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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Paid for mine at cdjapan.co.jp way back when. Haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully they do send some sort of shipping notice.
  2. I've been considering something Thunder Hummer-ish for one of my Jetfire butcherings. The starkness of that design has such a dramatic impact. Almost NASA-like.
  3. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but are they gonna be sold as a pair?
  4. Not sure if this was posted elsewhere: Found on: https://news.vice.com/article/navy-releases-full-video-footage-of-russian-fighter-jets-buzzing-us-warship-in-the-baltic?utm_source=vicenewsfbads
  5. Excellent application of SNOT techniques. I imagine your BrickLink expenses are tallying up, but it's worth it.
  6. Mazinger

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Mirage's story arc is really pulling me in. I love the angle they are taking with her, doubting herself, struggling to be what the world expects from a Jenius Meltran. I didn't care for the Delta 04 color scheme initially, but I'm almost ready to switch my eventual pre-order to from the 31A to hers. As much as I pefer Hayate over previous male protagonists in Macross and other series, I can't get over that bright shade of blue.
  7. I wish there was a way to get SK/Satellite to consider having other teams of people tell more Macross stories. The universe is a big place, no reason there couldn't be multiple series occurring in the same time periods. Trek did it with TNG, DS9, and Voyager on TV. In movies currently, cinematic universe building is all the rage. Even Bayformers is doing it, not that I'd want so much output that the core of Macross concepts or story quality get's diluted, but a series or movie every three or fours would be great.
  8. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha was just about to upload a pic of the battroids from the battle in which the fastpacks were all red/blue, but I gotta say that I prefer the green color. They just visually pop more.
  9. Thanks for the candor. Seeing the first pics of the SV-262 and VF-31 models did get me excited about the possibility getting only kits of those versus the DX versions, but the reality is that I do play with my toys. I also hand them to the little ones, so they need to stand up to some level of regular usage. Related question, are the Hasegawa fighter-ony kits any more "durable"? I.e. how many times can you swoosh them around before they start to come apart?
  10. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Awesome, here's hoping they hi-metal r all the things.
  11. Ha, I've done that too. I does take some work to get a position you like. Currently I have an VF-1EX (aka Jetfire) in fighter mode with his feet to outside of the wall of my Ikea Billy, so he's flying away. I've also start using empty clear plastic containers that come in some shopping products. Obviously, all of these pale next to a Yeti stand or even the fightpose stands, but being able to elevate a fighter leaves more space for the rest of the collection.
  12. Just stumbled across this now. Wow! Amazing what can be done with papercraft. This and the more recent VF-1A : http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34899 are really something. @MechTech, just noticed that you're Daedalus video is unblocked for in California, another incredible build.
  13. Very hyped to hear you guys (and Sarah) talk about the traction this is getting. I'll say this here, since it came up. I'm also in the "Makina's reaction warheads are unnecessary" camp. I understand that it it definately appeals to many anime fans, but to me it's a distraction from the plot and character development. Can't wait till the proper concert later this year. Hopefully footage will be available on teh intertubes. ... Zet!
  14. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll be 42 this year, but I'm indoctrinating my kids and their cousins.
  15. +1 for a MAX-L. The Venus/Aphrodite we needed!
  16. I might be in for these. I've only recently gained some experience painting from customizing 1/55's. I know my efforts won't be anything to brag about, but the price seems right. Any idea what the difficulty level for assembling these will be? I.e. are they only for people with advanced GunPla modelers? Also, will there be any screws to hold it together or will it require glue everywhere and delicate handling lest it become a jigsaw puzzle.
  17. My biggest recommendation would be to get good quality model masking tape and spend your time to press it down into any panel lines. Every minute you spend doing that is 5 minutes saved cleaning paint that went where you didn't mean it to later.
  18. Finished painting and re-assembling the second of my 1/55 conversions. Thanks to gwfalcon for the 1D head hook up. "Strech those legs! C'mon, you can do it!" "A little help Kohai?"
  19. Well here's my contribution to examples of this method. Admittedly, this was my first experience with cutting plastic (used a hand saw) and epoxy-ing stuff.
  20. The discussion, particularly your (Renato's) comments on anime consumption came as a surprise. No doubt that was more to my lack of familiarity with actual Japanese life, than the image I've formed in my mind having grown up with giant robots and ninja science teams. On the other hand, mecha anime is still getting made, and for that I'm grateful. You guys began to touch on streaming and that's interesting because it's impacting everything, everywhere at once. Hopefully, it will help Macross and anime in general bloom.
  21. Well there was that one scene in Ep. 1/ 0.98 where the 262 takes out the VF-171's and their NUNS carrier.
  22. Maybe if everyone just ignored them they'd go away. At this point, a non-trivial amount of news and traffic about HG and Rtech is really just Macross fans grumbling about them. Once we stop paying attention to them, who'll be left?
  23. Thanks for the fan service. Can't wait, well except for the subbed version.
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