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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Exactly what I thought. The artists are lucky that there's so many games and toys to crib (trace) from.
  2. There they are. My bad. I was expecting the (for me) more iconic blue color scheme.
  3. Uggh. Not even her more popular cousin, that debutante, the 171. I feel like Gamlin kicked me in the reproductives. But why though? He did design it, right? Seems odd.
  4. I’d love to see a Monarch prequel series focusing on the twins grandmothers and Mothra. In the historical footage at the start of the various movies, we see monarch operating as far back as the late 1940s, but even by then it was very American in orientation. I think there could be a neat story with the West found out about monsters from the East before WWII and how it would have to focus on them in my mind.
  5. Mixel joints? Yes! Go, Kawamori-san, devine their ways. Learn their language. Gives us new prose to admire.
  6. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    This one is really nice. Is it too much to ask (not you sh9000 specifically) for a stop-motion animation using this filter?
  7. Indeed, I've got plenty of VF-1's in my life. 31's however are scarce and a ~$140-ish product would be awefully tempting.
  8. How long ago do you remember this being announced? I ask because I wonder if they are intent on reissuing the Megahouse molded stuff.
  9. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I fully expect some version of rotoscoping based on this to increase panels of Valks in a certain company's comics.
  10. Seems like Warners/DC was banking on $40 million (half of the production budget) being given as a grant by the state of North Carolina, but there were screw ups in paperwork and they only finally saw $13M of that. This tweet thread, I think, will go down in entertainment history just for them amount of behind-the-scenes info it lays bare:
  11. I second the idea to try to contact Daikon Cat via his flick account. I built his VF-1 design for myself having met him a few years back, but I don't have any other contact info for him. I never built the super armor though. Anyways good luck.
  12. That would be a nice topic to cover. I'm also curious, how interested in Godzilla is the average Japanese youth or adult? Obviously most of us here on these forums are geeks and fans to some degree or another, but is it only fans that are into big monster movies over there?
  13. Wonders if Neo-Tokyo will be as grim-dark as the city in Battle Angel Alita. If so, I need to book some tickets and a hotel.
  14. Seriously when that happens the member of this group need to do some serious, possibly public celebrating!
  15. That is what I thought at first, but then saw the cat ears and tails and thought, well, they probably aren't Zentran, so what's really going on. Of course our Bresinger cluster kitty cousins could always have gone the Max Jenius route and decided to super-size themselves in a conversion chamber, but I figured that was too much of a stretch.
  16. The animation quality looks better than I would have expected.
  17. I dunno, from what I've seen from 2019, I've liked Captain Marvel, Avengers:Endgame, and Godzilla:KotM. Game of Thrones wasn't what I expected, but even the worst GoT is better than 90% of the rest of TV so it gets a bit of a pass from me. Thankfully, I'm currently consuming JoJo's on Crunchyroll and there's a ton of important, critically acclaimed series for me to catch up on.
  18. While I liked PR(1), I enjoyed PR2 a lot less. I don't mind it, but I doubt I'll watch it again. Whereas I'm not sure how many times I'll have to watch KofM before I need to take a break from it. Right now I'm putting that number at about 7 viewings.
  19. Huh, those look pretty good. Supes and Predator especially.
  20. ^ This point nails it for me. I feel like a lot of people went into this movie expecting real tense, satisfying, human drama, while that was what many of us faulted the 2014 movie for overreaching on. It's as if people forget that 5 years (or months) after the fact, no one really sits there thinking about the dialog scenes between human characters in a Kaiju movie. Sure I want an Oscar nominated, Godzilla based drama with all the gravitas of typical Oscar bait, but look how many, many, many Superhero movies we had to go through to get characters we actually cared about. The sad reality is we'll never get that many G films in a given series. So if I can't have a heart wrenching story about stupid humans in my monster movie, at least let me have one damn honest attempt at seeing them fight. It's also interesting that I think about 20% (my estimate from reading reviews at various places) of G fans are actually disappointed that the humans still had so much screen time.
  21. Does anyone have an actual translation handy? What is the in-universe explanation?
  22. @Einherjar, so that's what's Roid wanted. Za warudo!
  23. These look good. Have price points been announced? This pic in particular make me think that these stands might be good for my SOTA Street Fighter figs which don't have pegs under the feet and due to their line-art accuracy tend to be not be all that stable. Makes me also wish that they had more diorama scenes for 1/6 size figs - some street scenes, etc.
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