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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 3 minutes ago, MKT said:

    After looking it up, am only realising now it’s an X-19. Are these the same as below video & really vintage items?

    That was actually the last GI Joe vehicle I ever owned. Around that time GI Joe was going out and Turtles were the big thing coming in

  2. 4 hours ago, KOG Water Dragon said:

    Maybe. Probably? But I want a Hasegawa version that won't look out of place with my other Hasegawas.

    Maybe the fact that Hasegawa went down the 'realistic' route and Max Factory went the other way with anime styling and detailing will keep the chance of a Hasegawa version alive.

    I sorta get the feeling that the two companies are trying to awkwardly co exist. Max Factory put out a movie version VF-1 fighter in 1/72 and easily could’ve done a movie battroid to go with it. Then not too long after Hasegawa did a slightly updated movie Battroid VF-1s and Max Factory went with a tv 1J. There’s also the announcement that Max Factory is doing a VF-19 from 7 battroid while hasegawa is doing the YF-19 from Plus. I’m not saying they won’t cross over and Max Factory do a movie Battroid VF-1 and a YF-19 while Hasegawa does something Max Factory had put out, but I think they may give eachother some time on the projects so they aren’t directly competing with eachother. Maybe a wait time of something like a year or two. But who knows for sure.

  3. 1 hour ago, electric indigo said:

    After the TV Q-Rau plz.

    I have a feeling that they will probably do the cannon fodder purple from the movie first, but I hope that they do something a bit different for the zentraedi. Tv Queadluun Rau would be great or the movie version of the Nousjadel Ger would really make me happy. To be honest I’d be happy with the Glaug or Gnerl as well. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, SteveTheFish said:



    The gloss white/gloss black scheme is interesting, but unfortunately I think I applied too many layers of silver paint, making the black panels a bit too subtle. The wing flaps are Mr. Color 8 Silver, while the rest of the plane is Mr. Color SM201 Super Fine Silver 2. You can barely see that the nose, engine cowlings, rear parts of the nacelles, and vertical stabilizers are a bit deeper color. I should not have applied too many layers of paint and let them show the darker color more. It was my first time attempting this, and I thought that after the paint dried, they would be more visible.

    So... I dunno... Do you think it's worth re-masking and giving these panels another shot? Or just fall forward?

    BTW, in the background you can see the old Imai 1:100 Armored Valk that I am building up as Millia's red VF-1J.

    I think it looks great, I can see the differences in the shown pictures between the different metals. I’m not sure if you have a real world example that you’re trying for that has a bigger contrast. If you’re personally not satisfied though then go ahead and give it another darker coat, but I think it looks great as is.

  5. 2 hours ago, electric indigo said:

    Very nice interpretation of this kit; it's always interesting to see a familiar design in a new light.

    It would look more realistic if you went a tad lighter on those heavily engraved panel lines IMO. The texture on the exhaust parts is cool.

    I kinda like the dark lines on this one. It’s a much smaller aircraft than a Valkyrie and I think this kinda gives it more of a close up feel. 

  6. 14 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    UPDATE: New sponson/ weapon end doors made and undergoing final fitting. Also started on a stand for this one:

    100_0470.JPG.6f12eb24edabc18dfaeeec049551fde8.JPG    100_0471.JPG.d998fd0446eb07200eb3cf2ace82fd82.JPG

    Stay tuned...

    With the stand, it would look really cool with a sandy look. I always remember a lot of scenes of it flying low along the desert 

  7. 1 hour ago, kajnrig said:

    Huh. I guess this means Sandman season 2 has been confirmed? Maybe I just don't remember...

    Still, a bit odd that the spinoff would premiere before those characters are introduced in the main show. Or maybe not, I can see how they'd make it work.

    It’s Netflix. Who knows if it’s cancelled or not. The best thing to do if it’s a show you liked is to assume it’s over and then be happily surprised if it’s even getting half a new season 

  8. 1 hour ago, Chas said:

    You're kidding, right?


    As for the changes in position or the holes. This was hand drawn animation remember.

    Yeah, I was just kiddin. It’s just funny that in all three above pictures of it above in battroid mode, there’s odd differences. The first two have an orange head and the last one is only tan. The first is missing a thin black stripe at the top of the chest plate and the bullet holes are all over the place. It makes it look like a team of newbies all got shot down within seconds 

  9. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    (But I can't get past how the two minor characters on the right have the same exact face...)

    I didn’t notice it earlier. But they’re exactly the same just one is slightly darker. Even the shadows are the exact same. They just got lazy and copy pasted faces 

  10. 1 hour ago, VF-1A Grunt said:

    It’s funny how the bullet hole locations kept shifting around from one scene to the next!

    Nah, those are different 1-D’s. You can tell by the head coloring

  11. 6 hours ago, Bolt said:

    The intro art was cool  but these VF's all look stubby and mis proportioned . And don't get me started on the "VHT prototype Zero.."image.jpeg.62edefada71ec241b296475c76036453.jpeg

    What’s with the bandaid on his nose? 
    Did he get shot down?………Again 

  12. Finished the available episodes of 97 and I think I hate Sunspot. I don’t remember liking him that much to begin with, but I really hate him here. Morph is far less annoying though. For the most part I like the show and it doesn’t feel like I have to force myself to watch it. I do think episode four was a total filler episode though and definitely the low point so far. I’m a little disappointed that the didn’t reset the system at the end of the first story in the episode.

  13. 1 hour ago, VF-1A Grunt said:

    It’s at the end of Episode 1, when Hikaru comes under fire while flying with Roy, loses control, and starts falling towards the city.  He changes to Gerwalk, and that’s the first time you see bullet (laser?) holes on the top of his VF-1D. After he crashes through the buildings and stands up in Battroid mode, the bullet holes are on the chest plate.

    I kinda figured that’s when it happened, but it’s been a while. Thanks for the clarification 

  14. Watch the first of the 97 episodes and I still don’t like Rogues voice, at she’s not as screechy. She sounds more like an old lady. Wolverine also sounds like an elderly person, although he actually is technically. Cyclops seems to have learned some tricks since the old episodes that are kinda a mix between silly and extremely cool. Zipping around the floor looked silly, but his landing after the blackbird gets trashed was pretty epic. Morph seems to have lost his nose since the old episodes and Bishop sounds completely different. An odd one was Gyrich being in jail for a murder of someone that they all saw go to space and Magneto wanting to take what was given to him in a will from the same guy that he personally saw leaving and very much alive in the last episode of the original run.

    still a few more available episodes to watch, but I gotta get back to shoveling snow on a hot spring day

  15. 15 minutes ago, Mog said:

    Expect more of the same from the new show.

    I swear it’s like the Cliff’s Notes/abridged versions of better comic book stories.

    I don’t have high expectations for it. Was just outside shoveling snow for the last couple hours, now it’s time for a break and I’m gonna start the 97 episodes.

    as an odd note it’s a warm sunny day in So Cal, yet there’s a bunch of snow from last night. My hand was hurting from the cold while wiping the snow off my windshield, yet I’m all hot and sweaty from the heat. It’s confusing and I need a little cartoon break since it’s still Saturday morning 

  16. Finally finished off the old episodes. It was Saturday morning and time for cartoons. The last season of the show for the most part was consistent with the previous couple seasons until the last three episodes. All the final season episodes did have the alternate intro that was only in a small handful before, but the last three episodes seemed like a different art team had taken over. The Cannonball episode was particularly weird looking. I get that it was Kentucky, but everyone was extra derpy. Even Rogue looked weird. The final episode looked like they tried to bring back the other artists and it ended up looking more like a mix of aesthetics. The music was extra bad in  the last few episodes as well. The final season also leaves off at an odd spot with the Professor heading to space and Magneto about to start World War Three. 

    Overall, it’s a kids show and a very sanitized version of the story with animation that sometimes looks amazing, but usually disappoints. The voice acting is usually subpar, but you can tell that these amateur voice actors gradually become a bit more comfortable with their acting. Rogue had the most annoying voice and I probably mentioned it before, but it’s like nails on a chalkboard but does calm down and only sounds occasionally like a dying cat. Storm up till the last few episodes sounded like she had Down syndrome, but surprisingly the best voice was from one of my least favorite characters. Jubilee was somehow the only one that had a voice actor that didn’t seem to be overdoing it or falling asleep. She was really consistent from the beginning of the show to the very end. That wasn’t something I expected. Cyclops after maybe the first season or two had become far better in the voices and was pretty good as well, but the first few episodes needed a little work. Morph became far less annoying than he was in his first couple appearances. Xavier was kinda the William Shatner of the group.

    After finishing that I did a rewatch of that Pryde of the X-Men pilot and I got a say that that was definitely the superior show. Everything from voices to music and animation were great and the only complaint I have is Australian Wolverine. I guess crocodile Dundee was popular back then and there really wasn’t a Canadian equivalent or something. Even Colosus had a great fight and for some reason he’s usually kind of a forgotten or ignored character until Deadpool. It also had a somewhat cheesy, yet catchy intro. Although the Japanese opening for the 90’s show is still the best by far although I’m not sure if that counts and why we should cry for the moon.


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