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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. She was at best an empty character and at worst was the kind of person that would take advantage of someone at their emotionally weakest moment by getting them drunk. But really, the reason to celebrate her death was that it symbolized that Jedi weren’t gonna just get lightsabered and survive anymore and that’s a very important thing for Starwars to be somewhat taken seriously. Her death was necessary and has brought one of the few moments of joy to anyone that suffered through that horrible show
  2. That’s a really good build of that ancient kit
  3. Sounds about what I’d have expected
  4. Maybe if you’re on the fence, waiting is an option. It seems there’s a couple toy companies doing stuff lately and maybe a new contender is around the corner. There also the moderoid one coming up that might be pretty cool for the kit builders. Mospeada seems to be getting some attention all around lately
  5. Tears of joy. It really was great to see her go. I have to agree. The cast was pretty good, but in my opinion the writing and direction were terrible
  6. I don’t know, that particular design looks more expensive and over engineered than an average or even above average grenade launcher
  7. This picture has me laughing since I always focus on the an action in the foreground. But I never really noticed that while Kakizaki is getting the kaki beat out of him that Max and Hikaru are dancing in the background
  8. Yeah, I’d love to see more designs get a cool toy or model in the new year
  9. I kinda feel like they should go back to the pg setting and just have the pg13 stuff there since most of the g rated stuff is more like 80’s pg stuff these days. Finding Nemo still has one of the highest kill counts in the first few minutes and leaves a child mutilated and motherless
  10. First season wasn’t bad at all, second season was a complete mess and I don’t think they could’ve rescued it in a third season. The writers did way too many drugs and not the lightweight stuff either. The story was just way too all over the place that it wasn’t about anything anymore. Dune hasn’t gone as bad as that yet and it does at least have room for improvement. Although I’d kinda rather see a different story in the Dune setting like maybe after this next season.
  11. I was kinda wondering if it’s a possibility. Maybe a figure kit in their Plamatea line
  12. Kinda odd to see a reissue rather than one of the other pilots
  13. It’s possible, I didn’t like it, but can only handle it once. Although I do have to admit that I liked Smilo Ren totally destroying those Jedi and especially Watching her die still brings me great pleasure and I like rewatching that triple tap over and over and try to pretend the rest of the show didn’t exist
  14. Maybe that should be for the son of Jabba. Maybe give it a slight tweak to your title and call it the Anchovy and be the reverse of the Whale where the son is just too thin for other Hutts to take seriously, so he’s gotta go through some serious weight gain training to be able to eventually take his father’s throne.
  15. Pg was definitely a much lighter rating than it is today. I remember Clash of the titans as a kid with odd mixes of nudity and gore that was the stuff of nightmares for a young kid. I’m a little iffy on who the primary audience is, but it’s definitely the target audience for sure. I am sure that there are a lot of kids watching though and it’s probably gonna be one of those franchises that will be passed to the younger generations for a while
  16. Yeah, unavailable at their U.S. version and doesn’t seem to ship outside Japan i wish I knew. I haven’t really had an issue with their website before and even the majority of the Bandai stuff seems pretty easy to get these days. Maybe some of the sites the toy buyers are using might have them at a markup
  17. I never liked the old frag viper. I think it was the lacrosse arm that seemed stupid. Why not just give em a less complicated grenade launcher or a gas gun or both. And I think the old one looked more fleshy if I remember correctly
  18. In a way. It’s more like saying you gotta enjoy it despite the flaws
  19. Basically all the ugly along with everything else
  20. They’re the same as the 21 and grey. You can even see in his picture the grey is showing under the thin yellow
  21. I actually like all three of those and they seem to be getting new merch decades later
  22. Honestly, I haven’t really seen anything on D+ that’s not really for kids other than some odd additions like the Deadpool and Alien stuff. Andor kinda sits on a line that’s more like young adult, but still kinda kiddish
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