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Everything posted by guyxxed

  1. My suspicion was correct, transformation on this one is pure magic. There is no "mechanism", the shoulders/arms just float up into position from fighter to battroid. The shoulder gaurd even sticks through the other parts in fighter a bit. Polygons can be very forgiving. 😉
  2. I will have to dig into the models, but I highly suspect the transformation is mostly magic. 3D is almost as forgiving as animation is, and there are a lot of parts that float around on these models. The 25s, for example, have nothing actually connecting the legs to the groin in battroid, and I'm pretty sure the shoulders on the 22 just kind of "end up" there. I'll take a look and let you know. As for the growing fleet, I haven't even touched the VF-11s, 19s, or SV-51s available in the game yet. M30 is quite the teasure trove of high quality valkyrie models!
  3. Small update, have added a competing trade family in the Al Shahal community with their own "royal guard" units. The VF-22 seemed a natural choice (and I've pretty well overrepresented the VF-25 at this point 😉). This livery was based off of some Iranian gaurd uniforms I found online (the VF-25s above were based on a Saudi scheme). I need to make panel lines and rig the model for posing, but am pretty happy with how it turned out. No idea where any of this is leading, but I'm having fun in the process! I can imagine a scenario where the different families come into conflict and the NUNS cannon fodder have to step in to separate them, though given rich people antics, more likely these and the 25s above would just be arm wrestling for the prime parking spaces at the spaceport. Enjoy, and have a good weekend!
  4. Yup, that was exactly what I zeroed in on, but nothing came up on screen during playback. I've probably got a setting messed up somewhere on the player itself. Thanks for the confirmation, I'll keep fiddling.
  5. That would not be a bad outcome! 😉 Don't know if I'll ever get there, but it's fun trying.
  6. Dumb question, but does the regular blu-ray that comes with the set not have the English subtitles on it? I've tried all of the menu options I can find, but none of them seem to put English on the screen. Happy with it either way, and the picture looks goregous to me, but just wondering if it's only on the 4k or if I'm just having a stupid attack and can't find the option on the regular blu-ray.
  7. Been awhile, so figured I would share a few things I've been working on lately. Most recent is filling in the Al Shahal map with locations from the show, currently working on the spaceport where Mikimo ditched Mirage. Not much is shown in the anime, so having to improvise a bit using pieces found here and there across the internet. Still need to make textures for the buildings and figure out a way to put roads down that doesn't make my GPU explode with too many polygons, but so far so good I think. I kitbashed some Halo maps to make a train station and some other buildings (the Halo design aesthetic, especially the cities, fits the Macross world aesthetic pretty well, in my opinion, and adds something interesting to explore on a human scale). Still a ways to go, but I'm liking it so far. Other thing I've been playing with is to make some Al Shahal specific valkyries. I've been using the Frontier NUNS 25s I made as placeholders, but those obviously make no sense for the setting. I dropped in the Al Shahal VF-171s from Delta as the obvious replacement, but found them boring. Making an Al Shahal NUNS version of the 25 was my next try, but that also makes no sense, since the Brsingr Cluster is generally pretty poor and the local NUNS probably can't afford 25s. That's when the idea hit me that the NUNS might be poor, but certainly some residents of Al Shahal won't be, since it's apparently a big trading center, and since PMCs are all the rage in Macross I made a private branded version of the 25s as what I'm calling the "Royal Guard" for whatever family this is. I'm thinking maybe a couple of different liveries (and probably branching out to something other than just 25s) to represent different local families that have their own protection squads. Anyway, fun to play with and nice to show. Enjoy, and any feedback, suggestions, or ideas are welcome!
  8. Well, now that's interesting. I did notice all the weird medieval props tucked into the Delta Scramble game as well, but didn't know if they were a holdover from whatever template they built the game from or test files of some sort. I guess it's a sign of how cheap memory has gotten that they wouldn't bother to keep the assets to the bare minimum, but it's still strange to see. Thank you for sharing the new method, I'll give that a shot. I haven't gotten very far in converting anything yet, but had tried Noesis on the DYRL archive and it just bounced off without recognizing the files. I'm still very much an amateur at this, so appreciate the guide. Thanks!
  9. Wow, that's impressive, and thank you for sharing! Your capital ship collection is expanding nicely! 😉 Looking through the archives is interesting. It looks like the DYRL archive includes models for the 171 and 29 among others. Were those actually part of that game? I've not played any of the games, and YouTube clips aren't super helpful. Again, thank you for making these available, I really appreciate it and look forward to going through them.
  10. Okay, so I've been messing around trying to learn animation for Unity this week, and somehow this happened. Don't know if it counts as progress, but it feels appropriate somehow. Happy Friday, and I apologize. 😉 Dancing 31J 2.mp4
  11. There is a battle 25 in the other thread I linked to. It is modular and able to be transformed, though the rigging to do so in an animation would be up to you to create, from what I see.
  12. Baidu is a cloud service based in China, and requires you to install their client before you can use it (like Dropbox or other similar things). That said, I just Googled "baidu downloaders" and used one of the online services that came up. I don't remember which one, but it worked, and then the Blender import tools are part of the archive and you're off to the races. If that's too much work, check towards the end of that thread I linked before because the owner of the archive posted a ton of links to other archives and what you want might be part of those (mostly Google Drive links) and be easier to get to. There are a handful of threads in the Fan Works forum with links to stuff like this, so hunt around a bit as well. For my part, the Macross 30 archive has been the most useful resource, but it all depends on what you're trying to do.
  13. They are all at the link here (same as the one I linked to in the other thread above). The entire Macross30 extract can be downloaded from this archive, along with the Blender plugin for importing the models and textures. It takes a little work, but it's all there. https://pan.baidu.com/s/1t52il63SDNmX3q3A49Z5jw DL PASS:ab7i
  14. Happy new year! The slow plod continues. Nothing terribly exciting, though I did manage to create some rough animations in my Unity project so a few things can move around in static loops to help give some sense of life to the settings. Mostly, though, I got the Ykikaze Designer's Note art book a bit ago (I recommend it) and spent the holiday building a model of the TS-X1, which is visually more appealing to me than the 'hero' version of the Mave. The model is still a little rough, but I dropped a flight of them into the scene and have them keeping patrol over Al Shahal, a few freeze frames included here. Sorry for the bad framing, I took the laziest method possible to get screen grabs and didn't take time to set up a proper angle. The shot of the 171s is just for fun (and it looks like I have some texture issues with the decals), another scene I've thrown together with an air base in a random jungle location. Might end up connected to the Al Shahal stuff or might just stay separate, still just playing around while learning Unity. Enjoy!
  15. Yes, everything I posted just above here is part of the Macross 30 archive, I was just fishing through the game assets for interesting schemes. The only things I made myself were on the previous pages (the racing and corporate schemes as well as my original Frontier NUNS version of the 25).
  16. I also picture some poor digital artist toiling away at a tiny desk in the basement to do their research and make all the textures accurate per the show, finally publishing the best mapping they can come up with, trimming here, stretching there, trying to use every pixel as best they can to give every last bit of detail possible, only to get their first beta copy of the game and realize that everything they worked on is invisible. Headdesk commences. 😉 Meanwhile, the VF-25 guy just drew two simple boxes and went for an early lunch.
  17. Something else I noticed that was funny/interesting: All of the models have at least some details in the cockpit, but it's not consistent. The VF-25, for instance, has a very rudimentary cockpit, essentially just a few simple boxes. The VF-0, meanwhile, is quite detailed, with the rear view mirrors and even the control stick! Funniest/strangest, though, was the VF-27, whose cockpit is completely hidden under the opaque cowl, but yet has not just a modeled cockpit, but also someone took the time to textrue a dashboard for it that no one will ever see! I find this wierdly fascinating. 😉 Oh well, enough fooling around. Back to the code trenches!
  18. They already are. Link is here:
  19. VF-171:
  20. VF-27 and YF-29:
  21. Ugh. Still here, still prodding away on the Unity project. I've mentioned a few times that I'm not a coding person? Well, I'm proving it with the stuff I'm struggling to kludge together there to make stuff work. Making progress, just slow and somewhat painful. In the meanwhile, just to distract myself and have some fun, was playing with the Macross 30 stuff and just seeing what every texture map looked like. There are some really cool liveries there, along with some very strange ones (assuming those were specials for an idol or a holiday), and I figured I would share some highlights here just to keep the thread alive. I'll start with the VF-0:
  22. It looks both better and worse when you're actually wandering around in it (better in that the lighting came out really nice and the environment is super cool, worse in that I can see up close and personal all the mistakes I made on the models), but fun to see it starting to come together. Lots more to do to make it functional, and I really need to figure out how to make vehicles work because walking the 5 kilometers from the port to the city takes forever. 😉
  23. A long period of quiet from me, but progress has been happening. I think I mentioned it somewhere upthread, but one of the goals I have in making these models is to bring them into Unity and build....well, I'm still not sure exactly what, but at the very least I want to be able to walk around in these worlds and interact with this stuff. Maybe someday I'll get to the point of actually being able to climb into a Valkyrie and fly around, but for now I'm still in the baby steps. I've worked with a couple of different environments over the past month, but last night decided to pull the Al Shahal stuff I shared above into a test scene to try a few things out. Still very much Hello World level, but here are a couple of screen shots to give a human level view of some of the same things shown before. Probably only interesting for me, but figured I would share anyway.
  24. Just got my copy delivered yesterday, and I fully agree this is an amazing book! It's crazy the amount of detail they went into for each of these designs, way deeper than anything actually used in the anime, it seems, though that understanding of the designs certainly informs the solidity of what you see on the screen. I almost feel like these planes could actually be built from the level of detail presented here. Great book, worth every penny, and very much appreciate you guys highlighting it here, otherwise I'd have never known it existed! Thank you!
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