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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I think that the acolyte definitely harmed this shows reputation, but with the few viewers it had are mostly complaining about how it ended is doing even more harm and it may not get those extra over time views due to poor word of mouth. It’s sorta like the problem people had with game of thrones. Not a show I was into, but people loved it more a more as it went on til whatever went south in the last season or so. Now all I hear are complaints about how poor the show was. I guess the next show did alright for a while, but I hear the viewers are dipping there as well and didn’t seem to like how it’s going for whatever reason. But the big difference is that even though they may be in a similar situation, game of thrones still has a much much higher viewership than Star wars in the modern era and probably will bounce back. Star Wars is just constantly flopping at this point due to poor writing. if this show had just stuck the landing, it could’ve been the show to bring back interest in the galaxy far far away. Instead it’s like you said, totally forgettable and mediocre overall.
  2. I think a lot of it was that he did a lot of amazing drugs, but the results were usually very entertaining, even if the project was a failure
  3. I think a lot of the copying was more of a paying homage kinda thing, but I don’t know exactly what show or movie they were trying to copy from by not having an ending. There’s been a few, but nothing that’s really memorable since most of those were mistakes. Maybe it was Blood Debts, but at least that one lets you know in an awkwardly immediate way how it ended and what happened after in what has become the most epic ending for a movie ever for its quick wrap up. Now that I think about it, Blood Debts is the exact opposite, so that can’t be. It was extremely informative in like ten seconds of footage
  4. That dark dreary awkwardness set a tone that has stuck in the minds of everyone’s vision of what dune should look like
  5. As far as the whole morality thing, I’m definitely more interested in something from a franchise where the holders of the license are just sitting on it rather than doing something about it . M.A.S.K. Hasn’t had a toy in decades that was legit. And may never get one from the big companies. Or there’s Marshall Bravestar and a few others that Ramen sometimes gets a license for and other times not so much. But that goes for other companies as well. I ain’t gonna live forever, and if I see someone put out a great toy that I have the space for that the ligit license holders aren’t putting out and have no plans to produce, then a third party figure or bootleg or whatever you want to call it is sometimes the only option and I wouldn’t feel at all bad about it.
  6. That’s gonna be next for me. I finished Flasback 2012 and am on the Macross plus stuff, next is 7 stuff. I haven’t decided where to fit zero yet. I might do that last, but might do it before Frontier.
  7. There’s ways they could’ve had an end episode that was more exciting without necessarily being anymore violent than the episode right before it. Jod just pops a werewolf there. That basically kills the non violence of the show argument right there in the previous episode. He spaced a guy in the first few minutes of the first episode and those weren’t the only deaths. And again, I’m not looking for a bloodbath or anything near that, just something more for this show. They could also have had an ending episode planned to where Jod not only had a cool scene, while also having the kids somehow take a big focus. They also could’ve written the parents as far less mentally deficient, this was absolutely overkill. It just all would’ve taken a little creative writing instead of the lame final episode where they forgot to end the show. I get the feeling that the true ending if it were slightly more realistic would’ve ended up with the children of the planet all taking over easily since the parents were so absolutely useless and non functional that their society would devolve into exactly what that other At planet turned into. I don’t know if Disney even cares that much about the numbers anymore. The Acolyte may have had better numbers and didn’t get renewed, but then again cost quite a bit more to make. Andor had pretty bad views, but still got the green light for a second season. I think Disney may be hoping that word of mouth overtime would make the show successful enough to bring in more viewers, but fumbling the last episode as badly as they did definitely hurt the show’s reputation. Now it went from the only good thing Disney has made from the Star Wars franchise in the last couple years to being known as the show that’s just “not as bad as the other Star Wars shows”
  8. I bet they map out the floor plan to get right to what they’re looking for before they sell out
  9. I think it’s not so much that Americans don’t want to do third party toys, but that it might be a lot tougher. Over here it’s much easier to be prosecuted over copying from another license and a lot of these companies tend to start off in the bootleg way before getting into the actual licensing if they do get them at all. The labor is the other big issue. Over here the labor and material costs and overall manufacturing are too high compared to those overseas costs, but just being a start up in another country gets a good start communication wise with the manufacturers to get things rolling faster. A random fan from the U.S. has to not only have the skills for the design, but has to have the communication skills and connections to do the overseas manufacturing. Otherwise I think a lot more of these older franchises would have been handled by American fans.
  10. After seeing that the lineup of mobile suits in more detailed pictures, I think I hate them all. I thought I was gonna like that zakuish looking one, but it really only looked good crouching down. Hopefully the show is better than the ugly designs
  11. I know a lot of people don’t really like it, but when I was younger, it was something rather interesting to me and I still like it despite its flaws
  12. Kinda odd that the last thing here was a frozen Batman from the worst Batman movie ever made, then there this Captain Cold. Although I’d easily buy Captain Cold over Disco Arnold
  13. I wish I had the space for these. They do seem like they’re very interested in completing the lineup
  14. I think it could’ve fit fine. And it would’ve given a more interesting reason for Jod to have had a lightsaber. They could’ve had the crew too busy fighting off those x-wings. It really was just a suggestion of something far more interesting than what we got. Which was a total letdown that didn’t mesh well with the story
  15. Disney has a really bad problem with conclusions. I have a bad feeling about this one ending well enough.
  16. On prime they have a series of documentaries for Robocop called Robodoc. For such a long documentary of behind the scenes and making of, it’s highly entertaining. I never thought I’d get so into a documentary about a movie that’s four or five times longer than the actual movie, but it’s really a lot of fun and broken up well. There was a segment about the baddies and how a lot of their lines and actions were just improved. The guy playing Steve Minh said that he kinda just came up with the one handed shotgun pump on the fly and it was the first time ever in a movie. And now every action film seems to throw in a scene like that. All the other guys had little things they threw in here and there making for one of the most iconic criminal gangs ever in an action film. Anyway, it’s a fun watch and these figures look great. I like the vhs packaging
  17. Is it finally coming out? There seems to be so little talk about this one anymore that all excitement or basic interest seems to have been lost months ago
  18. That’s basically my thing here. It could’ve even given us a really cool swashbuckling pirate fight on the edge of a ship going down in flames or something. We basically just got a heist story ending without the ending
  19. It has a wf tag on the post, so more than likely
  20. Unfortunately it made for a dull ending
  21. You probably have to be at the event or know someone attending
  22. I just don’t think Jod was a big bad at all. He came off more of a space nanny that was just using the kids to get to the gold. The werewolf guy seemed more like a bad guy. The ending unfortunately suffered from being too dull. And really could’ve used some real tension brought in by the werewolf. The characters left were just kinda whatever. Sure there was a bit of action on the side, but it just felt like the main bit of it was going nowhere and in the end actually went nowhere. I get that it’s a kids show, and because of that I wasn’t expecting any blood or anything or a high body count or even any deat at all, just kinda needed a stronger ending that actually felt like an ending. Maybe something more to root for. And I wasn’t waiting for the end credit scene to tease a second season, just something to finish this one. Instead it just ended. It was a pretty ending, but overall real letdown unfortunately.
  23. I loved those as a kid.
  24. I will say that even though as a comparison between Gundam and Macross that at least Macross seems to end a conflict while Gundam just has sides fighting eachother a second, third and more times without a real reason to go on other than a corporation wanting to make money off both sides or something.
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