opening cockpit for the non existent pilot. It’s kinda overstuffed looking and forces a reduction in the size of the pilot that was promised. Personally, I don’t need thruster lights or light up guns , so I’d just choose the one that looks more like the anime.
  9. It’s definitely not something I’ve tried before, and the more I run the idea through my head, the more thoughts of more ways things could go wrong
  10. I think that’s more of a last ditch effort in case I screw up the included bubble. But it is a good idea, because my preferred method is kind of untested and I’m not really sure what I’d be getting myself into. There’s actually a pretty good chance of disaster
  11. Karate Fu kid?
  12. Thanks for the link, that’s actually pretty useful
  13. Same here. The year is almost over and I think that it’s a bad sign that those that haven’t gotten it won’t be getting it. We do still have a few more days til the end of the year, and maybe we’ll get a Christmas miracle. But I’m thinking that they didn’t include the U.S. in their North American promise
  14. Sure you can. The only thing with the kit is that it doesn’t have the the out of scale interior or the lighting gimmicks, but those are also the things that raise the price and the lighting gimmicks are always a bit silly. The hasegawa kit is actually externally detailed and has better looking joints in the knees. The time of the build is actually an additional value to the builder of a kit. It makes the end product more personal, even on a simple model. It’s also the fun part of the hobby. It’s definitely a different perspective than a person that only collects and there’s nothing wrong with that. But in the case of KC, I’ve already got a few great looking 1/72 Regults , so why buy their more expensive toy if the only gimmick that I was interested in is not going to be included. I may as well just buy the pilot separately if it ever gets released. It probably would scale better with 1/100 kits anyway, although I still think it would be a little short
  15. That’s odd, it looks the same as the red in the side picture, but looks very different on the front view
  16. So I just got the Hg Torohachi in the mail today and noticed that the clear bubble is two parts. It’s supposed to be one solid piece, but due to the shape, Bandai cut it down the middle. I looked online to see how other people handled the build and didn’t see anything that addressed the issue. I could probably take a piece of plastic and curve it to make a frame as a simple solution, but was wondering if anyone has had a similar issue with something like a clear canopy. I’d rather have a solid clear piece, and was wondering if anyone here has ever had to glue two pieces of clear plastic together and remove a seam line made from joining the parts and maybe see if anyone had any tips on that process. My worries are if it would just end up highly noticeable like discoloration or air bubbles and maybe solutions for those issues. here’s a pic of how it’s supposed to lookand below is how all the builds end up looking where they just stuck the two parts together and it kinda leaves a noticeable seam in the bubble that looks awkward to me.
  17. A lot of the classics from the 80’s and 90’s really outshine modern anime.
  18. Ranka’s hand looked bent the wrong way and had fingernails on the underside of her fingers
  19. They do look good together
  20. Sounds pretty cool actually.
  21. I like the look of the Hasegawa much more. It’s kinda the little things on it that look amazing and it’s usually $20 bucks or less
  22. I posted about their own website not including it earlier in the day. As far as the wording with bbts, it seems there will be no pilot since KC didn’t include one and more than likely will charge extra when it possibly gets made
  23. My favorite and cheapest and easiest to obtain is the Hasegawa. Love that kit. Definitely no reason to buy this overpriced toy
  24. Even the KC website says it doesn’t include the pilot now.
  25. I guarantee tat it’s a KC thing. They’ve been shipping the regult without a pilot already and may provide retailers with the figures to fulfill the preorders at a later date, but it’s not really certain. I think bbts just had to put that in the description since the regult will come into stock before the pilot is even finalized.
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