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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Sometimes people get old and those glory days are over. He has some great creative ideas, but I get the feeling that he needs someone to help him organize those ideas in the right ways. And maybe instead of a yes man, he needs a no bro once in a while
  2. That actually does look better. Just gotta fix the funky feet
  3. I kinda forgot when this was taking place. It’s definitely gonna be a possible major problem, but there’s a few slim ways it could still work. Earth at that point depending on how much it sticks to some of the oddball things from what Ridley Scott has led us to believe has kinda gone to💩. If there are the connections he’s kinda said with Prometheus or even more wildly with Blade Runner some places are either highly polluted and overcrowded while others could be more desolate. Not sure if this project will touch on those connections he’s made though. But there’s always the possibility of a simpler explanation not tying in his connections and it just being that a random ship from earth somehow unknowingly picked up one of these before crashing on earth. it could basically end up with an odd predator type situation where the team going to find out what happened to the wreckage ends up killed off one after another and by the end having to completely destroy the alien or aliens. If they throw in the usual sci fi excuse of communications are down in the area, then there may end up total lack of proof other than testimony of a lone survivor, if there even is a lone survivor
  4. It’s Bandai, so it would probably be best not to get your hopes up, but be pleasantly surprised if they do others
  5. Might be kinda fun to have an alien series at least in kinda one and done seasons. Like a story that’s kinda set apart from eachother every season. Just hoping that Disney damage this property any further than it has already been damaged. And also hoping Disney is finally gonna learn from their mistakes and maybe actually give us something to look forward to
  6. I think that’s definitely a fan favorite there. Kinda surprised that it wasn’t done yet
  7. I get the confusion, both names kinda sound the same and I mix them up often myself
  8. Definitely better than the standard clown paint job
  9. I kind of feel that it had a bad ending that kinda ruined it for me. Sorta the it was just a dream sorta feel. And there really are a lot of lesbian witch shows lately, most in space though, so having these on the ground was slightly different.
  10. This is still my favorite animated Superman. Every time I see one of those old episodes I still get amazed by how great he looked. Great design and awesome movements. Sure, the stories were silly, but I just love the look
  11. The bigger problem is that even bad cosplay looks better than this. This thing looks more like a third grader tried to draw max from memory without a picture to go on. It’s just garbage.
  12. I didn’t mean any offense by the comment. Just a joke about its origin as a Frodo figure . I actually think your work on these figures are beyond my skills and I think they look great personally.
  13. Is he about to hand him the one ring
  14. I’m not saying it really did, just that I really don’t like censorship. And it probably is the right thread for a discussion over something being left in or out on streaming, just gotta be a little delicate about the descriptions of what was taken out.
  15. Looks very Ronald McDonald, but still an improvement
  16. Honestly, that could’ve been the Taco Bell from the night before. Or I guess it could just be buyer’s remorse either way. Anyway, it’s a good excuse to get some new pants for the new year
  17. Your face modifications and hair definitely look far better than this ugly “professionally sculpted” toy. Everything on this new toy seems just wrong.
  18. I’m a bit of a purist and don’t really like when things are added or cut from films. I do sometimes give a pass to certain directors cuts that had scenes that were cut, but added back in for completion. But as cringy as this scene was, it still feels wrong to leave it out. But at least it’s only a short scene that’s not gonna harm the rest of the viewing.
  19. I guess they’re going on an adventure
  20. Just add some spikes and chains for a little more kink, if that’s what you’re into
  21. Didn’t think I’d ever see Robin looking so hardcore as an action figure
  22. The Blood Sucker is probably my favorite design from Votoms I might have to get it
  23. Sure, give it a try and let me know if it needs more sugar
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