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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 3 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    What's left?  

    His quest to raise a child to be self sufficient. There’s still plenty of room for more, I’m not saying it needs to be done or that it will be good to watch. Macross is a good example as you mentioned about ending a story, but there’s plenty of anime that just don’t quit and carry on like Dragon Ball for example that take a child and he grows into adulthood has his own children and even grandchildren. Is Dragon Ball a great anime, that depends on who you ask. Starwars for years before the sequels tried to continue Luke’s story in book and comic form and eventually movie form. I never read any of it other than maybe a comic or two when I was younger, but it definitely happens for better or most of the time worse. 
    It would take a good writing team to make any further stories with Din’n Grogu work and that’s probably not what Disney hired, but they definitely have other things and further adventures that are possible.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Urashiman said:

    Got this one here now:


    Just a rebox of the first one, but this time with water slide decals. :)

    Yeah, but that’s kinda to be expected. The markings are also a different set for those that wanted someone other than Roy or Hikaru, but that’s just recolored decals. Now people can do the Kakizaki vs Queadluun Rau diorama 😞

  3. 45 minutes ago, Tking22 said:

    Easily best show of 2024, after I finish up the series I'll probably check out the book too. 

    It’s definitely a good show for a semi historical drama. My lady absolutely loves it and gets mad that we gotta wait for the next episodes every time one ends. It’s so far an early highlight for the year and will be tough competition for best show of the year for most people. It’s still only the first quarter and there’s a few shows I’m interested in coming up soon and one I haven’t had the chance to start yet 

  4. 9 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    While they're at it, how about a 1/300 Daedalus and a 1/300 Macross to go with it? :D

    While that would be cool, after seeing their other products I’m expecting a weird Macross lobster

  5. I don’t know specifics on sales numbers, but I always saw Gundam models in hobby shops and rarely Macross. Even at odd swap meets where you could find macross items, there was still more Gundam stuff and that was even before Gundam became a thing here in the U.S. Strangely it was easier to see things visually like video tapes from Macross, like Plus and 2, maybe the occasional videotape of the movie and Robotech Macross, but I feel as  the 90’s started even things like Americanized versions of Macross kits became a rarity. Merchandise like toys and models were definitely more Macross heavy in the mid 80’s to early 90’s while mid 90’s on seemed to be more and more Gundam items of various types 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    ... but those are two ways of saying the exact same thing, though.  You just said "No, except yes".

    For a story to work, it has to have events proceeding towards a conclusion.  A sense of direction.  It may be a figurative, rather than literal, destination but the story has to be going somewhere in order to progress in any way.

    The Mandalorian's third season ties off almost every plot thread in Din's story.  He's been redeemed in the eyes of his people, he's brought the Mandalorians together and back to Mandalore, he's defeated his people's nemesis for the last time.  What's left for him to do that isn't just starting over?

    As far as a movie, it needs a bit more focus, if it were a series not so much. Disney unfortunately isn’t great at story telling these days, so I don’t expect much out of them. But there’s plenty of room for more Din’n Grogu. They didn’t die and they didn’t seem like the types to just sit back and do nothing just because certain goals were met.

  7. 2 minutes ago, TMBounty_Hunter said:

    Fully transforming kits are definitely out of the question, that's way too fancy for Fujimi.

    Speculation on Japanese twitter so far has been:
    1/700 Prometheus and Daedalus
    Ozma's and Mylene's cars
    They've recolored some of their nature kits into Evangelion colors as seen above, so if they're lazy they might do that for Macross.
    If they're not lazy some are hoping for Vajra kits

    After seeing what they have for other anime in the last couple years, it seems like a bit of a list of disappointing items 

  8. Oh, I just found this for the Eva fansIMG_2578.jpeg.3cac90685bd2c25442d04cbe3050c2b1.jpegseems they do bugs and odd crustaceans with various anime themes. This may just end up an awkwardly disappointing item like a Macross themed insect or something, but after a while these were the only kits I could find from them with joints and they seem rather limited 

  9. 32 minutes ago, SteveTheFish said:

    Wave sticks to 1:100 scale

    Wave kinda does almost more stuff in 1/72 scale. I think the only did the multi modes of the VF-1 in 1/100 with a few minor variations. Other than that they were all larger scale. 
    As far as Fujimi, I couldn’t find any examples of robotic kits or really anything with joints, but I’m no expert on their stuff. I have a feeling they will stick to what they know 

  10. I wouldn’t mind some of the ships. A good tv version of the Macross or some of the Zentraedi ships would be nice for a start. I also wouldn’t mind seeing some of the non transforming aircraft. I’m not super familiar with the company and have seen some real world kits, but haven’t paid enough attention to notice any sci-fi stuff from them

  11. 10 hours ago, Mog said:

    The question is whether they’ll actually stick with what happened.

    Well after a rewatch, since overall it was still a pretty good episode compared to the last one


    Cable was there for a reason. I have a feeling that there is probably gonna be some time travel shenanigans to change what happened. I doubt he was there just to say hi to mommy 


  12. 44 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    UPDATE: chain guns revised-


    I know the 40mm cannon still looks a little big, but it's probably because it's light colored in contrast to the rest of the craft. We'll see how it looks painted, but comparing it sizewise, it seems spot on to the specs.

    Also; I got my idea for the stand going:



    Stay tuned...Archangel and Marella want a word with me about something...

    That’s a pretty cool display 

  13. This episode was one that’s tough to talk about without a spoiler tag


    A bit heavy on the awkward drama and this show seems to really like dancy scenes a bit too much. Other than that the action was pretty top notch and it’s nice to see the Sentinels as an actual major threat rather than the easy kills that they’ve been in the past. Personally I’m hoping that Gambit pulls through since he was my favorite of that early 90’s team. But that definitely was a badass way to handle things and Awsome final possible words “The name’s Gambit mon ami…Remember it”


  14. 3 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    It also doesn't help that it apparently has nothing to do with the upcoming DC-Gunn-verse....more interested in how that plays out than giving any more time/money towards more "stand-alone" DC movies...

    It’s one of these things where DC is spreading itself too wide. Too many non connected films and confusion over what is connected. There’s also the whole The Batman thing as well. But I guess I’m less interested in this since the first film felt one and done and I think I’m tired of Harley. Nowadays it just seems like you can’t have joker exist without her. That and this one is a musical and I’m really not a fan of musicals

  15. 20 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    It'll be a Max viewing for me

    Yeah, for some reason I’m not all that excited for this one. I liked the first and saw it in the theater, but so far this just doesn’t interest me as much. Maybe it’ll be greater than I expect, but for now I’ll just wait and see

  16. 2 hours ago, Mog said:

    Even at this 1/18th or 3.75” scale, a lot of these planes are surprisingly underscaled.

    I know a few folks on the board showed off what a true 1/18 scale fighter looks like.

    Those things were beasts. :shok:

    If the were the proper size, my aunt would never have bought me that Rattler for Christmas. Or give my brother the Sky Striker. We never did get anyone to buy us the uss Flagg. And if that thing was actually in scale, only the richest of spoiled kids would’ve owned it

  17. The question isn’t whether The Mandalorian has anywhere story wise to go, but if Disney can give him a story worth watching. I could easily watch a bunch of episodes of him doing the whole bounty hunter thing to earn cash or rescuing a random village from whatever. I just don’t want a story that’s written badly and I really don’t want to waste my time seeing him constantly getting captured and needing rescue constantly.

  18. On 4/8/2024 at 10:26 AM, Jeff J said:

    Maybe the real issue is just that I'm 30 years older, but I feel like when the Fox Kids X-Men first aired, it was unapologetically for kids, like Baby's First X-Men stories. The release of X-Men 97 came with so much fanfare that comes with anything Marvel Studios releases that I kind of expected the show to be written with a bit more depth than what the actual product is.

    Guess I just came in with unrealistic expectations.

    I feel the same about the original episodes after my rewatch. But I was kinda expecting the hype to be from people that just remember the show being better than it was. As far as my expectations, I was on the opposite end and kinda expected a lot more of the same with more cringy moments. I haven’t seen today’s episode yet, but for the most part the show was far better than I expected.

    There’s still some cringy moments like Cyclops scooting around the ground with his eyebeams or that whole jubilee in a video game episode and Goblin Queen going full Sailor Moon, but I’m liking far more than I thought I’d dislike. My biggest problem so far with this and the old episodes is that it does that Disney thing of expecting that you have prior knowledge of events that happened previously in other media. One minor example would be the whole thing about Morph’s face. Last we left off he just had emo shadows around his eyes. I hear there’s some story in the comics that explains things, but I stopped reading those years before Morph was actually in the comics. At that time he was a cartoon original like Harley Quin. If I remember correctly there was a similar character that showed up once in a while named Mimick or something, but I don’t really remember that character much either.

    I just wish that if they had a cool story to tell, they’d do that in the show rather than expect you to pick up a thirty something year old comic to fill the gaps or worse, a recent Marvel comic

  19. 25 minutes ago, Gabe Q said:

    I really want this too but when they did the TV sdf-1 they just gave us the DYRL version with the TV colors. 

    That’s something I’m a bit worried about as well. It would definitely be a dealbreaker if they pulled that move again 

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