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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 18 minutes ago, GMK said:

    I can’t be the only one that can’t wait to see the -1D painted up in the brown/orange scheme?

    After seeing the recent pictures of the 1J I’m even more excited for the 1D. If I could find some in scale buildings to have it smashed into, it would make a great diorama especially with that an crunch

  2. 2 hours ago, Urashiman said:

    Yeah. It has been declared accessible for the scion. He likes it.

    Now on to the VF-19 front.

    Paintjob done, gloss coat applied. Now it needs to cure for 24 hours. Then I can oil color wash it. Then decals after the wash.



    I usually do the wash after decals and topcoat so the decals get the same weathering and panel lining as the rest of the kit

  3. 55 minutes ago, MKT said:

    Thanks for translating the captions @tekering. Was trying to use google translate earlier but some words were too low res for the translator to read.


    I guess that panel line underside of cockpit is all we get as visual clue for landing gear bay door.. Too bad no lines on the legs to indicate the rear gears' doors, but then again we don't see this either in the line art for most other VFs.

    I was looking for other images that might show any landing gear panels and other than one or two black and white line images, I could only find that little panel for the front. The color pictures of the underside didn’t even show the front panel 

  4. 9 minutes ago, mikeszekely said:

    It's funny, of all the stuff that Gossett was in the one role that I'll really remember him for was Lucius Fox in The Batman.  (Not the recent movie, the animated series from the 2000s.)

    I really haven’t watched that cartoon, I’ll probably have to check it out one day

  5. 3 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    I have some considerable reservations about these "restoration' videos; from what I know of die-cast, they don't corrode like that. Also, the parts seem to be in pretty good condition for something that badly "corroded"; I've reconditioned some badly broken and wrecked items, and there are real limits to what you can do with them. Many of these videos seem "put on" to me.

    The major majority of restoration videos are fake, but to be honest I wouldn’t know how to spot them. I’ve seen a few YouTubers that do debunking videos, but to be fair I don’t know if they’re legit themselves 

  6. 4 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Also, most of the Godzilla/Monsterverse related movies are way better than the recent STAR TREK and STAR WARS (except Rogue One) movies imho too.

    I’d actually watch the bad Star Wars sequels over American Godzilla. The American Godzilla films are really really bad💩

  7. 1 hour ago, Mog said:

    Like they’ll do an arc or story originally done in the comics, but it feels dumbed down or somehow lacks the same punch or oomph.

    That’s actually how I’ve always felt about the show. I never really had a high respect for it. I was reading the comics back in the 80’s and early 90’s and always felt like the comics were better than the show. But that also went for many other cartoons. The first few TMNT episodes were similar in telling dumbed down versions of the comics, but at least those episodes had a pretty good quality. The DC stuff had an odd art style and I never could wrap my head around when it was taking place, but the quality was really high in music, animation and voice acting. The best ones were the ones that weren’t kids shows like The Maxx and Spawn, but I kinda forgive the X Men because I understood that it was just a children’s show.

     Still think that instead of reviving a sub par cartoon to cash in on the X-Men that they should have gotten a brand new show with the higher quality animation, music and better voice talent. It’s Disney the supposed kings of animation, but they seem to have lost their way a long time ago. WB is the new American kings of quality when it comes to animation and comic adaptations. They may not all be perfect, but they’re usually pretty good. 

  8. A little over the halfway mark now on season 4 and so far Wolverine still is an odd mix of badass and comic relief all in one character. One of the episodes, he got angry at Rogue for trying to comfort him when a child did something so unspeakably horrible that he started crying. He used a term I had never heard before as an insult to Rogue. He called her “Corn Pone”. I had no idea what that meant, but it made me laugh. I was a bit afraid to google it in fear of what might pop up. I was a bit disappointed to actually find out the meaning and kinda hoped it would be something more insulting 

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