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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. First 2 seasons were great. My oldest daughter at the time was about 4 when the show premiere since it came out, but j think j was the biggest fan in the house particularly because of all the homages and quoting they did from older pop-culture phenoms. It was looney-toons++.
  2. This has been my challenge with the music from the Frontier series. It just all sounded repetitive. I am however a fan of Ska and have listened to it from all over so adding Japan to the mix and in my favorite anime series is mana from heaven after what feels like an eternity.
  3. I just want to take this chance to point out that I called it correctly when I posted the following about the Var Syndrome plot, back on "29 October 2015 - 05:26 AM" in the speculation thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41796&p=1231810 You may all congratulate me now. I'll accept any Hi-Metal R goodies you feel compelled to send my way...
  4. I loved the work destroid. Is it really a "destroid"? What does it destroy? I think it's time for a name revamp, "constructicon" anyone? I've really been thinking about that leg/foot design for months now. It seems to me the best way of rapid movement for large bots. We, humans, walk because that's how we are designed built, but walking isn't as fast as fast turning wheels. Legs are still useful for climbing however, so that makes sense. Also loved the drakens. Can't wait to see more of them.
  5. Different, new - I'm in. Speaks to the challenges of our times, extremism, violent conflict, with deculture. So when is mission 1.x coming?
  6. I built a new PC that can finally run emulators fast and stumbled upon "Robotech: Battlecry". I just started playing it and gotta say it's not bad. (This coming from someone who until now has only played N64 versions of StarFox.) Our household has never been big into consoles so I'm probably just deprived, but I am having fun. The one thought that keeps crossing my mind is: "This comes from Harmony Gold?!?!?" I keep waiting to stumble upon something that shows how it might just be a repackaged Japanese game. Looking around on the 'boards I also see that they put out a Mospeada based game. Geez I had no idea.
  7. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Has anyone compared the scale of the stiff, old Bandai 15th Anniversary toys to the HM-R line? I think they might been based on 1/100 ARAI molds, but am not sure.
  8. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    The one must have for me from this line!
  9. Thanks, was hoping you guys would cover it. Wasn't sure since there'd been so many other episodes put up lately. Nice summary. Funny to hear about Mikimoto's memory or lack there of.
  10. As I was re-watching Aliens recently, I couldn't help but think that Newt had truly escaped the grasp of the beast that has consumed so many other young souls. Good for them.
  11. I think so. His only scene didn't make the theatrical release but is in the recent director's cut. Those two are actually real life brother and sister and they both were done with Hollywood after the release of the movie. Carrie Henn (Newt) is now a teacher.
  12. Yeah basically. Won't pay money to see it. I did grow up watching the classic series on re-runs along with Twilight Zone re-runs in my area. I was 13 when Next Generation came out so I guess I was spoiled by decent science fiction. I didn't mind the first JJ Trek, but really didn't like the Re-make of Khan. It just had no soul, which is actually what worries me about the Force Awakens. I worry that it might try to essentially re-play all the plot points of the original SW trilogy, the way the prequels did. Anyways, the best comment I saw yesterday on the trailer summed it up for me, a trailer full of people jumping around.
  13. Gotta say, I'm also curious about the guy. When I hear him mentioned I wonder: - "Why do they keep his identity secret?" - "Does everyone on the forums know who he is but me?" Probably more mysterious than it was ever meant to be.
  14. Ah, cool. Not surprised. Anyways cool reporting. I've stumbled across a number of your articles on occasion, enjoyed them, was informed.
  15. I'm always surprised that Forbes of all things has someone writing decent coverage of geeky/Japanese pop-culture. Any chance that Ollie Barder is actually a member of the forums? Anyways, good article.
  16. I hope you guys don't take this the wrong way, but one of the best parts of the podcast for me is digressions that Renato descends into, only to ask for Gwyn's forgiveness later. I just find that back-and-forth funny. Anyways, thanks and keep 'em coming.
  17. So awesome.
  18. IIRC, Bretai was bred larger than your standard issue, valk fodder Zentran male. There's more than a few pics out there showing the height difference between him an other Zentran. Edit: And Mr March delivers seconds before my post!
  19. I'll say this, I think it's important to deal with the fallout of all the action and adventure of war. Mockingjay, part 2 deals a lot with that, so yes the action may not crescendo at the end like in other instalments, and that may make it feel different, but I found that more "realistic". I hadn't read the books to the end, since I felt that they really put 97.5% of the story on screen, so there were more than a couple of plot twists that I wasn't expecting.
  20. At the risk of offending those with bad SyFy tastes, I nominate Sliders. Whoa was that bad. It instantly made everything on that channel better by just being produced.
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