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Everything posted by linitrofe

  1. Where did you get the Saturn V? How much?
  2. What I am missing here? Why such price for them?
  3. VF-11B Yamato 1/60 Y32100 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s534865212 And as a fellow member mentioned, yes... I was f#+$&ing desperate for this one
  4. YF-21 Yamato 1/60 Y28600 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d235978083 Did I mention I snag this one?
  5. VF1-S Hikaru Weathered Yamato 1/60 Y35000 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r196199411
  6. SDF1 1/3000 Yamato Buy it Now Y75000 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g221124627
  7. Back in stock at NY https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/19852-macross-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom-premium-finish-ver.html A bargain!
  8. So, Is the Y10.000 difference between regular and premium worth it? Any focused pictures showing the differences?
  9. Welcome to the forum!!! This requests are handled in a different thread. Take a look at: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/10-wanted/ http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/9-for-sale-amp-trade/
  10. Gerwalk is the best. Super Wings seal of approval
  11. Messer available at NY. Yen 22.000 https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/19716-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31f-siegfried-messer-ihlefeld-custom.html
  12. I got the 31F and 262 from them. The first unit tracking stopped in Germany, the second one in customs (Chile). In both cases it took two weeks to show up back again. I blame Chilean customs for it but definitely DHL Global Services sucks. When I requested support from Loopaza on the first unit they were very good reaching DHL and whiling to make a refund if the unit didn't show up within DHL limits. It did on the very last day. They are not a scam, I'll buy from them again BUT! In both cases they sent the unit in a box slightly narrow. Both original packages got a little damage on one or two borders.
  13. Same here. This time was DHL Global Services
  14. So there is the sword
  15. Thanks! I knew I was missing a thread
  16. Vajra. 36000 yen. Still open. http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f144746784
  17. Lo quebraste! Eran los últimos USD 67 que le quedaban. Mala onda
  18. Lo que me tiene asustado es que la última actualización de la cagaa fue en Alemania, ni siquiera acá. Más encima DHL ya me ha perdido cosas antes en Alemania! :@
  19. My unit has been without any update from the DHL since December 23 :/ BTW: I order it from Loopaza paying USD 58 for DHL (to Chile). The thing is they use DHLG whish is handled from HK to CL by DHL and from there by the local post office. Sucks! So far with the delay from DHL there is no difference with any SAL service from JP.
  20. It is from NY, there is a ticket still open. They are talking with Bandai if there is something they can do for me (long shot but still hoping the best). It looks like pure bad luck. The packaging is in pristine condition so I think it came this way from factory or warehouse
  21. Awesome! Thanks for the tip. I think I'll give it a try
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