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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. I would support Bioroids, spartas and Ajacs (was that the name of the helicopters?) for sure
  2. Buenísimo. Ojalá te resulte todo bien.
  3. Well, rumor has it the movies are supposed to be a sequel to the original series, in terms of how Shinji would have shaped the world after the events in The End of Evangelion. It's noticeable by the way the characters treat him, and other situations that were traumatizing for him on the series that play out entirely different on the movies. That being said, i agree on the third movie being hard to digest. Too many things happening that made it hard to keep track of what was going on. Still want to watch the last movie, though.
  4. Those valks are looking great. Good job!
  5. That poster is amazing
  6. It's an easy pass for me
  7. This project is looking great! Piensas venderlos? Tienes algún precio en mente?
  8. You've set the bar really high for the rest of us who are waiting to build our pinkys!!!
  9. Does it say "cimplified"?
  10. At least, shipping to Chile shouldn't be too expensive, right?
  11. Nope, I meant this one:
  12. For their "super poseable" line, they realeased a standard VF-1A and labeled it Ben Dixon's, so they may do the same thing this time
  13. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie, but because of licencing issues, I don't think the final scenes are going to be as awesome as I imagined them while reading the book.
  14. I'd love to see that in its final colors
  15. I'd like to see with which of their "Veritechs" they will include the Ben Dixon pilot figure, since they don't have that variant. I'm guessing they will include him with the CF.
  16. Thanks! I'll try to find those colors here in Chile for when my Pinky arrives!
  17. They are releasing Ben Dixon as a pilot, but they've never released Ben's VF-1A
  18. I think it may be close in size to those Toynami 1/100 Veritechs
  19. I wish two things for this figure: - better hands than those of the MPC Alphas - A compatible Beta to attach to it
  20. I agree on the fan service part. It annoys me that most shows nowadays focus so much on that to 'please' audiences, when they should put their focus on story and character development
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