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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Mazinger

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Perfect transforming 144's? Only in our brave new nano-assembled future.
  2. Looks like a "Robert the Riveter" type pose, but using Guile.
  3. Actually I'd like to see the answers to most of these questions too as I'm even more of a n00b to models than whistler here.
  4. Finally caught it and this would be my #2 complaint. #1 would some ridiculously bad decision making on the aliens part towards the end. I would say that the overall incorporation of Chinese stars and dialog, never mind the brands, didn't feel organic, ie it was easy to see that it was glued on as an afterthought and that sort of took me out of the movie. I'm not against China flexing it's "soft power" culturally, much prefer that to the alternatives, but it, like the comic relief scenes seemed forced and that doesn't serve them nor us the viewers well. Overall it wasn't horrible. I'd say Stealth is a better movie in lots of ways. I do look forward to the "humanity in space" set sequels, hopefully with a lot less comic relief and Chinese actors whose dialog and scenes are integral to the plot.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Infant_of_Atocha Probably related to the origin of the legend, or perhaps fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, though, that would be weird to associate with a representation of a child Jesus.
  6. Mazinger

    YF-21 WIP

  7. Was tending to family for a few days in the hospital and decided to give the hot new Italian series a try, Kabaneri. Perhaps you've heard of it? Anyways, I liked it. Perhaps even more than Attack in Titan. The visuals were gorgeous and I think the character development was less tedious in it's adherence to tropes than a bunch of stuff I've seen, specially AoT. Just wish there were more than 12 episodes, but I guess that's a good thing.
  8. Big Wednesday is a John Milius movie. You know, "Befor the oceans drank Atlantis" John Milius. Of course the human remnants remember it fondly. Wonder the the Zentraedi think of Conan.
  9. I don't know why I didn't think of that. So many Santo Ninos...
  10. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I have a Toynami (Milia) that I got cheap and used and broken as part of a lot on eBay. I like the detail for it being such a little thing, but the joints are broken and I keep debating whether to glue it together because I'm not sure that the cups that make up the sockets can be fixed. I would not spend more on a Toynami than I would on a Jetfire on eBay.
  11. No bad! The supa-punch pose looks great.
  12. Misa, Hikara, and the Megaroad will be back from the Black Hole before we get Half-Life 3. Sadly.
  13. I saw the 2000's series. It definitely featured more cohesive character arcs and a wider range of animation. In that sense it was more "gritty", the more Frontier of the two versions. But guess what, I still prefer the original. Even with all the repetitious roto scoped animation, it was just more fun.
  14. One critique I'll make as someone who likes it, was the inverted-venkman like sub-plot of Kristin Wiigs character lusting after Thor. They could have lost 90% of those gags and it would have been better for it. Strange how her character felt the weekest in the end while Leslie Jones, at least for me, was the most upgraded. Oh and to those that are skipping this iteration, that are fans and want more of the original, go get the OG cast centric video game that came out last year. I'd say that experience is more diserving of a Part 2 label than the actual 2nd movie.
  15. I became a big fan of the original after my kids were born and wanted to watch something fun. Though hoaky, many of the eps had some interesting story lines and famous writers, which I didn't remember from when I watched the show as a kid. In particular the Paul Dini written episode called Teela's quest comes to mind. The more recent series, though not as charming re-establishes many of the same plot points. They definately have a lot of material to work from so they don't need to go hunting for ideas, just take the current extensive lore and distill it Marvel-wise. Hopefully they have the discipline to do it right. McG does name drop marvel quite a bit. I remember watching Thor 2 and immediately thinking "this is exactly what Eternia should look like " in a movie.
  16. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/08/12/he-man-and-the-masters-of-the-universe-director-mcg-on-casting-villains-tone-and-more "HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE DIRECTOR MCG ON CASTING, VILLAINS, TONE AND MORE" Also quoted in: http://www.darkhorizons.com/mcg-says-he-man-reboot-is-his-next-film "By the power of Grayskull..." El universo ya está protegido Por el poder de GraySkull Con secretos poderes destella un castillo He-Man luchará hasta el final He-Man
  17. I'd really love it if Lady M was Misa or Minmei. That would continue a trend I think I'm sensing in SK and BW slowly trying to reappropriate SDF and reestablish Macross outside of Japan. Could be all wishful thinking in my head, but I'm keeping hope alive.
  18. Best not to put that to the test. At least not before the end of Delta. My avatar pic approves of these posts and that supa-puncho effect looks awesome! I wish they sold those as add on effects to previous chogokin releases.
  19. I watched the ultimate edition with my wife. She didn't see the original release in a theater. Oh man, I kinda regret doing that to her. She found it a jumbled mess which was also really long and kinda boring. Sad to hear that Suicide Squad isn't the home run some of the trailers made it out to be.
  20. So, I'm not sure if I had seen it posted definitely anywhere, but do we know whether it's 26-ish episodes only? With so many plot points up in the air I have a hard time believing that they will all get tied up by the end of 26 (or 27.) Am I really hoping against hope that we'll get more episodes along the lines of SDF or M7? Any chance of there being a "second" season?
  21. Something tells me that the sub-plot for Justice League will be "The Search for Supes".
  22. So what weight do you forum long timers give to the DYRL zentran/meltran conflict backstory vs the TV version? I myself like the antagonism between the genders as it helps explain better the culture shock when the witness humans on the Macross. But that doesn't really flow in the M7 continuity as well. I am further wondering what happened to the rest of the Supervision Army. I haven't come across any mention of the details of how long the ship the became the SDF had been floating in space. And though there are further encounters with uncultured zentraedi, I don't recall any appearance of SA remnants - M7 antagonists excluded since they were a captured emigrant fleet and not original SA. Are there any encounters in other media outside of M7, etc?
  23. Sorry for going off topic, but this is something that has been on my mind for a while: I would love to see some less atmospheric, more space only real mech designs from SK. Perhaps that's why I love the Orguss so much. (I know it isn't SK's design.) It looks alien, futuristic, does gerwalk, and still has a battroid. Though my ideal design might would not include a gundam-esque robot with a head. A gerwalk mode with lots gun power seems enough for me. The fact that so many fighters in history of Macross have been pure airframes seems like a stretch to me. I actually really appreciated that about Babylon 5, that they came up with a completely believable non-atmo fighter design in the Starfury. Anyways, I digress...
  24. I think Brazil makes the Super Tucanos. I like the design, kind of like a modern take on the P-51 Mustangs.
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