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Everything posted by linitrofe

  1. Thanks!
  2. I just got my VF-1S with a typical Japanese souvenir inside
  3. Wait a minute!? The seller is Bandai??
  4. It looks like you got the only one in stock :/
  5. What about NY?
  6. Yes and once order is place you can't cancel it :|
  7. Well... The subject was talked during 31J preorder madness. One guy (I can't recall his name) went to the physical address in HK and it's a legit store but other than that we don't know much more BTW Loopaza has DHL shipment options. For me it was USD 58 (Chile) which is as expensive as some shipment options from NY or HLJ. Also on the 31J preorder madness they also opened their store one or two days before the rest.
  8. Loopaza pre order page is already open: https://www.loopaza.com/dx-chogokin-macross-delta-sv-262hs-draken-iii-keith-aero-windermere-custom.html
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