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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. Found this awesome custom on Instagram
  2. Sure, @derex3592 I'll take more pics later today. In the meantime, here's a quick one I took last night
  3. I got Newage's Agamemnon today, and it came not just with a lot of accessories inside the box, but other things too. I would've preferred Decepticons logos, though
  4. It does, and they're a pain to apply. Hence, I'm seriously considering paying one of the guys who usually build my kits to do that job
  5. I made more progress on my Tornado Messiah this weekend I still need to build its gun, landing gear and a few other parts. And to apply a lot of decals
  6. Thanks, @MechTech
  7. I only have the ETA. Sorry, @Chas
  8. Thanks, @Thom
  9. I hadn't watched the video, bit now I did and bought the files right away. The work @UN_MARINEhas done is impressive
  10. Another great pic, @Kuma Style!
  11. Hi I've been trying to find official line art of the different Bioroids' rear Does something like that exist?
  12. I don't remember Lisa including any preorder bonuses. It's supposed to be cheaper if you preorder from them. I don't remember about these character figures, but at least for the 1/72 valks you pay just a part of the full price to preorder
  13. That did the trick. Thanks, @mikeszekely
  14. Indexing is still in process. Did you see anything on their support forum about going to the first unread post? I was so used to that, specially when there are many new posts and you have to scroll through several pages to find where the new content starts
  15. But the way it worked before, if I clicked on any topic, it would take me straight to the first unread post. Now it takes me to the first post of that topic. Using the "Unread Content" stream shows all unread post from all topics, from newest to first, but doesn't group them by Topic. I tried the clear mode, but there's an issue with the location of the user's avatar. I'm using my phone ton navigate the site, btw
  16. Not so user friendly as the previous version, where clicking on a topic would just take you to the first unread post if the stream was setup property
  17. Hi, @Shawn I'm still trying to figure out how to setup a Stream that takes me to the first unread post of each topic, instead of the first post. My old stream used to work like that Any ideas on jow should I set the stream for that?
  18. Just arrived
  19. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    Toynami released a series of their 1/100 VFs that came with a pilot and a standing figure Even if it's Toynami, you may still use the pilot, @sqidd
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