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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 9 hours ago, Darkwater said:

    Hi there.  I barley post here, but don't worry it's not you, it's me.

    For reasons, I was looking into the history of the Clash of the Bionoids release (believe it or not, there there's some weird, wild stuff with it), and one thing I can find almost NO info on is the later uncut release. 

    It's this one right here:

    I actually have the video, so I know how it looks and sounds and what the credits say and all of that, I just can't figure out when it was released exactly.

    • The tape only says copyright 1984, but obviously that's the copyright date of the film, not the tape itself.  And it has to be after 1984 since the company on the box, Century Media, didn't get the movie until 1989 or 1990.
    • The only place I can find a release date for it is on Amazon saying it was on April 17, 1995, but that info wasn't updated until 2006.
    • Amazon reviews only go back as far at 1998 (but that might have been when they first started doing reviews). 
    • Any mentions on the old Alt.Fan.Macross posts only go back as far as 1998 as best I can tell

    Can anyone confirm this  was released in 1995?  Or was it maybe 1998?  Also, can anyone remember where it was actually sold?  I never saw it in any of the retail stores or rental stores I went to in the US.  I heard rumors of maybe it was at Suncoast?

    I've checked newspaper listings, Diamond Previews back catalog, as well as Archive.org, and I can find almost nothing on it.  No articles, no solicitations.  Any info on its release that anyone has would be appreciated.


    I bought mine in the early 90’s at Suncoast back when those were in every mall. They did a special order for it. That was kinda their thing. It probably says on the back of the sleeve.  I think it was before 95. I know most of the video places had Clash of the Bionoids and it was a somewhat edited version. Oddly the DYRL version had the same dubious dub. I just remember that the people at Suncoast had to catalog things in a big book and write everything on paper because it was pre computer catalogs. It was also back when laserdiscs were on the shelf and before dvd. It was also a little before the internet was a thing. 
    I had heard about it from a friend that there was a rumored vhs copy that was a bit longer and had scenes the likes of which were only legend. I knew the archivists in the dark ironically named Cave called Suncoast might be able to procure the item I sought. It took three months before a hero clad in brown had delivered it to the dark archives. I then had to convince a friend to take me to retrieve that legendary treasure since I did not have a ride.

    Seriously, every Suncoast store I had ever been in was dark and had dark paint, they probably got turned into Hot Topic stores when they went under. And the clerks all were extreme movie snobs, but always knew the best versions of the movie you were looking for.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Chas said:

    That says "fighter" and my per-orderofthe battroidkit has a different JAN code, namely : 4545784013502.

    So, are we sure that delay notice is for the battroid kit??

    The one I got from hobby search was regarding the fighter kit

  3. 1 hour ago, Thom said:

    I like the 'mess of meat and goo' part.:D

    When people with too much cash buy something like a transporter to steal from the poor it makes it tough to feel sorry for them when they get pasted in a back alley in the middle of the night 

  4. 47 minutes ago, Bolt said:

    I haven't even started on the red one yet.. Geez, it's time to get busy..!

    Even though there a lot of seam lines to get rid of, they’re at least mostly in smooth areas. So it’s not a super complicated clean up. Just a lot of large parts 

  5. 1 hour ago, Bolt said:

    Looking good :yahoo:

    It’s odd because I’ve known the colors for so long, but to see it like this on a model makes it look far better than I expected. I’m still not done with the red one yet, but super excited for this one too

  6. 25 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    More like just holding you in a pattern buffer tank until the authorities can arrive, then materialize you in the back of the police cruiser.

    Yeah, but the pattern buffer tank costs way too much and they’d go out of budget, so the scrambler works better for small business. They just go out back with a hose and all’s good

  7. 20 hours ago, Axelay said:

    For some reason, the thought of Ryu trying to fly something like this amuses me to no end. He really looks like he's pissed off making the attempt. 🤣

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PULL THE STICK TO GO UP?!!!!!!!!!……….Should have gotten an automatic instead of a stick shift……I wasted all my money on this thing,  I’ll probably look all homeless by the next tournament…..

  8. 5 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Not surprised it's the same transfer from the DVD release in the 2000s.

    There would've been a lot more fanfare if they were going to remaster the series again.

    Still, it's nice to have it available.  I'm surprised it took this long for it to land on Crunchyroll since Funimation's been dumping most of its back catalog there with little-to-no notice.

    I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard that the plan is to slowly bring the funimation back catalog over to crunchyroll while doing updates that weren’t working out so great for the older shows and doing some kinda reworking of the files for those older shows.

  9. 21 hours ago, SteveTheFish said:

    Sure! Just be mindful of the time difference. You wouldn't want to appear in a store like that after midnight and the alarms go off!

    With a transporter, you just get your stuff and leave the cash on the counter.

    just made me think that the transporter tech is probably gonna lead to a lot of theft. And the anti burglary systems would be absolutely horrific by scrambling the particles in an anti transporter field leaving you as a mess of meat and goo out in the back alley

  10. 2 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    New promo photos for that Genius guy. ;) 








    I saw these up at hobby search the other night. It’s nice to see how it looks with the decals and the new pictures of the main man himself, even if he’s technically in drag

  11. 1 hour ago, Anasazi37 said:

    I caved and PO'd the 1D. It just looks too darn good in the painted sample pics.

    I did the same, I told myself that I didn’t need it before they showed a prototype, but after the prototype and seeing it in color with the extra peeps, I couldn’t resist 

  12. 2 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    Just noticed this thread.  Does anyone here play, or it just about the Joytoy figures?

    I used to back in the 90’s in the days of the pointy faced space marines. I remember they sold a pack of thirty plastic marines for only thirty bucks. I was on an extreme budget of lawnmower cash at the time, so that seemed like a great bargain.

     Did find out my daughter is playing now. She started about a year ago since she’s been living with her fiancé and I guess their friends are into it as well.

  13. 3 hours ago, KOG Water Dragon said:

    I'm just bummed there's still no Hasegawa VF-1D battroid, since the plamax won't look at home with the other Hasegawas.

    I have a feeling that there will be a Plamax version soon and maybe a little down the line Hasegawa will do their battroid version 

  14. 34 minutes ago, Casual.Plamo said:

    I think it's actually fine/good that the plamax kit is going the anime route.

    Because that means we have more options and variations of kits.

    Hasegawa for the 'real' robotic look, Plamax for the anime style design and articulations, and... I guess Bandai for transforming kits(though in 1/100) that is playable/posable like a toy(solid build) but won't damage the paint job(much) because it's a parts former.

    This is definitely the best way to look at things. I have the Bandai hg YF-19 and love it even if it’s not perfect and now Hasegawa has a much more boxy looking one that will appeal to those that already have their fighter kits and Max Factory may have one as well since they showed off the VF-19 that looks more poseable than the hasegawa kit and gives a different option over the Bandai hg version in size. 
    Different options for different tastes and space are a good thing and I hope all the companies keep on going with more Macross 

  15. 9 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    This is why anime is better.

    There’s a few bad examples of recent animation from America, but I’d take Castlevania, Invincible, X Men 97 and even Vox Machina over any anime that’s come out in the last decade or so. Anime has really been in a bit of a rut lately. It’s been either really pretty, but cringy and dull or a bunch of Tron fanfiction, or just derpy humor that’s just not funny or forgettable remakes of older shows with bad cg

  16. 23 minutes ago, Bolt said:

    Could they be on backwards? 

    No the smaller heels are to reflect more realistically how the feet would transform. They used a bit of old school anime magic to make the larger ones fold in, but the shape actually changes and these smaller ones actually would be how they’d look in real life

  17. 4 hours ago, Old_Nash_II said:


    Kids, wath out with drugs.

    I watched that old witches ghost movie with my daughter when she was very young. I was actually surprised that that and the zombie island movie were pretty good. It’s too bad the lead singer of the Hex Girls started taking heroin and passed out in the sun for ten hours 

  18. 3 hours ago, KOG Water Dragon said:

    I grew up on the animation, and yet my adult self prefers the 'real world' style.

    I’ve seen enough of the real world style stuff that I’m glad that there’s finally a modern option for the anime style. I personally prefer it. Even with other brands like Gundam. They’ve put out real grade and mg ver.ka of the Sazabi and others that go way more overboard with details, but I prefer the hguc version of the Sazabi since it looks more like the anime.

    there are times when i think a redesign is fine and Hasegawa did a pretty good job of redesign while still keeping the feel of the original. But I still like the max factory versions better and hope that hasegawa can update their designs a bit more for better action 

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