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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. I happened to be in a restaurant in Burbank, CA a few days back and saw this on the wall. The test pilot: Herman "Fish" Salmon If it wasn't for M:Delta I might have not have taken notice of the rocket in the background, a YF-104A Starfighter.
  2. Decide to paint up my second Jetfire conversion. I'll give you three guesses what I'm going for and the the first two don't count. My previous effort was my first time painting anything. I used regular tape for masking and tamiya spray cans and had do to a lack of experience and control. This time around I decided to go with hand-brushed acrylics, tamiya masking tape, and was a lot more patient and careful.
  3. Great designs. Keep them coming! I think it would be awesome if somehow these stories got some official sanction and in-universe acknowledgement. I think Macross has a very Star Trek like potential for on going growth and story telling and it would be cool have it all connect. Hopefully someone connected to SK and Satelite finds these and agrees.
  4. Mira nomas. K chingon!
  5. I would be in for a DX update that fixes all these issues. I'd be even more interested in sturdy HMR version, though I won't hold my breath for that.
  6. Very exciting! Also curious about the materials used so far.
  7. Thumbs up on the gertalk series. Nice to hear Delta being discussed in line with the shows. I usually wait till I've seen the subbed version, unlike Renato, I do need scrubs, err, subs. Question, how are your guys across the other "pond" seeing the general population take to Delta? How would you say it's catching on versus say, the latest Gundam series or Kabaneri, for example? Is it a certainty whether it will be a "hit" or "miss" in your collective experience? Obviously I'm hopeful for the former, but I wasn't tuning in realtime when Frontier came out so I don't have a frame of reference, and I'm also stateside.
  8. Ok, I should have known better than to have any doubts. Thanks for the awesome work. It had been a nagging question in the back of my mind for a while now, but I've only seriously been reinvested in Macross for a year or so now. Jackpot! Very cool. I'd recently gotten into the various publications, but hadn't come across a translation source. This will help plenty. Might actually learn a few kanji characters in the process.
  9. Maybe the following question belongs in newbie's thread, but here goes: Where do you get such precise information from? It's been less than a year since I watched M7 and I don't recall that number being thrown out. That said, I can't be sure that it wasn't spoken. I don't read Japanese and so haven't absorbed the details in the master files and chronicles, but in general, is that ultimately where most of the Manual information comes from? I know the compendium is referenced a lot, and I might be committing MWF forum heresy by saying this, but since there are no footnotes in the compendium, I can't help wondering where all the details actually originate from.
  10. I'm trying to stay away from the HMR valks, but with pics like these, oh man, not sure how much I can hold out. "Must make it to Christmas time. Must hold out. Must save for Delta DX's." Breath/repeat.
  11. @BlackValkyrie, that's some nifty editing. Also probably the main reason, apart from the whole patricide thing, why I won't be showing SW:TFA to my youngest anytime soon. Oh and I believe the MiniMates figures are LEGO minifig scale, so given enough grey and black blocks you could easily some interesting dioramas.
  12. My own homage to one of the finest movies I've ever seen: The "Ripley" in question is actually a G.I. Joe Lady Jay from the mid-00's. I consider it a travesty that Sigourney Weaver didn't get the Oscar for her performance.
  13. Hmm, point taken. I've never had a v1 1/60. Aside from the legs partsforming, they do look good, but they certainly haven't endeared themselves around here.
  14. ^ highlighted comments above the two biggest things that are holding me back on getting into the HMR valks. I actually do not mind sacrificing line-art correctness for better, sturdier transformations and at the prices these are going for I could easily get into the v1 1/60 line on eBay. My hope is that Delta takes off and we enter a whole new age of mass produced valks from Bandai on a scale not seen since the DYRL days. That may well be unlikely in which case I'll probably be collecting a few HMR valks off of people here once they get tired of them. I'm willing to give that a couple of years to play out though. I'm a late adopter in lots of things.
  15. At some point I should probably stop being impressed by the skills people on this board have, but DAYUM!
  16. I'm re-starting Eureka Seven after an aborted attempt a few years back. I started with the english dub, but I just couldn't get into all the emotive, wailing, angst of the protagonist in english. For some reason, the dubs always amplify the awkwardness of these teenagers to the point that it's a turn off for me. The original audio isn't so annoying and now that I know that Kawamori had a hand in the mecha designs I'm more invested. I'm also enjoying it more this time around. One thing I'm grateful about Macross Delta is the lack of angst on Hayate's part.
  17. Not a model per se. Working on converting a very rusted, very yellowed Jetfire to a VF-1D. Wanna give props to gwfalcon for hooking me up with the 1D head. Wanted to give the swivel thigh / pen modification a shot. What could possibly go wrong? VF Conversion #2, the pen mod by Mazinger Now if only someone would print or mold some 1/55 1A and 1J heads...
  18. I think mercat is a better translation, though possibly less literal.
  19. Prince, Nekki Basara of Funk & New Wave.
  20. We're only 4 months into 2016 and we've already lost too many. Damn. Hope he's the last.
  21. The trailer's not bad. Looks fun. I never could stand the "original" "remake" (not sure what to air quote), but this I could get into.
  22. Molto bella! Mi piace il colore.
  23. Bumpety bump bump... Actually I have a question and am hoping someone who has tried this is still on the forums. So, did you glue/weld the thigh haves together with the springs and ratchet plastic parts inside? It seemed like the guide was suggesting actually glueing the ratchet parts to the thigh halves, which seems less optimal if you have the springs available.
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