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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 2 hours ago, MKT said:

    Oops I didn't make the link earlier between Bandai's and Takani's art. Too bad Bandai didn't make a sample of Milia's GBP. Although Max's look alright, I am thinking her's might look too striking as I imagine hers being color swapped of Max's.


    Haha not only BBTS didn't update the pic, but they didn't update the price either. It's USD100 on KC's site now.

    I guess bbts has the discount price then, cause mine was $87.99 and then there’s the $4 for shipping and that’s still about $8 cheaper 

  2. Moderoid mark 2 and economy both went up for preorder at the usual spotsIMG_2585.webp.bb888509c5627ed01d26ca3939c01781.webpIMG_2586.webp.0f06e64d983c65af4e3d51382bc5710b.webpwas getting a little worried. We hadn’t had any new moderoids for Patlabor in a lil bit. Hope there’s still more to come. 

  3. 2 hours ago, sh9000 said:

    25th Anniversary.

    I still watch the show when a new episode hits Hulu, but it’s been lagging the last few seasons. They should bring back Herbert. They haven’t had that old man in a long time and I also really miss Death even after he was recast

  4. 1 hour ago, MechTech said:

    Yeah, you really can't see inside, but it would have been cool if you could pose it with him eating a shrimp with chopsticks while the visor is open🤣! - MT

    Definitely would have been worth a few extra bucks, but I was just thinking that there’s a few other spots like the human leg parts that would need to be different. Kinda wondering if a second release might happen that also includes shrimp’s chopsticks as a bonus 

  5. 2 hours ago, tekering said:

    I thought the lack of a Koji face for the pilot was inexcusable. 😒

    I would have liked it as well, but I just think about it as the test type that it was with a generic test pilot. It is strange though, but definitely not a deal breaker especially when it’s tough to see inside. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Jeff J said:

    Seeing Gladiator serving Deathbird got me interested right away since last we saw Deathbird, her coup to take the throne from Lilandra failed.


    EDIT: This takes me back to the height of Game of Thrones, but first thing I see when I go to YouTube was a video with a spoiler for today's episode in the title. 🤦‍♂️

    It’s best to avoid any social media with these shows like this until you’re caught up. It’s unfortunate that people will try and spoil things in the teaser box making it tougher to avoid 

  7. 19 minutes ago, tekering said:

    Just for clarification, Macross II had nothing to do with either Shoji Kawamori or Studio Nue.  Mecha designs were by Koichi Ohata.

    I think that’s why he said sorry, as in he felt guilty for liking the non Kawamori stuff more than his designs other than the vf-1

  8. 12 hours ago, tekering said:

    Obviously, Kitz Concept failed to provide them with accurate photos, but how long did it take them to inform BBTS of the "important design change?" 🤨


    1 hour ago, CoryHolmes said:

    Really?  I ordered as well and haven't heard squat from them.

    I got that message the other day. They may have just got the numbers for international retail orders and are finally shipping them out

  9. Finally got through to the last episode. Definitely the best show of the early part of the year and another great for Prime. I really can’t make a complaint about this one. It was a great mix of fun and dramatic and horrifying and action packed and hilarious. It was definitely a great season and really want more

  10. 1 hour ago, TangledThorns said:

    That's because Keenan is a professional! LOL. Seriously, though. Keenan is the only reason I check out SNL via Youtube on Sunday mornings.

    Usually the sketches with him, he’s the only one that breaks. It’s very rare to see him keep a straight face

  11. 4 hours ago, Black Valkyrie said:




    Love that song and that entire album. It’s such a great song that Ghost recently did a Grammy nominated cover of it. Although I prefer the original album version. I just can’t get enough of Steve Harris on bass and this song doesn’t try to drown it out

  12. 1 hour ago, Mommar said:

    I disagree withbthe use ofnthe diaphragm joint on Wolverine here.  The swivel/crunch would serve the costume better.  Belt covers the waist swivel and the crunch helps maintain the vertical blue look along the sides 

    I actually think it looks far better than their usual joints in the torso. The arms are what bug me. The elbows look too blocky and the skin cancer on the outside of his arms is a bit too much. If they wanted it to look like hair, they should’ve gone with thinner lines

  13. On 4/14/2024 at 7:48 AM, Gabe Q said:

    That looks awesome! What is it? I don't recognize it.

    That’s the moderoid Thunderjaw. I think I posted a picture of the box about 4or5 pages back when someone else asked what he was building, but I think that since he’s getting to the finish line and things are looking great so far, it won’t be long before his completed pics show up and will put that box art to shame 

  14. 51 minutes ago, Thom said:

    They hate it so much, they must secretly love it!🤪

    I kinda doubt it’s a secret love thing. It’s probably a love for the franchise and wishing for it to be treated better.

    I remember watching that horrible Obi show and I should have just quit, but it gives that feeling that if you don’t watch, then you’re gonna regret missing something epic. But shows like Obi and Rings of Power just ended up epic letdowns 

  15. 1 hour ago, Old_Nash_II said:

    oh, cmeon.

    I have good ideas, but they throw money in trash like these!


    It’s one of those examples of a show that got too many viewers through hate watching causing the studio to do an additional season’s based on numbers. 

    I personally haven’t watched it, but I know several that did and hated every episode either hoping for it to get better or to have something to talk about.

    I did do something similar with that Rings of Power show hoping every episode that the next would be better and even though the show was disliked by a good majority that watched, they decided on a second season of that as well for the same numbers reason

  16. 41 minutes ago, Robin-11 said:

    That's great! Mr.Hobby is my favourite brand for top coats. I think their top coats are the best ones. Thank you!

    No problem. I don’t honestly know how well they work since I’ve never had to use them, but had noticed that they are available at a lot of places lately 


    31 minutes ago, Robin-11 said:

    Thanks, i never really looked into that UV top coat because i never had any yellowing problems with my gundam model kits. I always thought that the plastic Bandai uses for its Gunpla were made...of something different :)  Now i know it's not like that and will definitely look for it. Do you, by any chance,  remember the brand of it?

    Mr color makes a common one both in bottle and as sprayIMG_2579.jpeg.bf7b8bfe9e3f0bc1797f710d7037ec09.jpegit also comes as gloss and flat coats. Most stores that carry the mr hobby brands have them

  18. 47 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Literally the only profitable part of the company is Wizards of the Coast, which makes D&D and Magic:The Gathering.

    I’ve been hearing that they’re having some problems as well, not sure how bad though. I kinda paid more attention to the toy stuff

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