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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. I'm seriously considering sparring one of my recently acquired Jetfires from an SDF conversion procedure. Though, then I'd need to come up with some of those double-triangle delta decals. I'm also excited that the Jetfire color scheme was used because I suspect that this may be part of a concerted effort to "take back" pieces of Macross that were wrongfully traded away poorly to TransFormers and HG. I hope the trend started by the subs on the blu-ray are just the opening salvo and that this all ends with a quality dub of Delta on an american channel. I'm sure someone at Bandai can see the profit to be made in having the series lead to toy sales outside of Japan and the members of this forum.
  2. Look forward to it.
  3. Now if only the subs were as fast! Or if only I could download languages into my head!
  4. Very nice! I appreciate the humor and originality.
  5. Amazing. How many years and/or hours of model building do you think it took to get your skills to their current level?
  6. Thanks for the heads up. Some alcohol should take off the glue. When it all comes off I might actually paint this guy. There a lot of acrylics in the house and that full bottle of Future I bought for my 1/55 conversion will probably last decades at this rate. Might have to actually use it on our floors!
  7. I noticed that the yellow masking tape my wife has lying around the house is almost the same shade as the yellow in the lines from Yamato's Emerald Force VF-19s. I'd had grown bored with a broken bootleg that I had lying around. I could never get into it due to it's overly dark colors and lack of highlights. The gold paint on this things that's trying to pass for yellow is really ugly. I've seen pictures of the original Bandai, sadly it's not much better. Here's more or less what it looked like (original images from http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com) : With some strips of masking tape, a few UN Space kite stickers, an alcohol rub down, and a Sharpee, here's what I came up with a half-hour later: While it can't have helped it's minuscule resale value, it already calls to me so much more.
  8. Mazinger

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Huh, thought I had already put my vote in. Regardless, I'm in for a 31A.
  9. I look forward to the day when a member announces here that they're about to launch an SDF scale < 1/10 *WITH* firmly bolted anti-gravity engines.
  10. Gotta prioritize man.
  11. The quote above really get's to the point. If you want more details, I'd suggest reading through the RetrOBright related articles. They get into the chemistry of the effects of bromines used in plastics. Light (UV) exposure accelerates the process, but there's also been plenty of members that have tucked away goods in opaque boxes in dark rooms only to see some parts yellow or darken over time. http://www.classic-computers.org.nz/blog/2013-01-15-retr0bright-only-temporary.htm
  12. The most luck I've had in looking for chunky monkeys is on eBay. Quality varies dramatically and about the cheapest you can get one for is $35 loose, with no armor or extras. A few sell every day. One I got recently was incredibly yellowed and rusted, another very white. If you just want a clean version and don't mind parting with $60, however, look for yeoldjetfireshop on eBay. He always a few nicer ones around that price.
  13. Here are the links I've found : Takatoku - legacy : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/takatoku.htm Bandai - legacy : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_toys_bandai.htm Customs - forums : http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=gallery&category=3 Elsewhere : http://mactama.com/mt/toy/macross/takatokutoys/55_vf_1_series/55_vf_1_series_top.htm And of course: Jenius's own : http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=6244 and CollectionDX : http://www.collectiondx.com/category/macross_robotech?page=2 So while many pages exist, the content is scattered around.
  14. +100 Bump!!!
  15. 1. SDF1 2. DYRL 3. 7 4. Frontier 5. Macross II 5. Zero
  16. Well, I say good on Cesar Turturro and his crew. Sorry it wasn't the other story, but glad it didn't stop them.
  17. Meet the US Navy's new $13 billion aircraft carrier The USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is the most technologically-advanced warship ever built. http://www.cnet.com/pictures/meet-the-navys-new-13-billion-aircraft-carrier/ Made me think of the Prometheus.
  18. At first I thought they might be doing CGI de-aging on Mon Mothma, till I saw it on a bigger screen. Is it me or are all the heroines similar in physical appearance to Carrie Fisher from the original Star Wars?
  19. Mazinger

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't know why, but I'm not liking any of the 31 paint schemes. Probably the bright colors and stripes. Eager to see what the cannon fodder variants look like.
  20. Arghh, not the 19! Oh well, I'm probably not the core demographics for Arcadia. Too cheap.
  21. What?! And here I converting butchering a bunch of Jetfires into Valkyries!
  22. Estoy esperando para que salga en Macintosh, que segun va hacer en los siguientes meses. De vez en cuando juego el "SF3: Third Strike" por media de Fightcade por el nombre de makotos_scarf.
  23. I wish they would do one of the rarer Valk's that have yet to be done, like: VF-1 Orgroid Mylene's VF-11 MAXL Varauta Fz-109F Elgerzorene, or any Varauta valk I know those are both unlikely, but I think VF-1's and VF-19's are overrepresented by Yam-cadia.
  24. Thanks for the tip. I was just watching a few model masking videos on youtube and a couple also mentioned to avoid the basic blue masking tape. This one makes the point to spend about $20 for Scotch Fine Line Tape : "Masking Tape Tips for ScaleModels" This other video makes the point to use 3M Vinyl Tape which isn't as wide, but also costs less. "How to get perfect edges Masking Tape" One probable reason which I got so much bleed through was that I applied too much paint. I will definitely be more careful with the next conversion, which will probably be my stab at a 1D. As for nose cone, I've haven't come across an explanation yet. If anyone here can provide a reason site a source, I'd love to hear it.
  25. When I grow up, I want to have painting skills like you.
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