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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Well eyelashes in a cartoon are always on girls, regardless of the hardware on the character. Unless it's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, in which case anyone is allowed to be gorgeous, no questions asked.
  2. Whoa just watched some clips on youtube. Mind blown.....
  3. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh, c'mon now, I'd wager 90% of the members on these forums had Depeche Mode tapes playing constantly while growing up.
  4. I'm gonna ask the obvious, if perhaps redundant question. Does this mean we are gonna get a new Mospeada manga or OVA? Anyone have intel on that?
  5. I thought about that last year and even looked over the variety of figuarts that might make good candidates, but couldn't find good matches to the faces. I too am hoping CMS or someone else decides to do plain clothes figs.
  6. The ending of the Lal episode wrecked me. I mean, to this day, I still can think of it without, um... wait... there's something in my eye.
  7. I always skipped passed Mr Rogers when I was a kid, trying to catch Giligan's Island or Twilight Zone re-runs instead. Part of me regrets that. My wife has so many fond memories of watching it growing up. Also, interesting question: Besides Robert Langdon, has Tom Hanks done any other completely fictional characters recently? Seems like alien anthropologists are going to have a field day trying to figure out why so many important men in movies about the 20th century all look like Hanks. Even when he's not the star of the movie, say like in The Post or A League of Their Own, he's still like the main secondary character.
  8. Seems like each volume, or season, has it's own style. I haven't read the manga, I'm gonna assume this might be because they are emulating the style changes that Hirohiko Araki own stylistic changes. And if you have enjoyed the OP's, I gotta say that Golden Wind first is really something. Reminiscent of James Bond openings in a good way.
  9. I remember that trailer and was looking forward to that movie. I am a fan of the Ninja Turtles movie that studio did. Sad that they went under.
  10. Yeah I'm with you. If someone made a TNG-based story with Picard, Data, and the Swedes, there's just no way I'm gonna fight it. Now I wonder what happened to 7's crush Chakotay.
  11. Well the R2-D2 rip off was really only added when it was brought over. Of all the changes for when it was brought, I think the opening theme is the one that was actually good:
  12. I find the lack of applause at the announcement licensing extension amusing. You'd expect that if the audience was really enthusiastic about the prospect they would have treated it as a "win" and cheered.
  13. Honestly, it's a shame Sony Corp of America hasn't gotten in contact with Sony of Japan in order to actually deal with Big West instead of these HG jokers.
  14. Wait, so we're Umbrella Academy now? Oh brother...
  15. The original Burton Batman suit is still my favorite. That movie got so much right.
  16. Great job arbit. I could almost here the intro music.
  17. Could be made from composite material resistant to acid.
  18. Maybe building the scope dogs out of vegetables will prevent the from combusting when getting shot. Can't hurt.
  19. I kinda agree. I watched the OVA years back before I learned about the 2012 series and though I was more than a little lost jumping into it with no background at all on the characters or stands, I thought that the way the final fight took place better expressed the horror of fighting DIO. I think however part of the difference might be due to the graphic nature of some parts of the battle that perhaps the series wanted to skip, though the series seems to get plenty graphic when it needs to. Also, perhaps they wanted to spend the budget on things not previously covered in the OVA, which they certainly did.
  20. Nice shots of the TOS Enterprise though I'm not a fan of those finial things on the nacelles. Are those modern embellishments? I don't remember them from any previous movie or show. Not sure they really add much. I wonder what their supposed function would be.
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