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Everything posted by QEssential

  1. Thanks! Actually not a fan on this series but couldn't resist the price on sale! BTW OT: Why are all my pics always rotated on a side????
  2. I can't answer for reliable re-sellers because I usually get them when there are first released either from HLJ or Nippon Yassan. But in the times I have used them (Amazon or ebay) I've had no problems. Yamatos 1/48s and VF-1 1/60s are currently not in production so they are hard to find (for the right price). Your best bet would be on the forum here or Yahoo Auctions Japan.
  3. Yup, that is correct. Yamato version 2 VF-1s are hard to come by these days with many inflated prices so do be careful. I suggest you do your research first. If you can wait I suggest you wait and hopefully Arcadia will re-issue them in the near future. Otherwise, you can try the "For Sale" section in this forum. Good luck!
  4. The one in the ebay link is a later version with a different head sculpt and has a white body while the one in amazon has a dark grey body. This would be the original vintage that the Amazon one has replicated: http://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/q92500780
  5. Hikaru flying over Tokyo.
  6. Isn't it a little to late to tweet Mr. K stuff now? I mean the VF-0S slated for a Dec release which prolly means that production is already well underway or prolly already sitting in a warehouse somewhere... Hahaha...
  7. Woah... So glad I cancelled my pre-order. At almost $400 AUD a 'pop' it's too much of a risk for me to take. 😁 But wait a min, the legs are not broken and will pop back in right?
  8. From my understanding, the rainbow peeling is a very rare problem. My VF-1S Hikaru's rainbow canopy is still perfect. Anyone know what causes it? Or how to prevent it? I try as best as possible to keep my valks out of the sun. 😁
  9. Been playing with this for a couple of days now and I must say I love it! This is my first Arcadia product and overall I am really impressed. Pros: The joints are tight and the whole toy is very well built and solid! I gave the plane a rough shake to simulate some crazy turbulence and nothing came loose. Really love the new brilliant white colour scheme of Arcadia. This is how valks should be coloured right from the start! I felt the quality of plastics used were really good! I like it's smooth matte finish which makes it feel expensive as opposed to Bandai's choice of smooth reflective plastic. Cons: Really disappointed Arcadia didn't continue with the rainbow tinted cockpit canopy. I really enjoyed that in the previous Yamatos. Thought it really made the toy stand out. That extra bit of detail really brought it to another level. Could have deeper panel lines to make it look less "toy" like. The overall toy's too smooth. The price.
  10. Yeah, overall really love the brilliant white of my Arcadia VF-1J. It does look pinkish in the shadow.
  11. When using nail polish, do I apply it to the ball joint or the socket?
  12. Got this in the mail today! Can't wait to play with it tonight! :D:D
  13. Thanks no3ljm! Might try that!!! When applying nail polish, do you apply it to the ball joint or the socket?
  14. Hey guys! I have a VF-25F renewal that has really loose hip joints. I mean the ball joints at the hips/jet intake area. So much so that it can no longer stand on its own. Am I the only one that has this problem? Is it a manufacturing defect/flaw? What can I do? Nail polish? Scotch tape?
  15. Just cancelled my pre-order on Hlj. In the end really couldn't justify the almost $400 AUD price tag. That's way too much to pay for a new toy. As consumers I think we have to send the right message to toy companies that there is a limit to how much toys should be. Otherwise prices will just continue to go up.
  16. QEssential

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, at this point seems like sales are doing great!!! I still can't get a VF-1S Hikaru anwhere! And I remembered also how hard it was to get the earlier VF-1S Roy. Even now they are pricy!
  17. QEssential

    Hi-Metal R

    Where can I still get pre-orders the Strike Roy VF-1S? Sold out on HLJ.
  18. Man, maybe I should cancel my pre-order now and get the one with SAP instead.
  19. Still not too impressed with the latest pics. Plastic still looks cheap and too clean. Needs more details like panel lining and decals. And what the hell is the gap in the middle of the face?!?? On a $200 toy?!?!? Who's happy with what they've seen?
  20. Hohoho! That's it. I'm sold!
  21. How about yellowing? Personally I prefer the Arcadia bright white but I am just concerned it will yellow more easily compared to the other variants of white.
  22. Hey guys! Please don't overreact! What the shop owner told me may or may not be true. But I just thought I'd report what exactly happened and what was said to me. And remember, he has a motive for saying that - to mark up the price of the toy. Always take whatever you read with a pinch of salt. Unless we hear it from Arcadia themselves.
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