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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Seems like a totally legit use-case for renting a bot-net off of the darkweb to click on purchase buttons. Just sayin'.
  2. I just gotta say, Qassim (T-Hawk per the SpeakerPod crew) came off very cool in this episode. I like the whole Mohawk/warpaint in a 3-piece suit aesthetic. Until now I had a really hard time trying to justify a Draken purchase on character grounds, but that was enough for me.
  3. Thanks folks, gonna order at least one then.
  4. Curious, has any transformed there's more than a few times? Does anyone plan to? Or is that just outright foolish-ness due to eventual floppiness? How much time, minus decaling, would you figure you have spent in putting the kit together?
  5. So, maybe it's already been said in this or the other Delta threads, but I'm definitely getting a Royd as Roy Batty vibe. I mean, he just wants more life. Don't we all? Even us Terrans with our 70+ lifespan. Of course, in Blade Runner, the replicants only got 4 years and as far as we know, could not themselves, ahem, replicate offspring. The Windermereams definitely do "burn oh so bright". Makes me wonder if we'd ever get a scene like this: I'd really like to know if SK was inspired by Blade Runner in thinking up the Windermereams unique dilemma. My views on the Protoculture are definitely not getting any fonder. First they create a race of soldiers denied culture, then create all kinds of other experiments forgetting that these are sentient beings they are dealing with, and finally they leave doomsday weapons lying around to wipe out their experiments just so they don't have to deal with the mess created like they had with their toy soldiers. What a-holes.
  6. I sense a crack in the dam.
  7. Damn. What's happened to this cast is crazy compared to how long we had the original ST cast with us. I still hold out hope that someone will reboot the series in the future.
  8. They mind boggles! This thread and updates are an instant mood lifter.
  9. Chariot class has just become my second favorite Federation design. Sad that Paramount hasn't used something like this yet. Spoiler for size:
  10. A 1/60 Monster?!?!? Can you imagine the shipping? Geeze, you could probably buy another HMR VF for that much.
  11. I could look past the ship design, if kick ass scripts are delivered. I was always partial to the Excelsior design myself. Sad that it didn't much use after Khan.
  12. Dead and lovin' it.
  13. Phase 6 fan-fic: Marvel get's the X-men back. Captain Marvel 3. We see Rogue get's her wings. The audience is in tears.
  14. I've never been a fan of Cyborg since I question the premise that current human technology could be so advanced, but given in BvS it's established that it's not Earthly tech, then i'll be OK with the character as long as he doesn't detract from the rest of the movie. Flash's SFX however seem a bit over the top. Too much lightning for what little happened in that scene. Also seems like a it's riffing too much on the X-Men movies' Quicksilver. I did like his line though. As for Batfleck, I dunno. I'm just not clicking with this version. I also find it interesting that he was recruiting Flash as Bruce Wayne. The versions of Batman I most like still go to some lengths to keep his identity a secret until he is sure that other's can be trusted and then again, he never really trusts anyone. Wonder Woman seems fine. At least her stand alone movie trailer has me pumped. As for the water-bending Khal Drogo, can't wait. I like that there's a menace to him. I've come around on the whole "useless fish talker" thing with Aquaman. Two-thirds of the planet is water, so I'm all for a character that can embody that in a Namor kind of way.
  15. I hadn't even read you comment clicked on the trailer link, but that's exactly what I thought. I mean, I'll watch it in the theater, but I'm not sure I'll make it all the way through that kaleidoscope world effect keeps happening at length,
  16. Ride armors?!?!?!?!?!? Yes I see that you qualified it, but can't help getting excited.
  17. Mazinger

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh man, I was hoping the DX's would be in the 15,000 neighborhood. Why, why, why?! Now I gotta decide what I need more in my life, HMR M&M's or a DX 31 and a Draken. Guess I could eat out less...
  18. Yeah, I tried that too. What a laugh. I gotta say, having consumed Netflix's Marvel shows, Voltron, and now this, they really are just hitting them out of the park. The shows aren't absolutely perfect, but when compared to everything on TV minus Game of Thrones or maybe Walking Dead, they really are great. Go Netflix go!
  19. I really wish they would port this to iOS. I *know* that the Ace/Frontier games can run on current generation mobile hardware.
  20. The user interface looks identical to the Macross Ace/ultimate frontier games were by artdink so I expect that this will really just be new content in the same game engine.
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