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Everything posted by jasonmacross83

  1. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder if Glaug will have a few diecast bits like the Valkyries. Maybe the feet? Is it true that pre-orders for that begin on the 1st of Decemeber? Can't wait till we get a Max again
  2. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    hope ur right
  3. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING GUYS! Can't wait for the VF-1S figures release. There should be some available after the release date due to people cancelling pre-orders. By the way, if you can find the VF-1J Armored Valkyrie for less than 120 bucks, BUY IT NOW. NY has just raised their price on that figure AGAIN. Also, eBay has them for way more money. freakin ridiculous I'm guessing Glaugs will be even more harder to find if you can't secure a pre-order
  4. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not sure about the extra tip, but I hope you are right
  5. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not concerned. Still highly collectible and I'm not a perfectionist. Don't know if I want to spend another fortune on a Yamato/Arcadia. I will welcome these little dudes witih open arms or oversized arms
  6. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    New photos of the VF-1S are up if anyone is interested http://www.toysbuddyhk.comwww.toysbuddyhk.com/forum/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14331&from=portal
  7. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    They have a rating of 99.8 % on eBay. When I bought the VF-1j at their store (EMS shipping). It took two days to get here I kid you not. I live in NYC and even I was astonished. Hobby shops here kinda suck There are many hobby oriented Japanese online stores that many on this forum are not aware of. Just try extremely hard hahaha Since Kombini DID carry many VF-1Js, then I am very confident that Regults will be easy to aquire from them as well Kombini ships very fast.
  8. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    congrats man
  9. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    That's how I feel about the Masterpiece Transformers line. I tried to get into them, but couldn't because I felt the original G1s/Diaclone toys were historic and better engineered for their time. The Masterpieces that came out after Rodimus felt a lot like the classics line. The Hi-Metals make me feel the same way I feel about the G1/Diaclone toys. I love them and I want to own them all
  10. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I did receive the VF-1J from them like I mentioned. They replied very quickly to my questions. I was willing to risk it because I did not want to pay $130 at Nippon Yasan. If you don't really trust them, then don't do it. I personally think that the Regults and Glaugs will be incredibly tough to snag at every other site. I'm surprised almost nobody had heard of them. They also have the Roy Focker reissue, but you have to pay now. Would rather take the Nippon Yasan route instead
  11. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    Ordered one of the two VF-1J at My Kombini so they are legit if anyone is thinking about preordering a REGULT from them. I already preordered 2. They are friendly folks over there I soooooooooooooooooooooo can't wait till Glaug Kombini's VF-1J stock sold out and they may carry the VF-1S's They were the cheapest I could find at only 104 dollars
  12. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    This reminds me so much of the D-arts Megaman line from a few years back. So much promise (ride armor mech and articulated sigma), but it never happened. I am happy to know Hi-metal line will go very far since almost every pre-order has sold out. At least I have Truforce Megaman X to look forward to
  13. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for letting me know. I noticed that everything hi-end from bandai has been very minty (figuarts, monsterarts, soul of chogokin, and etc) You are right about what you said. I'm lucking to even own a couple if hi-metals
  14. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai is on fire. I'm totally getting 3 glaugs Changing subject, are minty boxes of the armored Valkyrie uncommon? I noticed that most boxes are heavily scuffed and creased. Not that it matters just curious. My box was at least c8
  15. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    Preordering these will be bitch. My wallet and I are nervous
  16. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I am stoked about VF-1S. Glad its a little cheaper than the armored one, but I was more than happy to pay the NY price. I'll likely get one for my brother as well for Christmas. He remembered watching Robotech as a kid than I do since he was born in the 70s This line will look awesome next to my monsterarts collection.
  17. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm glad I won't have a problem getting any of them because of what happened with the VF-1S. Glaug looks incredible and I am strongly considering getting 2 of them.
  18. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    They have an eBay site with loads of feedback. Managed to snag a kylo ren figuarts preorder Awesome game! I played the snes version. Loved the soundtrack
  19. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

  20. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you Bridge Bunny! Hopefully this helps for those who need a Regult Go to mykombini.com. At first I thought it was too good to be true, but I found out that they have an eBay account with a ton of feedback. i already preordered 2
  21. jasonmacross83

    Hi-Metal R

    I got this little guy almost two weeks ago and I am impressed. Very solid. I hope I can snag the other one because I am already hooked! Anyone know where I can find the VF-1S? All the major Japanese stores have them sold out As for the regult, if you look hard enough, you can find it.
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