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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Venger using Psycho Power all red and capey? It all makes sense.
  2. I got lot's of love for SC. I've even worked it into my own Super Dimensional head canon (Zor ship take off from Earth just before Kei detonates the space/time bomb leading to them being sent back in time. Kei get's back at the end of Orguss just in time to survive Space War 1 [or not]. Glory colonization is then just part of a UN Spacy colonization plans.) I'd love to get some hover tanks and bioroids. I always liked those 2 designs.
  3. I’ve said it here before, Netflix’s animated stuff has really been consistently good. And the fact that they bring over so much anime is great. Really even if they didn’t do live action stuff, I’d probably still pay for them for their animated fair. Now I need to finish the last eps if She-ra and get on that 2nd season of Castlevania.
  4. Megazone World? Is that a thing?
  5. Wow. That's incredible.
  6. Wait a minute. Alan Oppenheimer is in this but NOT Skeletor? I dunno what to think about that. Hamil's Joker is my favorite version. If there was another animated Batman series and Hamil was in it, but not the Joker, I'd be disappointed. And Ileena the recovering addict is in this?! I wonder if they'll revisit that.
  7. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Interesting that it's a space scene. Reminiscent of Asteroids, or the beautiful painting painting style of Atari posters. Those asteroids better not mess with the Megaroad, they got blackholes to explore!
  8. In this threads defense they tend to announce a new director like every 6 months. Or at least it feels that way.
  9. That's how you know you have a problem, but even if there was a 12-step program for Macross collecting, I doubt any of would ever submit to it.
  10. Someone's got to be the cannon fodder. Remember there are no small parts, just small, explosive amounts of screen time.
  11. Can't wait till Rick takes the Inifinity Stones away from the Regess in RT:Endgame.
  12. Because the Zentran's haven't arrived to provide us so graciously with cloning technology yet.
  13. Incredible.
  14. Double huh ??? Guess Nash really is old.
  15. Crab battles have actually been taken to the next level, thus:
  16. That intro cinematic wasn't half bad. Sure a bit dated, but definitely had the feel of a BR game.
  17. Perhaps this has been asked and answered already, but, why is the Under Armor logo on Cosmo Tiger and the grey haired female fighter pilots uniform? What else does it mean besides Under Armor?
  18. I downloaded the rar file from the link in the original post just last night.
  19. We should be so lucky. I actually just re-watched this weekend. Great movie and given how much time is given to the off-world colonies and the potential rise of replicants as a separate species, there's almost infinite potential for sequels.
  20. Hypothetically we could take the current model and simplify it by joining parts which don't need to move. The head, for example, could be turned into one solid piece. Detail would undoubtedly be lost, specially at 1:100 on an FDM printer, but it would still be an awesome piece. The STL files are still available at the google drive link provided in the first post. You could import them into a program like Tinkercad and do the simplification over time.
  21. Checkout the 2011 reboot of Thundercats if you haven't already. It applies some cohesion to those contradictions. Very well done animation with a continuing, episodic plot. A real shame that it got killed off.
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