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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. I stopped playing when they added so many features that it was taking too long to start playing.
  2. Eye decals won't fix her nose
  3. I saw a lot of people on Facebook complaining about the price, thinking it was USD 850. 😅
  4. The problem with their DB game was that they couldn't sell it outside of certain countries. Given this is a "Robotech" branded game they shouldn't have that problem
  5. A couple weeks ago I built my first Moderoid kit It was a pretty fun build. My only complaint is that the kit it's meant to be built without any painting, but Good Smile didn't cast some parts on the right color, specially the back of the hands.
  6. That's what I hate about modern character design.
  7. Great custom using an SD Valkyrie kit and the 1/144 VF-11 MAXL kit
  8. Buena idea. Acá les dejo mi colección de Frontier (ignoren el VF-31 de Mirage). Principalmente de las líneas VF100, Robot Spirits y algunos custom
  9. 90%
  10. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

  11. Not actually a model yet, but still worth sharing
  12. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

  13. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    For those who have made HM customs, especially @sh9000, what's the safest way to remove the head of a HM Valk?
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