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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. I've seen way more Winx club than anybody should be forced to, but hey, no one told me to have kids in the first place. What follows is something I'd never thought I'd ever write up, but apparently has been brewing inside of me for a while. Iginio Straffi and the Rainbow SpA company raise copying material from other shows to an art form. They seem to embody what HG wishes they could do, if the Agrama's ever gave them a budget to hire writers and artists. HG, for all their lack of talent, could never actually create characters anyone cared about, stories that made any sort of sense, or actually have more than 2 or 3 episodes of anything animated, while the Winx club people actually have. Seasons and seasons worth of it. And straight to home video movies. You cannot stop them! They even have they're own art style, which I'll call Proto-Bratz, which they have stuck to and has served them well. They have mined so heavily from Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, and Sentai series that it's hard to pick out what truly is original anymore, other than what you get is some weird "western" (more would it be more correctly Italian) riff on all anime tropes. The most recent example I've seen is a newer show on Netflix called Huntix - which seems to be a mash up of Pokemon/digimon/bakugan genre with Jojo's (minus the pizazz), if you can believe that. I am at once in disbelief that a live action anything is being made from this. But then again, in the age of streaming networks, there was no other logical conclusion.
  2. To be honest, very few movies earn their John Barry scores. "Raise the Titanic", I'm talking to you.
  3. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Dang! And that's what I get by looking up badly encoded vids on youtube. Those crates are made by the same people who make crates for the Mars colony in DOOM. Completely indestructible.
  4. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow sh9000, you literally have twice as many monsters as fit at the bow of the Daedulus for it's attack! That might be even as many as existed on the SDF-1.
  5. Nice pengbuzz! I appreciate efforts to flesh out underrepresented mechs and art. Now I gotta look up some ASS1 imagery to remind myself.
  6. I wonder where those molds are today. Though I already have way too many KO orguss bots, It's be nice to see these produced again. The avians were cool too.
  7. Dang, another of the greats from a whole generation of them.
  8. Would love me a Bandai YF-21 and 11B, particularly as part of the HMR line, but something tells me that's a long shot.
  9. See: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2019-09-11/armored-trooper-votoms-fans-compare-new-iphone-to-scopedog/.150975 That's funny. Hopefully that doesn't mean your iPhone 11 blows up in a fireball when you drop it!
  10. RT: Days of Future Past. Seriously though, many of those character poses have a very X-men feel to them.
  11. Seeing it in fighter mode with all that ordinance reminds me of the Gunstar from The Last Starfighter.
  12. "Must think in Nihongo, must think in nihongo..." The brain interface will come standard right?
  13. If I can't dance, I don't want to be in your revolution! - Emma Goldman Which strangely, seems to be the conclusion that I think our Zentran and Meltran cousins came too when they met up with us. Now where do I line up to get my rationed 1/60 VF-31, eh?
  14. Previously on X-Men... ...Morph hang in there I'm coming to get yeah buddy! Ok, maybe it's just me, but it always seemed like every episode started with Wolverine talking about Morph.
  15. Yup that was my other one this year.
  16. crap < good catch forum bot> I need to see this in a theater now. I'm managed to catch all the big Marvel movies at home this year. I didn't even watch Endgame in theater, more for lack of opportunity than anything else. But this, I think I need to see it on the big screen.
  17. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

  18. If the visor has a stobbing LED that traced back and forth, it'd be the KITT paint scheme. "A shadowy flight into the world of paint scheme that never existed":
  19. The panels on the Hasbro version become parts of the legs and back. There's a video link floating around here somewhere. Seems like these guys are doing something similar.
  20. Mind blown, < insert jurassic park shocked removal of sunglasses gif > Printing all that couldn't have been cheap.
  21. También hay interés por «Atack On Titan», con Warner. Another nugget in that article from La Capital: "There is also interest in 'Attack on Titan', with Warner" So Hollywood is seeing the difficulties with RT and would rather hop on the new hotness? I don't blame them though AoT is also gonna be a challenge to translate into a single movie. I still haven't seen the JP live action though. Maybe it can work.
  22. ??? Now I'm intrigued. Is this a reference to that biker show?
  23. Quite a bit actually. We start to get backstory and answers to questions that have been wide open since the first episode. Thankfully it doesn't like random tacked on stuff, but rather payoff to things shown all the way back in season 1. I haven't read the manga, so now sure how much farther back the show is from that, but I think this season has been good so far.
  24. Breezing through Attack on Titan Season 3. Pretty good. Perhaps better than Season 2.
  25. You probably want to read through Jenius’s reviews on Anymoon.com. That’s about as detailed while comprehensive of the various releases as anyone needs.
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