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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Bridge bunny, I think I saw your icon's mech in the first Frontier movie after a clash onboard the Frontier with a Vajra. Does it have a name? Wouldn't be a destroid, right?
  2. I wonder if they would be so bold as to have some "Ride of the Valkyries" samples in the score, like the way James Horner sampled Aram Khachaturian's Gayane ballet suite for Aliens.
  3. Um, original BSG is better than the new BSG. New BSG is good, but not superior to the original. I love the original, really like the new one, and am even eager for that ever looming Brian Singer reboot feature we hear about every now and again. Ok, back to the real discussion...
  4. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    On the one hand I'm salivating for that Glaug, yet very afraid of the slippery slope it represents. On the other hand, if any of you feel the need to offload some 1/60 Yamato's at ridiculously cheap prices, well, I'll be waiting. Unless of course, I need to start unloading my meager, aging collection, to jump on this band wagon as well.
  5. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Bwahahah. Oh well, wish they had announced this a year ago, before I got a Matchbox Britai in a Matchbox Robotech lot off of eBay.
  6. "Really really really tired of the underage girl moe character design everywhere in Japan these days. That says nothing of the plot which could be great so i'll withhold judgement, but i really miss the 80s where maturity was seen as attractive and not looking 12." ^ |_ This. Though I don't really know if it's "everywhere in Japan", it seems to be really widespread in Anime. Really makes me think of the late 70's / early 80's as the high point of the story telling and characters in anime. Of course, I'm not authority, but that's how it feels like to me.
  7. Pues, aunque me concierne un poco el aspecto de la nenas gruperas, Tochiro ha dicho en el foro del anuncio en ingles que ellas no son las pilotas de los YF-31. Eso me da un poco de calma. Y si tambien me hubiera gustado mas escenas en el espacio. Pero esto es Macross, va haber por lo menos un triangulo romantico y cantantes. De los mecha, pues me gusta lo que he visto hasta hora. Al fin vemos mas Zentradi! Que larga la espera para el a~no nuevo. Ahora, de curiosidad, como lo van adquirir Uds. en America Latina? Hay alguna esperanza de fansub en espanol pronto despues que se inicie en Japon?
  8. Antagonists Zero = Cold war MWF = Space invaders, endless war Plus = Artifical Intelligence 7 = Ancient adversaries, space vampires Frontier = Megalomania, an even more exotic, difficult to communicate with alien species Delta = A spreading illness? Culture and memes are "viral" so could Var syndrome perhaps be not literal virus, but an ideological one? Perhaps a statement on extremism? It would be an interesting reflection of the times.
  9. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't concerned about the "boy band VS girl squadron" potential here, especially if it descends quickly into fan service and fetishism. On the other hand, the trailer showed potential. There was intrigue in some of the "concerned" looking faces and confrontations. I do wonder, what are the stakes on just one planet? How do the Zentran tie into the story? And really, my biggest question at the moment is, just how fast can I get a hold of something fan-subbed after it airs. I don't know nearly enough Japanese to keep up if the only source I have available it untranslated, but I guess we'll cross that bridge in 2016.
  10. Dang I got a really short glimpse of the stage and then nothing again.
  11. Who's doing the live blogging? I'm only half joking.
  12. Being new to the MW forums, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is tired of the FSWs (forward swept wings) concept. Was worried I'd be ostracized. Oh, yeah, "there better be destroids".
  13. I probably should have posted this with along with my plug for SF3: EDIT: Forgive me, I tried to make the link above, but failed miserably. Still a forum n00b, so not sure what I need to do to get youtube embedding to work. Oh well... 2x EDIT: Thanks to davidwhangchoi / akteon for the hint on http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42314#entry1231368
  14. Enjoyed the podcast, keep up the good work guys. Pretty sure there's more than three of us listening. It really came at serendipitous time for me. I was at this year's MWCon and so got the privilege of seeing her live and it is interesting to hear about the scene and her concert over there. I haven't really been following her career and am only deep diving back in to Macross after many years of other stuff. I liked the briefing you guys gave. I do hope Renato releases his documentary at some point. I'm probably not the only one who would like to see it.
  15. Arcadia 1/60 VF-1S with Super Strike / Fast Pack, version 42
  16. Street fighter 3rd strike via the iFinalBurn Alpha emulator is what I'm rocking on my phone. Every now and again I also jump online to get schooled on 3rd Strike via FightCade. I run Linux at home and FightCade works great on it and OSX, so f you are into fighting games I strongly recommend it.
  17. @Hornet, that's one pretty bird!
  18. Haha, yeah, you're right. Just finished Frontier for the second time so that was on my mind.
  19. Mine might seem like an odd list, but mostly it comes down to who did I find entertaining or profound. Milia Basara Claudia Roy Max * Excedol * Bobby Margot Vefidas Misa Klan Klang Kaifun Ozma Rick Bruno Global * SDFM versions. For some reason, I get a bad "Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?" vibe from Max and Excedol in Frontier. Max seems indecisive most of the time, being totally eclipsed by Milia and for having such a big brain, Excedol seems slow to catch on to what's happening time and time again.
  20. My youngest asked me to play Lego with her and an hour or so later, I had this put together. I've never been into model building, Lego is more my medium. I like it so much that I might put some more time to get it to be more detailed, accurate, but for now it's good enough... https://www.flickr.com/photos/18239022@N00/21821605554/in/datetaken/
  21. Decisions, decisions. I would feel a little bad about massacring a "perfectly good" Jetfire seeing as there's probably some TF fan out there that might want it as is. Maybe I just gotta unload it on eBay and use what I can get for it to get the VF-# of my dreams. Really, I should probably wait till all the Delta dust settles to see if something else doesn't come up that zaps my wallet with a tractor beam.
  22. Nice, I'll be stealing some ideas from this. Muwuhahaha...
  23. I'd be eager to see your progress. Not long ago I tried my hand at an Orgroid with both regular Lego system and bionicle, but found that the 1/72-ish scale I was trying to emulate just didn't lend itself to cohesion with techniques I tried. I've always on the look out for more Lego valks and TF techniques, especially ones that don't involve modifying the Lego.
  24. Awesome guys thanks. I suppose I could always try to turn it into a 1S and keep the same head. I'll try and look through some of the painting tutorials to get a sense of what I'll need to do.
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