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About Convectuoso

  • Birthday 08/22/1982

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Alaska Base Survivor

Alaska Base Survivor (10/15)



  1. Did anyone got it for the Switch? I haven't been able to find it on the JP eshop
  2. Yes, the hands are gray and stickers were applied. A similar thing was supposed to be done with the biceps. It came in black with gray decals to cover it, but I chose to just paint it.
  3. Here's my VF-22 Gamlin build. I'm yet to build the parts for the other modes. I'll post pictures when I complete those
  4. Should be these ones
  5. I received mine Yesterday
  6. Sentinel is advertising this as ROBOTECH
  7. Wild robot was an excellent film
  8. I watched it over the weekend with my wife and daughter. Such a waste of time. They should've kept it a series instead of a movie. It could've made more sense that way.
  9. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    What stand is that?
  10. Awesome! Amazing work as always @tekering And please, count me in for a set of upgrades. I'll PM you
  11. Did you paint it or applied the included stickers/ decals? I'm still trying to understand why, if the set comes with black and gray pieces, there's a black part that needs to be covered with gray decals.
  12. Some progress on Gamlin's
  13. That's not officially licensed, but looks fun to build anyway
  14. I wish the HMR VF-1As would have had this colors
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