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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I’m kinda wondering if it might just be a rectangular plate that could just be replaced with a flat piece of plastic. I kinda want to see the construction to see if it’s just that simple
  2. I loved that one. It was a simple design, but worked out great.
  3. Same here. I do however think I may add a little spacer for the faceplate, but that should be a super minor mod depending on the construction behind it. Not sure if I care enough to smooth out the top of the arm cannons, they don’t bug me much, but I might see if it would also be super simple. I’m still super excited for it.
  4. Yeah, you definitely need Hulu to watch it, bundle or not. D+ isn’t necessary, but if you have the Hulu bundle, you can watch on D+
  5. I haven’t had the time to test everything yet, but I so far only saw issues with Plus, The Plus movie abound flashback. My phone is an I phone and the subs are there and easy to toggle on or off. While on my tv the menu for the subs is there, but it doesn’t allow you to change them to English and says they’re unavailable. That’s using the Hulu app on the tv. But as a workaround I tried casting from my I phone and that actually worked and I hadn’t noticed anything wrong yet with plus or flashback. Haven’t tried it on the movie version of plus all the way through yet, but in the few minutes I did watch it seems alright.
  6. That’s basically unfortunately what they do on Hulu. Most anime has one break in an episode and it’s very obvious that it’s when you see the eyecatch animation. The other fade outs are where the extra ads are supposed to be that were put in for Hulu. It does seem as though they attempted to try and put them in decent places, but sometimes there’s a little split where even the music fades and comes back in, so there’s a little loss there for a split second to a full second.
  7. I’m kinda the opposite, the more I look at it, I wish it would hurry up and get its mid season makeover
  8. Lots of rumors on that one since it’s kinda the forgotten step child of streaming. I’ve even heard max might fold it in somehow, or at least pick up some of its shows
  9. Just in case anyone wanted a Golgothan action figure
  10. Maybe mount a bayonet on the underside as well
  11. While I still don’t like the design, these colors actually help a lot. The clown colors from before really didn’t work
  12. I really only noticed the issue with Plus and Flashback 2012. But to be honest, I don’t mind having nothing on the screen with flashback. Macross 2 played fine and plus worked pretty well after just casting from my phone.
  13. I like the party pic
  14. Nice. I got mine in the hlj private warehouse waiting for the ma version. Hoping I luck out again with all three to get everything shipped together
  15. No, but when they’re making their own statements that the show had lower numbers, then I think that’s it right there. They are putting the spin that the numbers were growing episode to episode, but that’s just trying to make a loss into a win. As far as dollars, the show may actually be more profitable than the acolyte due to it being a far less expensive show.
  16. I do have to agree on that as most episodes weren’t bad at all. I think the other at planet episode and the ending really were the only ones getting bad talk. Unfortunately many people don’t want to watch a show if someone says the ending sucked or it just doesn’t have an ending. It’s tough to recommend a show when you can’t say it ends at all. There’s far too many options out there for people and if they weren’t excited for more Star Wars from when it originally was added, they’re not gonna be all that interested when they hear that it’s meh at best overall
  17. That fire Valkyrie looks like it literally went through a fire. Maybe it was too close to the pyrotechnics. But I do gotta say that it really fits in with old school preshading from the mid nineties, and since Macross 7 was from that era, it looks like this model really stepped right out from a model magazine of that time. It has a very nostalgic feeling to how it was overdone and I’m not sure if that’s intentional but I’m pretending that it is
  18. But the series didn’t do well. Lower viewership than their biggest flop isn’t a win. The only thing successful was that it didn’t cost as much to makes. This also isn’t all about Star Wars, but everything Disney has been in charge of lately . The marvel stuff is failing hard at just about every turn, Star Wars has lost its cool Indy should’ve stayed retired and I feel really sad for poor little Willow. If this show just had an ending, it could’ve made people feel like things were back on track. As is Nobody is excited for the Mando movie or the upcoming Captain America movie, and we’re all hoping Daredevil doesn’t end up trash.
  19. I think he was confused with Alan R or maybe it was just a typo. but Alien 3 was weird enough that it seems like Lynch played a major part in its making.
  20. I think that the acolyte definitely harmed this shows reputation, but with the few viewers it had are mostly complaining about how it ended is doing even more harm and it may not get those extra over time views due to poor word of mouth. It’s sorta like the problem people had with game of thrones. Not a show I was into, but people loved it more a more as it went on til whatever went south in the last season or so. Now all I hear are complaints about how poor the show was. I guess the next show did alright for a while, but I hear the viewers are dipping there as well and didn’t seem to like how it’s going for whatever reason. But the big difference is that even though they may be in a similar situation, game of thrones still has a much much higher viewership than Star wars in the modern era and probably will bounce back. Star Wars is just constantly flopping at this point due to poor writing. if this show had just stuck the landing, it could’ve been the show to bring back interest in the galaxy far far away. Instead it’s like you said, totally forgettable and mediocre overall.
  21. I think a lot of it was that he did a lot of amazing drugs, but the results were usually very entertaining, even if the project was a failure
  22. I think a lot of the copying was more of a paying homage kinda thing, but I don’t know exactly what show or movie they were trying to copy from by not having an ending. There’s been a few, but nothing that’s really memorable since most of those were mistakes. Maybe it was Blood Debts, but at least that one lets you know in an awkwardly immediate way how it ended and what happened after in what has become the most epic ending for a movie ever for its quick wrap up. Now that I think about it, Blood Debts is the exact opposite, so that can’t be. It was extremely informative in like ten seconds of footage
  23. That dark dreary awkwardness set a tone that has stuck in the minds of everyone’s vision of what dune should look like
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