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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. https://nerdist.com/article/cowboy-bebop-live-action-first-look-images-premiere-date-netflix/
  2. @Podtastic contact this one: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1036165273554367&id=567826440388255 He's printing 1/12 Gurabs
  3. Maybe after the Horizon you could post a poll on what project to tackle next, as long as the people voting commit to buying the kits
  4. Here it is, that's mine. I'm sure the Captain would do something far better, though.
  5. Let's not forget there's s already a 1/100 model of the Gigamesh. I prefer the Captain doing things that haven't been released yet
  6. At last, officially revealed. I'm not loving the fake chest windows over the actual truck windows, though. And two sets of headlights in bot mode look weird.
  7. Sorry, @Podtastic
  8. He was so young. A talented man. Sad news
  9. The face is a great improvement over the previous figure
  10. Convectuoso

    Macross figures

  11. My Minitech Destroids. I need to get started on the Defender
  12. You're working really fast on these kits, @tekering
  13. Looking good so far
  14. @tekering what's the Cute Pony thing for?
  15. My thoughts exactly
  16. Ridiculously expensive for their size
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