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Everything posted by QEssential

  1. I find it amusing that people are nitpicking over screws now?!? Shows really how spoilt we are! lol I could never imagine this happening 20 years ago! On another note, I'll be passing on this one. Already have the DYRL versions and the TV VF-1S. I guess the next release after this is the 1S Hikaru? Really disappointed Arcadia is not growing some balls and stepping outside their comfort zone of 1Ss... C'mon, there's tons more valks to do!!!
  2. Damm, OT! The VF-0D looks wicked in that colour!
  3. Just to confirm, does this have the little red triangle at the cockpit printed on?
  4. I still love the 1/48s! To me they are still the definitive valks out there! But sadly mine have yellowed! Yellowing's a common problem with these. Who else has this problem?
  5. I am kinda disappointed by the announcement of this re-issue. Surely by now people who want the VF-1S would have gotten one already considering this is the hero mecha of the series. How many more could they possibly sell and at what RRP? Strange decision by Arcadia me thinks... Still hoping for a VF-1D, VE-1 or Virgin Road....
  6. When is the release date?
  7. Just saw pics of this on Arcadia's facebook. Is this getting reissued?
  8. Seems like many prefer the V2 Yammie sculpts. But for me I think the Hi-metal is more pleasing to the eye. It's looks more solid/beefier to me, especially around the chest. It's just got more pleasing proportions. That's just my humble opinion though. Having said that, I must say that the V2 looks more anime accurate esp. in battroid mode.
  9. I think its about time for a V3. It looks outdated compared to the Hi-metal series.
  10. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10338583 Damm, that's a good price!
  11. I am so happy to get a VF-0S on sale. Can't wait for it to ship together with my VF-19!
  12. But the tailfin stickers look different?
  13. Am passing on this VF-4G. Will be an instant buy for me if Arcadia did it in this colour. Where did you get the decals/stickers from?
  14. To all you haters out there, I'M IN!!!! Who else? What's those 2 bits in the last picture?
  15. Has anyone given this a Matt top coat? I think it will make this toy look much better e,g. Less cheap plasticky.
  16. Is the pre-order for NEXX VF-2SS SAP out yet?
  17. Actually, I suspect its rough handling from HLJ. Cuz my shipping boxes are fine but the toy boxes are the ones damaged. Also I notice there's more TLC with other toy companies where they uses bubble wrap and air pockets/bags to protect the toys. HLJ can really improve on their packaging. I wouldn't mind paying for TBH.
  18. Thanks for the review mate! Looks like its crappier than I thought. What I cannot accept from a manufacturer are parts with poor fitment and parts that break out of the box - which looks like this toy is full of. Now that I have no desire to touch the toy/too scared to touch the toy; mine would prolly stay in the box forever. Watching this video though kinda reminds me of the V1 Yamatos. It was kinda crap but I was still sooooo happy to get one cuz it was the first of the VF-1 toys made in a long time. Same with this toy. Lots of potential lost right there. So here's hoping for a V2 or that Bandai or Arcadia can give it a shot.
  19. Can you tell me what's the other toys in the pictures? Especially the second smallest robot and the smallest robot.
  20. Yeah, HLJ has the cheapest shipping. But the last two times I ordered from them, the boxes came in scratched and damaged. So I'm never going with them again.
  21. The more I read about what people have to say, the better I feel about this valk. I mean I don't have expectations of this piece to begin with. I'm just so happy I have a physical representation of the toy to hold in my hand after all these years! Also I will definitely be panel lining it. It's looks so much better!!!!
  22. Mine arrived this morning! I'll prolly keep this in the box and wait for Nexx to open up and play. 😁
  23. AHHHHH!!!! Anyone got pics to see how it compares to the anime?
  24. Why do you think Arcadia made the colour change? Was a reason ever given? Cuz in the future there will be nothing to distinguish DYRL and TV valks! lol Not a fan of the new Arcadia white though.... although I understand the pinkish tone is designed to prevent yellowing. My fav white is still the Yamato TV white!
  25. I finally decided open this fella up last night. Although I prefer the older Yamato DRYL versions mainly because of the painted red triangle on the cockpit I must say that the quality of this Arcadia piece is so much better. Everything feels tighter and more solid. How do you guys feel? Arcadia better quality?
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