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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I guess it depends on how accurate they wanted to make it. They’d have had the redesign the panels quite a bit, but it would be a way to have no seams. This is still a prototype, and they’ll probably be less noticeable than they are here
  2. Yeah, the other stuff definitely isn’t what bugs me, just the animation. There may be a good story in the upcoming episodes and the character changes don’t seem as out of place as they did in the recent Batman cartoon on prime. I still think that Penguin change was way out of place.
  3. They did a lot of changes to the characters in this version, but I still say the biggest problem is the non animation. There’s ways to do limited animation and make it look great, but the artwork has to look good to start with and the art here is basic at best. The Maxx is a great example of limited animation working wonders, but that’s mainly because the artwork looked great and kinda tricks you into thinking there’s more going on than there actually is. This show just has a bland look devoid of detail and when things aren’t moving, it feels like nothing is happening on screen, even during the action scenes
  4. He-Man was such a big character growing up, and Morris the cat was so iconic that as a kid I had an orange one named after him.
  5. All that extra weight would definitely crush that little ankle joint
  6. I didn’t realize there were more than three variants. I like the Gold one best, but it’s gonna be tough to find space for these, especially if they start doing tv armors as well.
  7. Found a picture from a google search.I think I always thought those were background lights and never realized they were optional missile packs
  8. The story could be cool eventually, but I just don’t like that barely animated cg look. I personally never got into the Star Wars Clone wars because I didn’t like the art style. If an animated show doesn’t look good, it’s really hard for me to watch it.
  9. There’s also one getting blown up on the box art for Max’s Queadluun Rau in the bottom cornerpoor guy took a hit in a horrible spot. Anyway, I’m still hoping that’s a tease for an upcoming kit
  10. Do you have a picture of that one? There are so many things that happen so fast, that might be one I’ve missed
  11. At this point, I’ve lost track of what’s getting ignored or included
  12. These kits are pretty easy out of the box. If you’re not into going all out with filling seams or paintwork, these are rather color separated and if you want to go a little further and not use stickers, there are waterslide sets to pretty much color everything properly. Just need to top coat over them and maybe use a simple panel line method and it should look pretty great. They snap up pretty similar to the average hg gundam kit, so if you’re used to those these aren’t much more complicated
  13. Yeah, 70’s vs 80’s Scorpions is like the difference between night and day. I didn’t realize how amazing the older stuff was. I felt like I had missed a huge event or something by not hearing these songs until the last couple years. I was born in 78, so most of my memories of the band were the 80’s stuff up til the Crazy World album in 90. I felt extremely ignorant that they had some really great albums in the 70’s and I just didn’t have a clue about their existence. I think I stumbled on the old stuff by accident when I saw that video for We’ll Burn the Sky popped up on YouTube as a random recommendation and I had to find more.
  14. I just watched the first episode of that new Spidey cartoon. It’s kinda mostly forgettable. The animation looks a lot worse in a full episode than in just a preview. It kinda looks like a cheap late 90’s motion capture comic with slightly more movement. Not really a full animation looks, but kinda partially animated. Just a bit sub par, especially after X-Men 97, and that was really just upgrading the old animation a little. But this new show is definitely lacking a better quality. The story so far is just basic and I’ll admit that it is just an introductory episode, but it just doesn’t have an animated flair to make things exciting. I don’t know if I’ll watch another episode, it just doesn’t really feel worth the time. I really just wish they did for Spider-Man what they did for X-Men in the 97 series, but I guess they couldn’t afford to do higher quality animation on their most popular hero.
  15. There’s silver trim, gold trim and then the Kamjin one before he kills Roy. It’s briefly shown. It basically gets shot up quickly before he jumps out of the armor to battle Roy in just his battle suit. Kind of a blink and you could easily miss itthe other two really look more white and cream yellow, I just usually say silver and gold and people usually don’t argue with that
  16. I think if they had done something, it would’ve worked far better before the more recent stuff had kinda complicated the timeline of the alien franchise
  17. It’s not a bug or a glitch or even censorship. those are breaks that Hulu has put in for their ads if you haven’t paid for the ad free version. I just wish that Hulu didn’t put them in at all for those that did pay to not have ads. In a regular length series type show of about a half hour there’s a break between start and partway sometime before the eyecatch and again sometime after the eyecatch before the end. I don’t know the there’s a break at the eyecatch, but in a half hourish episode, there are usually two fade outs. They’re not the only ones that do it, but definitely the biggest service that does. My lady loves everything to do with Walking Dead and adds a one month or so subscription to AMC whenever a new show is added since most of the new stuff for the franchise have been shorter shows and the AMC shows and movies all have commercial wipes added in. AMC does also seem to censor movies though and I forget that every time, but those censorship changes are made because of their tv side of things and could just be censored versions the studios gives them for broadcast. Those censorship issues aren’t on Hulu though since once they don’t broadcast
  18. Now that all the Queadluun Rau colors are done and basically all the pods except maybe a green recolor, I guess now they can do the movie Nousjadeul Ger or the tv versions of the armors or maybe give us a Gnerl
  19. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always thought it was a bad idea and Scott has plenty of those, especially these days. But I wouldn’t put it past them to try and tie it in somehow. He’s already kinda messed up the franchise for alien and now Gladiator, it wouldn’t be unthinkable for him to do it to Blade Runner as well
  20. Just saw it up for preorder
  21. That’s one of my personal favorites from the band. I really only heard a lot of their 80’s hits up until a couple years ago and then discovered that their sound in the 70’s was so much more impactful and experimental. Uli Jon Roth was amazing on the guitar in most of those albums. Don’t get me wrong, those 80’s songs were great, it just felt like discovering a real treasure that they not only existed before that, but were so amazing. It was just so strange to me that many of the songs from that era didn’t get radio play when I was a kid growing up. Sails of Charon, We’ll Burn the Sky, Robot Man, In Trance were my favorites after finally going through those older albums. Also Robot Man deserves some credit for having one of those video spots with Klaus Meine doing one of the silliest happy dances ever. I was so used to seeing the band in leather or tight outfits that seeing him in those loose hippie disco clothes dancing around the stage was definitely highly entertaining
  22. Scott has said several times that alien and Blade Runner are in the same universe. I think it’s getting too complicated to tie the two together though at this point. It had more to do with the conversations about the androids in the movies. That the androids being too organic and emotional in Blade Runner being too much of a control problem, leading to a more mechanical type and eventually into something more easy to control in alien, rather than the emotional wreck of type in Prometheus. Nothing concrete has ever been on screen though from my understanding and at this point probably never will, but if something as chaotic as AVP can happen, I guess anything can
  23. There are things even In something as flawed as Prometheus or Raised by Wolves or even Gladiator 2 that are interesting, but he needs someone to sort them out and put the right idea with the right project and other times he just needs a bro to tell him, that ain’t gonna work at all. He definitely has a certain creative and lately almost over creative way of directing or producing projects that could be far better handled with some major help
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