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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. FYI Kappa Hobby has a coupon code VACATION for 10% off all in stock figures (DXes and HMRs included, apparently) from now til May 2.
  2. Huh. I guess this means Sandman season 2 has been confirmed? Maybe I just don't remember... Still, a bit odd that the spinoff would premiere before those characters are introduced in the main show. Or maybe not, I can see how they'd make it work.
  3. Thanks for the clarifications, all. Is there a particular for the battle damage? Like is there a particularly iconic scene/art of the VF-1D looking like that? Oof, my memory of SDFM is so faded now...
  4. ^ Coverage of Plamax Battroid starts at 22:55. Some things of note that I'm not sure have been covered: - includes waterslides - VF-1D battroid in the works, with parts to build a collapsed gunpod (parts not included with the J release) - 31:20 perhaps someone more learned can translate for me, they're talking something about the arms having points you can drill out...? They put up reference art of the VF-1 featuring bullet damage, so maybe they've added those points to easily recreate that artwork? They also showed a bullet marks decal sheet, Maybe a first-run bonus or something??? - They finish off with a quick discussion about the VF-19 Fire Valkyrie model development, plus an audience poll on favorite VF-19 variant...?
  5. Back when I was younger I might've given it tons and tons of crap for not being "anime accurate," but now I've realized that's a frakking pipe dream anyway. As it is, I like it quite a lot. I certainly like it a lot more than I do the DX rendition, and I think so far it holds up under scrutiny a bit better than the HG, which I really liked at first but have found this or that niggling issue with ever since. Turns out dedicated-mode kits is STILL the way to go. The attention to detail is typically high as expected of Hasegawa. I especially like that it includes different heels depending on your preference. The fighter/battroid heels were always an impossible design feature for each other to implement, so fair on them to just throw in the towel and let you do the choosing.
  6. Ah yes, you're absolutely correct. The 1/72 1J Max/Miriya in both fighter and Gerwalk, and Miriya in battroid, but no Max.
  7. Didn't this come out a while ago? I could swear it did. Maybe as part of a bundle kit with the -1A and/or -1S head as well?
  8. Who even is Doomcock and why is his opinion noteworthy?
  9. No, Amazon Japan. I mean I'm not too surprised by the alert, but after it cleared I'm not sure why it still refused to process. The card service rep didn't know either, and suggested the canceling/new ordering, which ended up costing me an additional $10 or so in shipping, but at least it went through. ...or maybe I could have provided a different card instead of continuing to try to use the same account to pay for it, cleared or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. I unfortunately have to cancel and then reorder mine because of fraud alert shenanigans, but here's hoping everything works out and it arrives by Monday. In the meantime, anyone care to post some screenshots and determine the AI upscaling quality?
  11. I'm still holding out hope for the surprise reveal of Jet Jaguar. That or the wormholes from the TV show make a return and blue-blooded aliens and chainsword-armed robots suddenly tumble through the portal.
  12. Nice as it is to have these re-issued again, they could stand to just do a "full pack" and include every variation of head and Fast pack. Or if they're adamant about the segmentation, they should have ONLY included the S/A heads with the Strike kits, and ONLY included the J/D heads with the Super kit. Now that I think about it, what do people think are the more "iconic" VF-1 heads? Obviously the S takes top spot, but what would be second-best known, the A or J? I think it's fair to say the D would bring up the rear... but would it, actually? Hmm...
  13. Freyja - Summer 2024 Reina - Fall 2024 Kaname - Winter 2024 Mikumo - 2025, unspecified
  14. Square's merch was always annoyingly overpriced, but never absurd. But I stopped paying attention altogether after they started skimping and jacking up prices on products that were ALREADY barebones and overpriced. I remember when this Bring Arts series was supposed to be their "budget" line, but now they cost nearly as much as their more premium lines while still using all the same budget materials/processes/etc.
  15. It really is bad, isn't it? I remember a lot of the press it got at the time was for its being shot with relatively cheap commercial cameras, which is great and all, and speaks to what can be accomplished with relatively little nowadays, but... there's still no substitute for competent writing.
  16. Eh, Gundam in general has a stupid habit of appending distinct model numbers to the most minor of modifications. The very first thing that comes to my mind is the Exia Repair, which managed to get an official spot in the lineage of the Exia despite literally just being a beat-to-crap Exia jury-rigged into barely working order. Imagine your Honda Civic gets totaled, you straighten out its frame, duct tape some flashlights and hand mirrors, and replace the wheels and the front hood from an old Fiat 500 that happened to be lying around, and you call it the Honda Civic Kai. No, wait. You dangle a worn cloth from the missing passenger-side door that billows coolly in the wind, and THEN call it the Honda Civic Kai. In that sense, I don't see anything particularly offensive about these new revisions upon revisions upon revisions of the Strike Gundam. I still can't tell any of them apart from one another, but then I was also never going to be a fan of this show that wasn't aimed at me anyway, so oh well. I'm sure the people who are meant to like it will like it well enough. Some of the Zeon-inspired designs look alright, though. The Z'Gok is kind of mid, like a worse attempt at the Amazing Z'Gok from... Build Fighters...?, but it's not bad. Also, not shown in the magazine scans, but there's apparently a Gyan Storm, which doesn't look bad. IIRC that backpack is taken from like a Zaku or Gouf variant, right? The shape of it looks familiar, anyway.
  17. Speaking of third-party MG kits, I just learned about this the other day. "MG" 1/100 Stargazer: https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/mg-glory-1-100-scale-model-kit
  18. Got a payment request from Amiami. Cheapest shipping was 3160 yen for boat mail, or ~$230 total. I went with air mail for 4860, which cuts down on shipping time by hopefully 2+ months and is only $10 or so more thanks to the exchange rate. That's $20-50 cheaper than stores stateside (+ tax), which isn't anything to sneeze at.
  19. I concur with @Sanity is Optional. I got charged for the decals as well. I suppose I should be glad that Bandai are at least no longer being stingy with making plenty of those.
  20. I am going to guess, wildly and recklessly based solely on the division of the B1 runner, that they have VF-22s in the works.
  21. The rest of the sprue is just the remainder of the base. Yeah, I have a bunch of those around the place and they're a good size larger than this one. My guess now is that they may have planned to bundle this with some P-Bandai-/event-/etc.-exclusive variants of the 1/100 fighter kits that were scrapped due to a lack of popularity. Perhaps they even had a VF-27, and this would have been bundled with that and a YF-29 to celebrate the Sayonara no Tsubasa movie premiere... Wishful thinking... Oh well.
  22. So I received the P-Bandai YF-29 Alto Expansion Set today and noticed that the runner for the SMS base actually dates all the way back to 2009. I've been trying to figure out what earlier kit might have included this but am coming up empty. Anyone have any ideas? In case it's unclear, the text reads: ©'07 BW/MFP•M ©'09,'11 BW/MFP BA3-E ベース3 (Base 3) BANDAI 2009 MADE IN JAPAN marks indicate Nov 2023 production
  23. Que? Beam cannon-equipped Super pack?
  24. Currently sitting at 352k. Must have cleared it overnight. 🥳
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