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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Wow I pity the fools that would take on this league of extraordinary vehicles!
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_named_in_the_Panama_Papers To date I'm not sure that anyone has gone to jail regarding the Panama Papers. Seems like the person who has payed the most for this was one of the journalists who helped expose it and was subsequently murdered: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Caruana_Galizia
  3. Yup, that series was actually going interesting places. This looks cool and I'll watch it at home at least. But the movies really aren't building on any interesting story lines for me so don't feel all that exciting.
  4. What the....?!?! Come on, you gotta give us more details about this place. Who doesn't want to got down a water slide only to land at the feet of a VF-11? UPDATE I found it: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1380884-d12661048-Reviews-Tube_Trek_Water_Park-San_Kamphaeng.html
  5. Curious what the nature of Sony's purchase of the film rights are. Is there a time limit, for example on beginning production before the "rights" revert back to HG? I wonder who they might try to scam next - sadly I fully expect there's another unwitting sucker out there somewhere in Hollywood ready to fall for this scam the next time around.
  6. I know it may not be a popular opinion but I'd like to see other 00's and/or other in-canon individuals use the 007/Bond identity. While up until the 2000's and perhaps the Daniel Craig series I think it made sense to have the character rebooted, I'm now going on my 6th actor in the same roll which roughly rehashed either the same novels or blended the plots into slight variations. If they do intend to portray the same character again, I say it's better to let the 007/Bond field lie fallow a generation.
  7. I feel so dumb for not having gotten a Regult or two. Wish they'd do another run of them.
  8. A buddy of mine has a few of the McFarlane figs. The sculpt is pretty good as is the case with most of the Spawn stuff, but there's little to no articulation.
  9. If the MEP toys version is as durable as the old Matchbox toys, then I'll gladly take a couple. Would be nice to have some more swivel on the leg to get a more Gerwalk-y pose, but I fully understand that as a Mospeada fan, I will always be a beggar.
  10. Nicely put. Any bit of fiction crumbles once you pick its basic premise apart. Some premises are easier to accept or suspend disbelief on than others. I, for example, have a hard time accepting the His Dark Materials series and yet it is about to get a reboot. I don't necessarily hate it, but don't really enjoy it or see what others get from it, and yet I can't help but get sucked in by the "dialog" about symbiosis of machines of man in the Matrix.
  11. Hmm, current fan conjecture on teh interwebs is that the force ghost of Darth Plagueis may have caused the conception. The comics themselves are now pointing increasingly to Palpatine: https://www.slashfilm.com/darth-vaders-father-revealed/ I think I like the Plagueis fan theory better.
  12. C’mon you know you can’t time the pre-order market.
  13. I could see 1+2+3 being part of a series, essentially we have this already in the ongoing Macross continuity and I could see a different series combining 3+4 where a space fairing humanity encounter a humanoid species like the Zor only to then have to face the Zor's antagonist, an intelligent, insect like species which trace the humans that encounter the Zor back to Earth to deal with what they perceive as a threat. The conceptual problem I see is in trying to link the full cycle, 1..4. It would just seem overly stuffed with humanity facing so many antagonists in such a short timespan. One alien species is hard enough to take in and do justice to in one series if you really want good stories and aren't Star Trek. Two alien species is pushing it. Three? Nah that's just plot bloat. I say keep them separate and crank up the quality and story telling on each. I would like a retelling of Southern Cross since it has the least plot explained or wrapped up, but the Zor really need to be fleshed out more as antagonists.
  14. So I completely forgot about this thread. But yeah, just finished Dark season 2 on Netflix and saw that season 3 should release in 2020 and it will be the last so I assume many characters will get some closure or redemption in their story arcs. Can’t wait. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a28163462/dark-season-3-release-date-theories-cast-trailer/
  15. Part of me wonders if the Machines would have done better to put every one in their own private Idaho instead of mixing everyone together in the same Matrix. I suppose that last bit is open to speculation. Why should anyone be the one who "suffers" in the matrix if the world could revolve around them?
  16. I know this isn't the "What live-action series are you currently watching thread", but I'm not sure there is a better spot for this and didn't want to kick another thread off just for that. Anyways, I'd like to recommend the Netflix series Dark to you all. It's a German production, though you can watch it dubbed into English. I didn't find the dub particularly good so decided to watch it in Deutsch. There's currently 2 seasons up, season 3 is currently filming. Unsure if there'll be a 4rth. The show is a sci-fi mystery that unfolds slowly. Took me a bit of effort to get through the first episodes, but then you find you can't stop watching because you need to know more. I'd been without a series to watch since the end of JoJo Golden Wind. This has filled in nicely. One of the better speculative fiction shows I've ever watched. This will have to hold me over until the next Jojo's series and Westworld arrive.
  17. Wait now I don’t remember there ever being a mirror-verse Picard, least not in the shows. Also wouldn’t it be coffee?
  18. Doomc*ck and Nerdrotic's YouTube uploads seem to be strangely gleeful about any possible bad news for Trek, and really other things they comment on. Sort of like a "if it bleeds it leads" mentality. While I acknowledge that a lot of what they present as fact has some basis in reality, it seems like they both go to lengths to extrapolate a conclusion to the events that you wouldn't want to bet money on. They both seem very quick to jump on any murmur or internet speculation to produce content to monetize on, much like the Disney fan theory videos my kids are into.
  19. Using the replicators also used energy which contributed to the dilution of the total energy available from the dilithium crystals (or other "battery") which helps kickstart the anti-matter reactions. It's not a 100% free energy system.
  20. I remember more than a few instances where the lifeboats were used, usually involving the Borg. It does bring to mind the observation I heard or read once about the series not really being intellectually honest about the mission of the Federation. In essence they are portrayed as space wandering diplomat/scientists, but yet the ships themselves have ever stronger shields and weaponry, which every few episodes they have to bust out.
  21. I hope it connects in some way to the new She-Ra and has a similar depth of story telling. The oingoing 2012 DC comic does a good job of paying homage to and expanding on the original Filmation cartoon. While the 2002 series wasn't bad, it didn't seem to stoke my interest like the original or the new She-Ra does. While it fleshed out more backstory and developed characters, it kind of falls flat. I'm not sure why. There was just something lacking. For the hope of Grayskull, my augmented mechanical fingers are crossed.
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