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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I work at night, so I usually get there a few minutes early, which probably is pretty close to preorder opening times. I think I luck out due to boredom
  2. Some of the later AG figures were pretty close to that price, I get the feeling that these are a bit of an upgrade. Not to many toy lines would throw in individual missiles for those launchers, especially as small as they are.
  3. That’s very Merica of them
  4. I haven’t received a notification about the decals, so if they have released I’ll probably be in that backorder line for em. If so I’ll probably just cancel and get them locally. So far they’ve come through for me with my orders from hlj
  5. Seeing things like as Seto said Or record player starts, loud moaning are just some of the examples. It seems rather constant while no one is talking at all, its gonna inform you about something odd. I do think it’s a bit annoying, but I can live with it, I think the bigger issue is the missing subs on Macross plus for certain tv’s. There seems to be a lot of complaints about that one here and in social media.
  6. just got the email that all three are in my private warehouse. Now I just gotta see about the decals and Max
  7. I have a feeling it will be tough to get. But I’d love to see it built
  8. The cloth suit looks like garbage anyway. I don’t think you’ll be missing out in any way
  9. My daughter loves her channel. Lots of cool projects on there. Been watching the stuff she sends me for a few years now.
  10. Hobbysearch has em both up for preorder and on sale.the sale price seems a bit more reasonable. Got these pics of the purple bro. the toyrise description seems a bit vague
  11. Seems rather spensive for lil dudes. Although the individual missiles are a neat touch
  12. It’s a Hulu thing that’s been going on for a while now. It usually happens with TV shows rather than movies and is pretty annoying. As Seto said, it’s more than likely for the added commercial breaks. I have the no ad version and it still does a quick fade to black once or twice in tv shows. It basically started as soon as they started rolling in the different tiers of membership and is definitely annoying bit annoying, especially if you pay to be uninterrupted.
  13. This one isn’t perfect, but a vast improvement over the one they’re actually putting out.
  14. Yes, he’s been that way for a long while. Ain’t no way he’s making that run to his car in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, let alone the rest of the trip
  15. That’s a hardcore coffee stand. Those baristas ain’t playing around, better tip well
  16. We watched Land of Bad on Netflix over the weekend. Not a memorable movie, but one of those cookie cutter military operative kinda things starring lesser known Hemsworths. It’s also not a bad movie and not a bad way to waste an afternoon with a bit of action. The only real complaint I have is Beyond that it’s still not a bad movie, definitely not perfect and nothing really special about it, but you probably wouldn’t regret watching it either.
  17. I was just wondering if it’s just in an odd location. Like maybe hidden oddly the way some of the stuff is here.
  18. Could it be how it’s located. Over here in Hulu the stuff is separated between movies and shows. Most of the ova items are on a listing for tv. The movies are mostly in a movie section and there are a couple odd ones like the Macross Plus movie is in the tv section. Not sure if that could be an issue for you or if it’s just not available there yet.
  19. Yeah, gotta agree. It seemed like something impossible not too long ago
  20. That could definitely explain how it looks. I’m still glad that even this version exists though
  21. Yeah, it looks like it wasn’t a hd version and just straight off of vhs. The other stuff I checked out looked much better though, I only watched enough to see which things were having subtitle issues
  22. While not being characters I ever wanted, there’s at least someone that made them and I’m sure there is someone out there that actually has been hoping for them for a few decades now
  23. Glad I skipped that figure. They really did a terrible job on it
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