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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Dang, I was just gonna post this, too. Still, that is dope.
  2. Preorders start when, and where to preorder/what proxy companies are best to use? (I default to FJ, but could use other opinions.)
  3. Getting that Ball, getting that Ground Gundam.
  4. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Since my HLJ and Amiami orders haven't been cancelled, I won't mind letting one of them go once(/if) I get them. I'm sure others have likewise placed multiple orders just for security's sake. If I do end up getting both of mine, I'll give you all a head's up when either HLJ puts mine in PW or Amiami sends a payment request.
  5. Four. Aoshima, Max Factory/Good Smile Company, Bandai, and Kotobukiya. Speaking of the Savage: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4571&page=top First time I ever heard of it...
  6. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Might want to remind Paypal of their stipulation that sellers must be able to fulfill preorders within 20 days of release.
  7. This is a 1/60 model kit, not the Metal Build. Will clarify. EDIT: So currently there are four versions of this coming out within the next month or three: - Kotobukiya 1/60 kit (a re-release of the 2010? kit) - Bandai 1/60 model kit (upcoming, pictured above) - Bandai Metal Build toy ("Version 2.0" with updated parts, August? release) - Aoshima 1/48 model kit (upcoming)
  8. Bandai 1/60 Laevatein Ver IV model kit
  9. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Only way to know is to trawl the HLJ product page in an hour's time.
  10. Thanks. Would you mind posting that link as a URL instead? I always seem to get an error message instead of the usual post/thread preview.
  11. There's a new HG parts campaign. https://hlj.com/hg-gundam-bonus-parts-2018
  12. You're absolutely right, but imagine if they weren't...
  13. So... those ARE HMRs, right? No? Th-they're 1/60s, you say? The box is still twice their size, you say? I ask too many questions, you say?
  14. A bit of a tangent (and another necropost), but does a DVD/BD of the fabled English dub exist? Saw this in my Youtube recc's and was immediately whisked back to eight years old.
  15. I'm not sure yet whether it's Bandai that's doing a second wave of the YF-19/Strike or some special thing CDJ is doing. I want to say it's the former because the Strike was included in the announcement, but it could just be CDJ.
  16. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yeah, I'd also like to know for sure if this is a Bandai second wave. The inclusion of the MB Strike indicates it is, but still...
  17. I'm really glad they didn't do that. Woulda been too much, woulda cracked my impenetrable stoic facade... Speaking of thoughts,
  18. Ugh, I can't even bring myself to watch the Gonzo run anymore. I might buy it too if these events were altogether new, but they're not all that different from what's happened in the past. I feel like Kaname's more passive so far, more uncertain and timid. Sousuke, on the other hand, is more aggressive, even pushy. Considering the progress they've made together and individually in the last major story arc, her reflexively reeling away from him out of fear in her apartment seems like an odd thing to do. And when they're in the car later in the episode and he responds tersely to her questions and tosses items at her, scarcely acknowledging her, it's again not how I'd expect them to interact with each other. Aside from their little hand-holding moment, which is a direct and logical carryover from and building upon TSR, Kaname seems more suspicious of him than trusting, and Sousuke seems more dismissive of her than appreciative. It's not consistent with how they've always treated each other, and certainly not with how they ended the last season. I meant awkward more in that the setup to the conversation was awkward (by way of the aforementioned odd characterization following a moment of incredibly strong characterization) and the conversation felt contrived to give Sousuke his "I'll mamoru you" declaration. And besides being awkward, it's also... just... bad writing. There's quite a bit of that here (outnumbered by the good writing, for sure, but still). Characters talk in exposition, likely as a means of refreshing the audiences' memory or catching up new viewers on the world, but for instance Kaname shouldn't be calling her Whispered abilities "vague" when she has personal experience of what she and others can do with it. And then there are entire scenes of unnecessary dialogue (like much of the student election meeting). The total absence of humor does play a role in the "off" feeling as well, I'll admit. The comedy has always been a prime vehicle for characterization in this show, so losing it entirely does change the dynamics of the characters. Bah. That all said, I do agree that
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