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Everything posted by bleecher

  1. I have a problem. And the only prescription is more Macross. I love adding items to my preorder excel document
  2. Still no preorder release date huh? Man, I am excited for this piece. Great time to be a Macross fan.
  3. I checked Amazon JP, unfortunately they aren't shipping the SV-51 to the US. As for NY, the shipping price actually puts it above CDJ. Thanks for the input though!
  4. Seems like CDJapan had the cheapest total price when accounting for shipping to the US. Anyone find a better deal elsewhere? Just wondering for future orders.
  5. Can't wait for the preorder to go up.
  6. CDJ: "This notification is sent to you to inform you in advance that the credit payment corresponding to your purchase below is about to be finalized. When you placed this order, the issuer of your card granted us an authorization to allow us to process the credit payment for this purchase. However, as we notified you during checkout or via other means, credit card companies strictly prohibit processing of any payment more than 90 days after the store is granted this authorization. Now that this deadline is approaching, it is necessary to finalize the payment so that we are actually able to continue with your purchase. The payment will be finalized in five days from today." Seems like they are actually going to charge me. Might be an early charge since the figure is due in August. But who knows!
  7. Just got notice from CDJapan that the item will be charged in the next 5 days.
  8. Been slow for the third party market, Metal Club seems to have not released a teaser in a while.
  9. They're on facebook, instagram, twitter, amazon, ebay, have been to comic-con with a booth, and have a toy themed van so it seems like they are at least a serious business.
  10. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/preorders/32668-evangelion-evangelion-eva-02-metal-build--4573102570536.html Price was at $234, but never went online. Now it says $335.
  11. http://www.inask.net/blog-entry-1599.html This guy does some amazing work, if only it were mass produced for sale.
  12. I was able to secure one at cdj as they opened po window almost 6 hours before any other retailer and was in stock for close to an hour. I stayed up to try and get a cheaper order through a amiami and hlj and both sold out within seconds... Along with every other site.
  13. N-Y is always a risk. I recall a package lost in transport as I waited 6 weeks with no movement of the item on tracking. Contacted them 3 times for a new shipment or refund and they repeatedly told me no and that the shipment was on its way. Got my cc company involved and successfully got refunded and N-Y ended up banning my account. Lo and behold the item never arrived. I have a new account with them, but only use them as a last resort now.
  14. http://www.anime-export.com/product/44377
  15. I know scalpers are part of the game and all, but it still rubs me the wrong way. Preorders have gotten exponentially harder since I started collecting 3 years ago. Used to be able to readily get items from amiami, HLJ, CDJ. Also, I have no idea how the N-Y waiting lounge works. Never seems to load through for me no matter how long I keep the page open.
  16. Congrats, hopefully it all goes well. I just find it a pain that they charge full price upfront.
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