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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Yeah, it looks like it wasn’t a hd version and just straight off of vhs. The other stuff I checked out looked much better though, I only watched enough to see which things were having subtitle issues
  2. While not being characters I ever wanted, there’s at least someone that made them and I’m sure there is someone out there that actually has been hoping for them for a few decades now
  3. Glad I skipped that figure. They really did a terrible job on it
  4. Seems for a lot of people that there’s odd issues with Plus and Flashback 2012 subtitles including myself. So far those seem to be the only ones with problems. I checked the other series stuff and they appear to be fine at the start. The subtitles seem to be selectable and appear on screen on my tv and phone. Hopefully this issue gets resolved soon, but at least there’s still quite a bit of stuff that seems fine.
  5. So here’s a pic of my tvdoesn’t allow the subtitle option. It says not available and you can’t toggle it. my phone on the other hand has themthe bottom screenshot shows that you can toggle toggle the subtitles but that doesn’t transfer to the tv
  6. Just tried Macross plus’s and same issue, no subtitles for voices and only Japanese language on the tv, but the option can be toggled on the phone. This is a disappointment problem
  7. On my phone it worked last night. On the tv, it doesn’t seem to allow me either. Hopefully the other stuff is ok on the tv
  8. We should make this an un official holiday or something.
  9. So, just finished flashback 2012. As a test I went with the subs. I don’t know if this is with all the Macross subs on Hulu, but it seems more like closed caption style subs in that it tells you things like people clapping or record starts playing as well as the lyrics for the songs. I’ll see how macross 2 looks tomorrow. I just wanted a quick test and to see if this all really got added
  10. Just finished it earlier today. It’s definitely filmed well. Only six episodes though. Rather Brutal. I do have to say that the main lady is the absolute worst mom ever and probably would’ve done her son the biggest favor by just leaving him behind in Philadelphia
  11. My family is more of a Galaxy Quest one. My daughter burned out a vhs copy of that one pretty quick Same here. I also don’t know why anyone is Must be that D+ energy
  12. I just kinda wish that since it seems light on accessories that they could include extra hand options with the other color
  13. I had some of these many many years ago. They were a pretty big and hefty toy since the joints were metal and oddly, they were magnetic. They were ball joints held completely together by magnetic friction. You cold have em fight and rip eachother apart. I’d never thought of toys trying the whole magnet thing at the time. Definitely an oddball since most kids didn’t have em.
  14. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Reminds me of the price on the original release.
  15. Can’t wait to get this and the Max versions
  16. So you thought that Gotta keep in mind, it’s just a kids show.
  17. It is a kids show, I don’t think they’re allowed to show something like that. Then again they did add Deadpool, so a scene like that shouldn’t be surprising
  18. I think it might be fun if we all set an alarm for when everything finally drops on Hulu and just start playing Flashback 2012, just cause it would show an awkward interest in an obscure entry in the Macross releases. I know it would definitely be difficult for some since east coast has it set for 3am, but could hop up and turn it on and go right back to bed with it playing in another room or something. Just a silly idea though for nothing more than giving a boost to the only thing that really has a bit from the og show.
  19. I thought Maul was first shown alive in Solo. But I never watched the clone wars cg show. And that really wasn’t that big a bandaid. Just one of the larger ones in the variety pack
  20. I’d like to agree, but then it would change too much and Everyone from Palpatine to Darth Maul would have to have died by hole as well. And to be honest, that wouldn’t be so bad, but it sure does make a mess for Disney Star Wars. I just count everything lately as a separate continuity, like Macross 2 or something
  21. Well, the first survived and the other got dumped in a hole, so she’s more than likely still alive since holes don’t kill in Star Wars. I can’t really think of a Star Wars character that actually died of hole. Captain Werewolf died by being shot, but then again it was a blaster and not a Silvo bullet
  22. Pretty much my reason to think he’s gonna probably end up with the usual redemption thing. Ever since he met the kids, he’s been greedy, but not totally bloodthirsty. That werewolf guy was asking for it and I think that’s more of a preemptive strike than anything else.
  23. They kinda did. They used to say in school that you’re sleeping with everyone that you’re lover has slept if you don’t use protection and Han obviously didn’t. And a certain princess seemed to enjoy making out with a certain future Jedi, and who knows how far that went off screen.
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