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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It wouldn't be on the Tamashii website as it's not a web exclusive. (Correct me if I'm wrong on this.) You might start seeing store pages popping up in a couple days or so, from my two experiences with these premium figures. Hobby Search typically has one up a day or so in advance, just with the item listed as Discontinued or some such thing that grays out the purchasing box. Same with Amiami. HLJ won't show a page until the item officially goes on preorder, and the quickest way to find it is to use the Advanced Search function (thus my link in the previous page). I'd imagine that CDJ, Big in Japan, NY, etc. will have pages up in the upcoming days as well. IIRC, NY has a countdown timer to preorder launch.
  2. Received my HLJ payment notice just now. I almost want to ship it right now instead of waiting for all the other FMP kits and stuff in the pipeline.
  3. ...i mean you're not wrong from a certain point of view... namely my point of view...
  4. For the X-9, Xigfrid might still have the 3D models for his version: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/42502-m-ghost-x-9/
  5. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Seems people generally like both equally, with preferences tipping the opinion one way or another. The Arcadia is obviously the actual YF-19 whereas the Bandai is the Frontier-era Advance (VF-19EF/A, according to the Hasegawa kit). The popular running theory is that the YF-19 trades the VF-19Advance's wing boosters and inner shoulder Super parts (and pinpoint punch effect?) for underwing missiles, the right arm-equipped weapons unit, and a fold booster. It's also understandably assumed that the markings will change, and some speculate that Bandai will change the canopy from a single-piece canopy to a two-piece canopy.
  6. I meant more about the show than the mecha. IIRC, one of you mentioned the Zeta being a shout-out to the VF-1, so we're pretty well covered on that front. But really, I'd have liked the next Gundam show to be another AU. Sunrise et al went some really interesting places with... well, not so much with Build FIghters or Divers... or Age... or G-Rec... Okay, so really only IBO piqued my interest, but enough so to make me want to see what they do next. To see it be just another return to boring old Universal Century and boring old Unicorn...
  7. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Gonna leave this here for posterity's sake: https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?DisplayMode=list&Word=yf-19&set=1&qid=GIUV9E1UAGD0&Dis=-2&q=1&Sort=releaseDate+desc
  8. No response from HLJ just yet, but they always tend to be a little bit slower with these things. Will probably get a shipping confirmation Sunday night into Monday.
  9. Yeah, I didn't expect them to go to the effort of including parts for the hook, so that's totally understandable. Good to know, thanks for the answers.
  10. I mean part G1, not G2 + H1, the front part of the canopy.
  11. Going back to the rear canopy, I'm assuming that it requires masking? I can't tell from the product pics if there's supposed to be a black frame along the edge (though it is present on the line art), and there's nothing on the decal sheet either that would cover that area or any indication in the manual calling for it. EDIT: Also RE: arresting mode, can it be built with tailhook deployed?
  12. Did it? I thought the only major upgrade to the VF-1EX was EX Gear support?
  13. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I suppose that's the important thing here, glad to hear that. It would have been interesting if that were a used item; it would give us one more clue as to how NY are sourcing their toys.
  14. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't have experience with TWE items (unfortunately), but I'd imagine it should also have tape on the opening flaps; you could check that as well. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So I got messaged about the Tomytec VF-31A decal sheet, and I figure I'd link the scan here as well, in case any of you want to print your own and customize your 31As. I also have a 2400dpi file if you want that. 300dpi: 600dpi:
  16. frakk the Lingering Will. Adding a challenge is one thing; the two Sephiroth battles are challenging. But most of the bosses added to Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, including the vast majority of the Organization 13 data battles, are just frustrating. Instead of making me want to keep playing, they've sucked out all the fun I had with the game.
  17. Not necessarily. There are some "new" aka recolored kits upcoming as well. "New": - SV-262Ba w/ Lil Drakens (Mirage colors) - VF-31F Siegfried w/ Lil Drakens (Messer and Hayate markings) Re-issues:
  18. Yikes. You're talking about the clear canopy piece, or is there a separate frame for the rear of the canopy, too? Regardless, that's really unfortunate... Plans to rectify the situation?
  19. Oh, I thought there was like a Crunchyroll or Netflix contract or something. Even Hulu or something funky like CBS All Access. Ah well, I can wait.
  20. Not sure where else to put this, but just one of the many videos on the effect of G's on your body. I happen to subscribe to this guy's channel, so this showed up on my feed: In the description below the video, he mentions that fighter pilots must be able to sustain 4-6 G's in a centrifuge. I wonder (and I'm sure I'm not the first to do so) how many G's would a VF pilot have to be able to put up with, considering the impossible maneuvers VFs regularly perform.
  21. Ooh yeah, I remember these. They were posted a while back but I forget where and when, and either way it's always fun to see them again. Someone, either these guys or someone else, also made a flight-worthy YF-19, and it indeed lived up to its name of being agile as heck.
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