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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. When are they going to make figures using those costumes??? They're so much more interesting than what we got in the series.
  2. I thought the wing guns WERE the main guns?
  3. Yeah, I feel like it was really only worth the purchase because it was my first PS4 and I got to play all those older PS4 games for the first time on it.
  4. Good to hear someone talk about the physical kit in hand, and better to hear positive news, too.
  5. Oh yeah, I suppose that would be a pretty strong consideration. Still, though, the size of the box makes you think the kit is much more involved than it has turned out to be.
  6. With that little number of runners, you'd think they could have put everything in one stack and cut the size of the box by about 60%...
  7. The amount of times I've tried to hit the spacebar and instead creatednanwordnlikenthis makes me almost swear off my phone entirely. Never had this issue when slide-out keyboards were still around... Imagine if the show had regularly featured a squadron of 31A's, the scarcity of DXes of those things would shoot even more through the roof.
  8. Rumors are already flying around out there about the next gen of consoles. Digital Foundry does a speculative video: I just bought a PS4 Pro over Christmas, so I'm still catching up on the current generation of games. I can't believe it's already been five years since PS4 first launched; it feels like this generation of consoles still has the legs to last a good five years more.
  9. By the by, the "ace" Draken III is the SV-262Hs, the cannon fodder is the SV-262Ba. There is no Ha.
  10. No worries, I wasn't expecting one, just if I were getting one of these, I'd make sure. It's an essential feature, and any figure would be incomplete without it.
  11. That booty better be on point.
  12. YOOOOOOOOOOOO "[Plaintiff HG and Defendant Harebrained] stipulate and agree that all of Plaintiff's claims against the Harebrained Defendants are dismissed with prejudice ... This stipulation does not affect Plaintiff's claim against the remaining defendants in this lawsuit."
  13. This movie is only two weeks away. Wow. Despite the dozens of films leading up to this, this movie still feels like it snuck up on me...
  14. So the micro Klan ends up bigger than I imagined it would be, and the macro Klan is smaller. Actually, though, from the comparisons to the DX that I've seen, that Klan seems to be - coincidentally, perhaps - 1/72 scale, right on par with the various 1/72 Frontier kits. How serendipitous! There have been a lot of, ahem, artistic renderings of Michael in Klan's breast... pocket...
  15. Who needs a VF-31A when you have the Klaaaaaand I'm reminded again how unfortunate her name is. Got this off of Jungle. (Everything else is coming in through FJ in a few months' time.) I rolled my eyes at the shipping fee at first, thinking they must have just half-assed it and threw this tiny figure into a giant shipping box, but nope, turns out the figure itself is actually pretty sizable. Its own box measures 24cm L x 18cm W x 26cm H (10" x 7" x 10"), and the figure inside looks to be around 20cm/8" tall. I can't even begin to imagine how big the Armored Klan figure must be...
  16. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Moreover, that one Paypal policy someone linked ten pages back or so stated that companies could only offer preorders if they guaranteed delivery within 20 days of the release date. Whether it's the 3-15 actual release date or the 3-24 NY release date, NY has failed/will soon fail to deliver within the 20-day window. So even if you're outside the 180-day refund window, you'll probably still have Paypal on your side. And of course what @Slave IV said still holds true.
  17. Eh, DC tend to make better TV shows than they do movies, so... cool? I've never been interested in their TV series, though, so I suppose this would have been lost on me either way.
  18. Yeah, people have been colloquially referring to it as a "Stampede" Valkyrie because of the granddaddy Stampede VF-1. (In case you like me didn't know: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossga/sdp-1.htm )
  19. https://animemojo.com/shonen/godzilla-mashes-up-with-the-jaegers-in-a-new-pacific-rim-uprising-collab-poster-a4148
  20. To put less of a pissy fanboy spin on that article: "Carrie Fisher's death has greatly impacted Mark Hamill's desire to return to the franchise. 'I don't care anymore on that level [of coming back to the franchise] because Han Solo is gone, Luke is gone,' Hamill said. 'And you just can't get the band back together the way you wanted it to be following Carrie's passing.'" On the upside, that article did link me to this, which gets me giddy: https://animemojo.com/shonen/godzilla-mashes-up-with-the-jaegers-in-a-new-pacific-rim-uprising-collab-poster-a4148
  21. Was the VF-4 always the Lightning III, or was it retconned to the Lightning III after the IRL completion of the JSF program? If the former, what is the Lightning II in the Macross world? If the latter, does Macross canon assume that fifth-gen fighter development was underway leading up to the introduction of Overtechnology?
  22. According to Japanese fans, the basic plot is the same, just super condensed. Spoilers for plot-relevant mecha details:
  23. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Remember, it's not just NY that has had problems getting stock of this item. ALL of the online stores had problems getting their stock, with the sole exception seeming to be Anime Export(? I forget the name...). And I forget specifically who, but at least two people here who live nearer to Japan (China and the Philippines) have talked about local stores and customers having trouble getting their toys, too. And now there's this Japanese article, which admittedly is a poor Google translation... So NY shouldn't be blamed for having trouble getting the items; that's entirely on Bandai and whatever production/QC/etc. problems they've been passing off to their customers. What NY should be blamed for, though, is their abysmally subpar customer service. This seems to be a unique scenario that demands a unique response, not the usual clamming up if possible and giving stock answers if not, followed by the "offer" of in-store credit and a threat of reprisal should the customer ask for a refund. Seriously, threatening to cut your other orders and punish your account is fraked up.
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