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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. I don't have it. I downloaded the Beta using a link at the top of this thread. Now I'd like to find a link to download the actual game. Forget about that. I found it: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/5360
  2. I never had a Gakken. Just the CM's and Megahouse ones
  3. That's not enough to bypass Googles geolocation restriction for apps. You just need to download the APK from an alternative app store
  4. I think no ride armor figure has a simple transformation
  5. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    Great! Have you tried Kakizaki's?
  6. I'm concerned about that stand, too. Hopefully it comes with other options for different poses
  7. Such terrible character design....
  8. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work.
  9. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    True. I haven't been able to find a VF-1S Hikaru for a reasonable price.
  10. Ya vi Eureka, Evangelion, Escaflowne, Gurren Lagann, Code Geass y Sidonia no Kishi. De Patlabor vi alguna vez una peícula. De Gundam sólo he visto Gundam Wing. No he visto ni Gasaraki, Gunbuster, Infinite Stratos o Suisei no Gargantia
  11. Here's another option: http://www.ebay.com/itm/282584803430
  12. I loved it. It's been a solid start for this season, and we're almost halfway already
  13. Me gustan de Mechas, pero en general aprecio cualquier serie que tenga una buena historia, sin importar el género
  14. That would be great. I'd love to learn how to use the Manual mode better
  15. Those Nausicaa models look just great
  16. Yo no estoy siguiendo ninguna de las actuales. Más bien poniéndome al día con series viejas. ¿Alguna recomendación?
  17. If the love story was really Kawamori's focus for Delta, then he failed completely. The love triangle was forced and sucked terribly. The only good thing about Delta was the VFs design.
  18. Lots of interesting upcoming releases. I seemed to spot a Lina Inverse figure, and a super expensive Escaflowne, just to name a few
  19. I would get that Tread even if it's not attachable to any of my Legioss. Would look nice displayed to my 1/72 Legioss kit
  20. Wow!! Please, post pics as you start assembling it
  21. But it's been like that for ages, now. US animation is not what it used to be. It's been reduced to simpler drawings and cheap animation techniques. You won't get anything like the 80s or 90s animation, with shows like Thundercats, Silverhawks, TMNT, X-Men, just to name a few, which may noy have been perfect, but at least had decent character designs and more attention to detail when it comes to characters movement and background designs.
  22. Agreed. Looks much better than the CMS version. I just hope it doesn't have crumbling hands, like the Toynami version
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