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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. There’s been some inflation in toys since the last vf1 and this seems a little more complex and includes more parts than a base vf1. I was hoping it would be less as well, but it’s not too far from what I expected. I personally was only thinking of 2. One to pretend I’m still a child and one to pretend that I’m an adult
  2. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Some of the real life measurements show 14 meters in battroid for the vf0s and 12.6 for the vf1. So less than a meter and a half. If that’s correct the vf0 might only be a little taller than the vf 1 by a little over 4 feet. At that measurement thaw Yamato scale might be a bit too big. Is there a line art example somewhere that shows them side by side? sorry for my ignorance on this, I haven’t really watched zero that many times and I’m not as big a fan of it as I am to the original series
  3. I don’t even know, but they pop up in an image search for macross zero on google
  4. Seems there are alternate line arts for the heads on the 0a and 0s
  5. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Ok thanks. Does look a lot taller there. Maybe Bandai decided every release is going to be 1/100 instead of what they used for the previous releases?
  6. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    How much bigger was the 0 to the 1?
  7. Hopefully since both the recent dx vf25 and 29 are still showing for preorder, these little guys will be easy to get a hold of
  8. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Waiting could be a very long time. They still are sitting on that other 1s and have teased some 1a colors for a few years. Those would be easy repaints milking the molds that already exist
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I rewatched that video of the showroom and it looks a little taller than the vf1, but it may be because it’s on a stand and up in front.
  10. Where would you fit that. It would be like the size of a doorway and expensive
  11. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Been waiting too long for this, but can’t wait for the preorder. Looks really great
  12. Well, they do have a chubby regult and pilot. They probably will have more coming. I’m skipping their regult though. It’s kind ugly. Curious about the zentraedi soldier though since they only have a teaser pic
  13. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Ok thanks. I’m not an aircraft expert, so I didn’t know what it was called
  14. That stuff is pretty light compared to the disrespect of the child actor from that Peter Pan movie. Poor guy actually had his contract cancelled because the makeup gave him acne. Then he ended up penniless and homeless. And then after that a couple of kids found him dead. He wasn’t even identified, so he was buried in a nameless grave.
  15. I loved how he would strategically get rid of his obstacles
  16. I liked that one as well. It was like a parody of those zombie survival phone games they always advertise on YouTube.
  17. I think that most destroids are probably close enough to piloting a battroid with the Valkyrie being more complicated due to flight and transformation. I’d imagine that a Valkyrie pilot could easily pilot most with ease, but a destroid pilot might have more difficulty going the other way
  18. It was the 80’s. No one was wearing seatbelts back when this got made. Things didn’t change until the vehicles started angrily beeping at you if you didn’t put on your belt. I remember quite a few jeep accidents on the street where people were launched from the vehicle after tipping.
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