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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. I strongly recommend MS's Megatron. NA's had a lot of problems. https://showzstore.com/magic-square-ms-b36-doomsday-megatron_p1584.html
  2. That was a fun show
  3. Since my Invid Scout by MEP TOYS lost one of its legs, it's a great opportunity to paint its eye blue!
  4. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    That'd be awesome
  5. Looks great. Thanks for sharing
  6. This is looking soo good! Thanks, Cap'n
  7. This project is looking good so far: https://www.instagram.com/p/CM3h9M8p8nx/?igshid=121efegmigls5
  8. What do you think about Iron Factory's Wheeljack and Hound, @technoblue? I'm considering those two for my collection I started not long ago and I already have NA's Starscream, Soundwave, Galvatron, Bumblebee and Ratchet, and Magic Square's Megatron. NA's Prowl is on the way, too. I've also pre-ordered NA's Ultra Magnus and Shockwave and MS's Devastator. I'm tempted to get MS Optimus Prime, but seems to be sold out everywhere.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/545859750/posts/10158380974619751/ Great Regult build
  10. The game is up for preorder: https://www.kidslogic.toys/products/bg01
  11. My main complaints are: 1. the way the Cannon's wheels connect to the elbows. Looks too gappy on both modes. 2. That you can't stow the feet in alt mode 3. That you need to remove some pieces for the transformation. As usual with NewAge, the transformation process is clever, and bot mode looks great, with awesome poseability, but the main thing I like about these toys compared to HMR, for instance, is that I can go and transform them anytime I want, without having to look for a box of swappable parts. This is not the case, since you need to remove the hands for the transformation.
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