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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Thanks for the info guys. I'll see what I can get off of the Bay in the coming months and then post back what I'm missing. BTW, just want to say that I'm impressed by all the mods people have done over time. Apart from custom paint, I might give the pen/thigh mod a try, but first gotta see how my first try comes out.
  2. I feel like I got to the 1/55 custom party about 15 years too late. Oh well, at least I made it now. Nobody ever replied to Skull Leader's question, but is there someone out there that makes recast parts for 1/55's? Shapeways seems to carry stuff for 1/60 yams but not much else.
  3. BTW, I stumbled on to tfkingdom.com which sells some macross related decals and the price seems really low so I might give them a try.
  4. Thanks Exo, not sure how I missed that link before, but looks like exactly what I need.
  5. The goal is convert it to a Roy focker color scheme. The source Valk is in decent condition with an average, even amount of yellowing. No broken joints. My initial instinct was to primer it with a Tamiya white primer, then go over it with Laquor white, black, and yellow. I'm not a modeler so, yeah, I'm nervous. What are the typical rookie mistakes that I could easily avoid? If the paint job doesn't come out too horrible, if will probably apply a couple of coats of Future floor polish. One aspect I'm not sure about is decals. I bought a set of 1/60 size water slide decals of off the bay that I could use, but it would be nice to find some vinyl decals that wouldn't require so much work. Unfortunately, the reprolabels folks have yet to make a 1/55 set for the Macross focker color scheme. Ideas?
  6. I'd also put a in a plug for toy talks. Just listened to Veef's episode 38. Not bad. The amount of history alone in that is awesome and where I think it get's really interesting is in way it crosses over into the HG rights issues. Somewhere in between the two there is a full-length documentary I'd watch over and over again.
  7. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm only in for the Glaug so far, but between this diorama talk and the collection display thread, I wish someone would give some stop motion animation a shot. I do recall at least one such video on YouTube.
  8. Ahh, my memory is tainted by heavy viewing of the theatrical release on VHS. In the voice over, Deckard mentions that he her lifespan was unsure. I'm not sorry that was the first version that I saw, but it certainly a stereotypically happier ending.
  9. Be nice to see Gaff again. I assume that Sean Young/Rachel won't be in it, though how they might explain her absence intrigues me.
  10. Oof, that's one hot orgoid. So shiny...
  11. Sorry, not the Macross II script. I meant the treatment.
  12. Great discussion, great scoopuda! Any chance that someone could upload the script somewhere accessible by all? EDIT: Nevermind, got to the end of the podcast, have confidence that at some point a link will materialize.
  13. Hmm, didn't think to look that up when I got in on the Glaug action earlier. Really hope that I don't come to regret it.
  14. Increasing frequency is nice.
  15. Just watched The Martian a couple of nights ago and Starman is used to great effect in the movie. Hadn't listened to any Bowie for months until then, never imagined a few days later this would be the news. Ch ch ch ch changes....
  16. One step closer to getting my hover-pilder ... Now if only Grandpa Kabuto would get cracking on my Mazinger!
  17. That is a great presentation. Much to be learned from Arc System Works approach. They correctly saw the limitations of mixing 2D animation with 3D surroundings. Persona4's animation looks "stuttery" in the fluid 3D setting. I myself am a Street Fighter fan. The new SFV (i.e. 5) has been built on the Unreal Engine and has shown great increases in image definition, but things like how character's hair render have suffered. Ken's new hair looks like clay, which wasn't true in SF4.
  18. Just saw this. As I've been playing space shooters lately, piqued my interest https://www.evevalkyrie.com/
  19. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Hot damn, order placed!!!
  20. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I signed up for AmiAmi and added it to my watch list. Will they notify when more stock is available or does became an hourly-check kind of thing?
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