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Big s

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  1. I guess the title explains the white face makeup and the painted nails. At least it’s not as depressing as Battletech emo
  2. I barely got into the whole switch thing. So I’m ok with waiting. Besides, I guess Assault suit Leynos 2 is now available , so I’m gonna probably play the heck out of it.
  3. She’s kinda one of those characters that seems ok until they get further into the story and you realize that Disney likes the idea of an incompetent generation, so that they can try and have their new heroes. They basically 💩ed on every major character from the original trilogy and a few lesser characters just too spread the💩around. Unfortunately that’s the usual cookie cutter treatment for every franchise that Disney touches
  4. That’s true. Amazon somehow ruined Lord of the Rings. But Disney somehow killed Indy, Star Wars, Marvel, Lucas film in general and even their own original stuff.
  5. I think I stopped enjoying rewatching Star Trek stuff after DS9 and I used to enjoy rewatching Star Wars OG films even after the Disney purchase, but I haven’t done a rewatch after all the shows kinda turned mostly into flops. And now that I think of it, I don’t really rewatch the marvel stuff anymore more either, especially after the legacy of most of the characters seemed ruined for the most part. Might still rewatch The Guardians of the Galaxy films though. Even spider man doesn’t really make me excited much anymore, after a second viewing of No Way Home (the movie that gets worse every rewatch). I think the multiverse ruined those films. Never really cared for the DC stuff anymore, but I’d probably still enjoy a rewatch of The Suicide Squad, but I don’t know how I’ll feel after the reboot films start coming out
  6. I think that’s why I keep putting it off. Everything is split in half on that thing
  7. I have one that’s been in my stash for a few years. I still tell myself I’ll build it someday
  8. Finishing this season of Invincible and doing some work on the yard, gonna make dinner in a bit.
  9. That might be true. Most of these slasher flicks are easily forgotten, while a lot of talk focuses on how bad a semi live action remake like Snow White can be. It may actually sour people from even wanting to rewatch the original as a side effect
  10. And another one of these cheap horror films.
  11. If I remember, they were non scale. Maybe they’re have given it one though
  12. Is this the Wave kit with added articulation? Looks really cool
  13. Is that show still going? I remember seeing that on one of those pbs type stations way back in the 90’s
  14. Late 90’s, every house hold or apartment or cramped for seemed to have one. They were so small that they were given out often as Christmas and birthday gifts regularly for a few years.
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