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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. Great pic as always, @Kuma Style
  2. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    @sqidd doesn't Hikaru's VF-1J come with a TV pilot?
  3. I'm selling my Moscato Hobby Models 1/48 Buster (Legioss) kit. I posted it on the For Sale & Trade section
  4. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4599619 Adapter for Sentinel Legioss and Toynami Tread (Beta)
  5. I should be receiving my Legioss by Monday
  6. @mikeszekelyseems like animators/producers these days think kids are stupid and can't watch a properly drawn cartoon
  7. Thanks. I'm using Citadel's Karak Stone
  8. Awesome work!
  9. I'll check again. Thanks
  10. How are you guys paying on Mandarake? Last time I checked PayPal was not an option
  11. I asked about what scale they were planning to produce, if they ever actually produce it, and it seems that it's going to be 1/48th
  12. Those look really good, @NZEOD I started painting the Tomahawk
  13. I just started paint the Minitech Tomahawk
  14. Still deciding which one I'm going to paint next
  15. Looking good, @NZEOD I'm still waiting for my N-GER to arrive, along with the Regult Scout set
  16. My newest acquisition
  17. These were posted on Facebook by the MEP Toys guy 1/12 variable Hovertank
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