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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Pete Davidson definitely is a better side character than a main actor. Hopefully they don’t over use him in this one.
  2. It’s alright. I really can’t defend them in anyway, all I can say is that this particular franchise is to me what bad Godzilla movies or more and more ridiculous Fast and Furious movies are to other people. Somehow no matter how bad these Jurassic movies can be, I’m still entertained and still have fun with them, but I totally understand how bad they actually are at the same time and completely understand why other people wouldn’t want to bother with them.
  3. Yeah, but it they could easily put extra delays on receiving goods at the port. Some of the truckers where I work have been complaining about longer waits and boats waiting extra long for check ins at the docks.
  4. I noticed that one from a screenshot a long while back, but the rocket pods on some of the Nousjadeul Ger is something I just found out about a couple days ago. I do think there’s gonna be more little things left to be discovered though
  5. Most of the tariffs were dropped, but there have been some odd things going on at the ports. I guess a couple of major smuggling rings were busted recently and inspections may be longer and more intense.
  6. I’ll probably go check it out. I’m kinda addicted to these stupid dinosaur movies.
  7. I still like Pedro, even if he is way overused at this point. And Joseph Quinn was my favorite character from Stranger Things
  8. As others had said, multiverse is their biggest gimmick. It’s also everything else’s biggest weakest most overdone gimmick. Oh well, RDJ as Dr. Doom will probably be somewhat interesting. I just hope the movie is good
  9. I don’t really know what a “pillock” is, but he does come of as a special kinda douche most of the time
  10. I do really like the car. Something kinda missing from the MCU are cool superhero mobiles. Most of the vehicles in the MCU other than Guardians of the Galaxy have been kinda generic looking, and it’s kinda nice to see a comic bookish looking car here
  11. I kinda feel like Thing’s voice should have been a bit gravely. It just seems too smooth here
  12. I don’t remember the company, but when I was younger I had an older Hughes 500 kit that was 1/72 in military green with rocket pods. That thing was tiny compared to this one. But it kinda brought back memories of it
  13. Yeah, been waiting decades for a good one. Kinda surprised that D+ hasn’t tried doing a new animated series for them after acquiring the license.
  14. Not so much charcoal for me, but have used crushed pastels
  15. I totally agree. I still love seeing it and love the backstory about images from other mecha, including the Glaug as inspiration for the gun arms.
  16. 90’s anime wasn’t too bad, but Macross 7 isn’t the easiest show to watch. 50ish episodes plus the ova’s and a whole lot of reused animation. I find it a bit tough myself, but I’ve never watched it with non bootleg subs.
  17. The dumb part is that I kinda remember missiles being fired, but I never thought to wonder where they came from. I do have to admit that most of the time it was a video cassette that I was watching and they probably just didn’t show well on there
  18. Macross II is a little weird for sure, but still fun for what it is. I hadn’t watched in a while since I only had the video tapes. I kinda thought the relationships were kinda strange in that one, especially towards the end. The whole Sylvie, Hibiki thing kinda came out of nowhere and then Ishtar finding them and just oh ok. The action is entertaining, but I kinda would’ve liked more time showing the details of the mecha. To get a good look at everything, it helps to be familiar with the images before watching, cause there are quite a few things that barely get shown more than a few seconds at a time. I really wish the Metal Siren got some more screen time
  19. I’ve seen the preorders for it and I do like this in comparison to a lot of other third party stuff. Most of the third party items kinda have a junky kind of look to them, while this one has a more elegant style to it
  20. I saw something about this a couple years ago, and I’m kinda hoping it just sticks satelites, cause my head keeps thinking about them trying that with people inside and a lot of barf
  21. I was pretty surprised as well. Until you mentioned it the other day, I had no idea of its existence. Even google searching, you gotta be specific about the missile backpack or else just the three color variations pop up and most sites only mention those. I couldn’t even find a line art or anything about it, just a couple screenshots of that scene. I don’t even know if they show up anywhere else in the movie
  22. It looks rather rounded and would probably be tough to do a two part mold. I think splitting it into three would be easier. Two halves on the outside for structure and the kneecap attached at the front like with the kit
  23. I don’t think it would be complicated at all, just they’d have to change the design a little. If they did it like the kit, it still had a seam in the middle of the lower leg, but they did a separation line around the knee cap that wasn’t in the design. It would definitely look better though since the line going straight through the knees look odd, especially on the right leg with the step
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