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Everything posted by Koko

  1. There is time dilation in the fold, but they never really explained in details what is going on. The most we got was a bunch of random numbers being stated after the macross quarter folds in macross frontier.
  2. well it is physics, but now with fold quartz technology, the ability to travel instanteniously AND go back in time, solves this puzzle... you basically choose the location AND time you want to fold to and do it. (all thanks to fold quartz , which birler wanted to use to meet minmay) but then you open a new can of worms,... time travel.
  3. the calander is universal yes. the "age (more specifically the biological age)" of a character to that calendar is relative. look at this scenario: Character A folds to earth, the fold takes 30 minutes, Character A's location at the time of the fold is 3 light years away from Earth distance by conventional space. during this time, When he exits the fold. people on earth aged 3 years. character A aged 30 minutes.
  4. there seems to be alot of people on the forum that think that characters are aging in a linear format. yes for example macross plus took place in 2040 AD (relative to earth), but all this gets a bit confusing and tricky once you start "folding" (FTL travel), so macross delta is taking place in 2067 AD (relative to earth), so did Isamu Dyson really age 27 years? we know 27 years passed on earth, but we dont know if isamu "aged" 27 years. depending on the number of times a character experienced folding that character is technically younger than he "should" be.
  5. Anti-UN sentiment CAN be generational, but even from a speculative point of view, there is some evidence from the teaser that the settlers split into 2 factions from the onset. as soon as they left the macross they formed into 2 factions: how does the PC seeded theory apply to the above case? - we see a border running along the geography from the Macross landing site and through some city itself. then again....who builds a city next to his enemy and then builds a border through it???? it seems i disproved myself. but also this only dissproves that the differences have arised from the get go, it does not disprove 2 human factions infighting. also in the trailer at the end when the VF-31 transforms there are 2 glowing crystals in its chest area, and after looking at the pictures of the actual VF-31 model they are there as well , can those be Fold quartz crystals embedded into the design of the plane itself? that would be first i think (unless the EX upgrades in Macross frontier had fold quartz crystals in their design aswell)
  6. You raise an excellent point. The blue haired boy may indeed be conflicted about his loyalty/ ideology. But his "relationship" with the crimson haired zolan female seems to imply that he is more likely a vf-31 pilot (as she may be as well) As for the blue-gold SV-262 it matches exactly to the blonde haired man's coat, which leads me to believe that hebisbthe captain / ace (d.d. ivanov) of the Sv-262 squadron. And the white-gold coated individual to be the mission-command* ofnthe operations?? But we are missing a piece of the puzzle from the "KINGDOMS" fan art. There is a missing pilot.
  7. Apologies on my earlier written heresy as for the kingdom being a protoculture seeded race, i believe that although that is a possibilty, it is an unlikely one. The planet in the teaser is shown beinging divided roughly in half. This implies that the settlers / colonisers that stepped out of the Macross disagreed on a certain (yet to be explained) point. But i speculate given the SV designation of their mecha that they may more likely be anti-UN decendants/sympathisers, rather than a new found "race". Also them being a "kingdom" and their pilots designated as "knights" implies both a monarchy and aristocracy. In medieval Europe kindgoms had very distinguished social classes Monarchy> nobility > knights and Priests (religious class which can translate to the singers in macross's case) > peasants. Now and as i said this is all logical speculation if you have a bunch Anti-UN aristocratic settlers (all else being equal) on what fault lines would they establish a social class system? My speculation is that they established it along facist racial lines. No zentradi no zolan and no half-breeds. I believe this paradigm may have a good setting to tell a powerful story. As for the legacy of the protoculture i believe it is a yet to be revealed reason (artifact / ruins / planet) that will somehow challenge the idealogical principals of the "Kingdom" near the end of the series that will make the "bad guys" reform.
  8. What we know so far: (Teaser) - Takes place in CE 2067 (8 years after the events of Frontier), on a planet on the edge of the galaxy. [(can this imply lack of NUNS / Earth influence??)] - The unnamed planet shown seems to be divided in half, with a border set along the geography of the planet, dividing the city/land/continent in half. [( did the colonisers who came aboard that macross have differed along idealogical lines??)] -Setting of the Macross ship is in a green lush vegetative geography. - Floating Blue-Haired boy has a Fold Quartz crystal necklace. - 2 veritech fighters (identified as the VF-31 siegfried and SV-262 Draken III) are dogfighting in the green,lush vegetative geography. [( SV was a designation used by the Anti- unification forces on the mecha they manufactured, could this be the idealogical fault line that seperated the colonisers geographically ??)] - Tactical Sound Unit (VF-31 pilots) of whom only 2 were shown. (speculation : Blue Haired boy, and Zolan Crimson haired female) - Uncultured / Pirate Zentradi attack / play a role in the story. - Var syndrome "consuming" the galaxy [(is this related to the V-Type infection related to the Vajra from Macross Frontier?)] - Legacy of the protoculture [( a new protoculture seeded race? kingdom of wind? or are the kingdom of wind the Anti-UN forces?)] - Aerial Knights of the kingdom of the wind , setting in a harsh mountainous geography implying another area/land/continent or even planet. [( speculation: the kingdom of wind seems to be built along a monarchy / nobility ideaology, maybe they are Human supremicst that find other "races" inferior? be it zentradi / zolan / or zentradi-human intermarriage)] - Kingdom of the wind seem to have a very Prussian fashion sense. (hair jewelary is it significant or just fashion? possible cybernetic implant like grace o connors) -WALKURE singing support group (for the tactical sound unit VF-31 pilots, all 5 singers are shown in the officially released art, Crimson Haired Zolan female is not part of the Walkure) - SV-262 squadron is shown attacking an orbiting space ship (speculation: this can support the multiple planet theory or that the Kingdom of wind is actually at a disadvantage against the other colonists since they have access to NUNS reinforcements from space) -Freyja Wion is gazing at a "Planet" (can this be the legacy of the protoculture?)
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